Leng Yuan took it with one hand and said with a smile: "How come I can't use it, it's just a matter of taking more time."

He thought that what Xu Yi threw to him was another superb spiritual weapon.

Hanging said that it was quite difficult for him to urge the best-quality spiritual weapon.

But such good things, naturally, the more the better.

However, just as Xu Yi took out the dragon stick, his cold and arrogant eyes suddenly changed, and even his eyelids jumped a few times.

His eyes have been chasing the Panlong Staff in Leng Yuan's hands, but a storm has already set off in his heart.

Leng Yuan played for a while, and tried to input a little spiritual power. www.?fЕI(s)(h)anzw?.c(o)М♂ Feishan Chinese

But then the color changed slightly

He has also used top-quality spiritual tools, although the spiritual power required is extremely huge.However, when he inputs spiritual power, there will be a little bit of feedback.

For example, what is the function of this superb spiritual weapon, how to stimulate it, etc.

However, when he put his spiritual power into the treasure in his hand, he found that the treasure was like a bottomless black hole.

No matter how much spiritual power he inputs, there will be no waves.

Not to mention feedback, not even the slightest ripple seemed to be shocked.

Leng Yuan Wei Yi, at first thought it was something wrong

But after all, he is a family member, he pondered for a while, and suddenly had a guess

It's just that this speculation made him a little unbelievable.

Suddenly looking up, seeing the half-smiling expression on Xu Yi's face, Leng Yuan turned his head again, and saw his old eyes tightly locked on the flag in his hand.

Leng Yuan took a deep breath and said, "Brother Xu, you won't tell me, this... is this a magic weapon?"

Xu Yi smiled lightly, picked up the tea cup he had filled, drank it all in one gulp, put down the tea cup, and said with a smile, "Go and try, you will know."

Looking at the slightly condescending smile on his face, an idiot knows the answer

In an instant, Leng Yuan's body trembled slightly, and his hand holding the magic weapon trembled.

"Xu, Brother Xu, this..."

This thing is too precious, he really dare not take it

However, his hands were holding the Panlong Staff tightly, and he would not let go at all.

magic weapon

This is a magic weapon.

If he misses today, Leng Yuan also doesn't know whether Jinniu Jinshi will have a chance to meet such a second chance.

Leng Ao slowly picked up the teapot, filled Xu Yi's teapot with himself, and said slowly: "Xu Xiaoyou, you give Yuan'er such a treasure, it's a disaster rather than a blessing for him."

Foundation-building stage, in this world, is already a character

However, even if Leng Yuan has the identity of the son of the city lord, it is impossible to have a magic weapon.

Because this thing he can't urge at all, if it is known...

Well, he doesn't have a second rule at all to go.

Xu Yi chuckled and said, "Brother Leng can't use it now, but it may not be possible in the future."

He naturally picked up the tea that Lengao poured, and drank it leisurely.

Leng Ao was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Yuan'er, how long have you been in the late stage of foundation building?"

Leng Yuan hurriedly said, "It's been sixteen years since I returned to the old prime minister."

"Sixteen years." Leng Ao sighed and said, "It's almost the same. After you return to the husband, you will retreat. The old man will prepare the elixir for you, and you should attack the golden pill within three months."

Leng Yuan was ecstatic in his heart, and quickly said: "Thank you, old man."

Although the Leng family controls a city, their resources are also limited.

There are many people who have cultivated to the pinnacle of foundation building, but very few have prepared the things for forming a pill.

The main reason is that these resources are in the hands of the real powerhouses, and apart from Leng Ao, no one dares to use the entire Leng family. www.?fЕI(s)(h)anzw?.c(o)М♂ Feishan Chinese

Leng Ao snorted lightly and said, "々 Do you need to thank me?"

Leng Yuan was about to speak when he heard Xu Yi say, "Brother Leng, since you don't need this thing anymore, then give it to the senior."

Leng Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, blood dripping from his heart

But as soon as he gritted his teeth, he still took Pan Long Du and sent it to Lao: "Lao Yan, please accept it with a smile."

Leng Ao took it and said with a smile: "You don't need to worry, when you reach the middle stage of Jindan, this old man..."

Xu Yi coughed lightly: "When Brother Leng reaches the middle stage of Jindan, there will be more suitable treasures for him."

Leng Ao and Leng Yuan raised their heads at the same time, their eyes were filled with undisguised surprise.

When Xu Yi said this, it was as if he was narrating a common thing.

It seems that a magic weapon that others regard as a life, to him, is an ordinary item.

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