Greatly enriched Ye Ping's top talent and equipment.

Additional explosive arrows, rockets, etc.,

Ye Ping sent someone to the alchemy room to study,

Might be able to use it later.

With this accumulation, there are still two major talents.

Ye Ping's artillery team is destined to have!

Many high-level silver ones can also get golden weapons.

Everyone was very excited and felt that the Eagles were sending treasures.

But Li Mu came to plead guilty,

Cruel for ignoring the defense of heaven.

Ye Ping didn't blame the old general,

The enemy is haunted,

The final sprint is very fast.

What's more important is that old ideas confine people.

"The barbarian state is well organized,

It also has mysterious magic, everyone should be careful.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Let me know as soon as anything happens. "

The first attack,

Ye Ping got fat.

On the contrary, the barbarian army, which is only 100 kilometers away from here, is not calm!

The barbarian king has not slept,

Sitting in the barracks is like a hill.

There was another legion commander by his side,

A female captain of the Shenwei Army, and also a master of the Holy Order,

It is said to be Rong's wife, who came for revenge.

Blonde hair, blood red eyes full of hatred.

In addition to this, there is also a red-clothed priest of the holy order,

At this time, the blood was surging, and the soul was trembling.

The priest in red opened his eyes and trembled:

"Flying Eagle Corps has been wiped out!"

As soon as this news came out,

All was silent,

The Eagles have made great contributions in countless previous battles.

I don't know how to capture several impregnable cities.

Even if the sneak attack is not taken for a while,

It can also greatly damage the morale of the enemy army and cause the enemy army to be in chaos.

Burn the enemy's supplies so that the opponent can't hold on.

It can be said that the Eagles are the most elite of the four major legions!

The barbarian king opened his eyes and asked expressionlessly:

"Priest, didn't the flying eagle warrior escape back?

What about the captain?

What about the eagle? "

"If he didn't escape, he was hanged in one blow.

I don't dare to look closely,

Just look at it from afar,

The enemy was found as blazing as the sun.

The night can't hide its brilliance,

Instead, it increases its combat power.

The bow in his hand is terrifying.

At least a legendary treasure!

Even more terrifying is the arrow he shoots! "

There is fear in the eyes of the priest,

"The first two arrows were the arrows of divine beasts, one dragon and one phoenix.

beyond human power,

At least sacrifice the statue of the true god to resist.

It's not like what a Gold rank can shoot at all.

More importantly, after shooting the dragon and phoenix arrows,

He still has the power to shoot,

Hundreds of hits, so that a flying eagle did not escape to report!

It's called magic! "


I am giving you information,

I don't want you to destroy the morale of our army! "

Seeing that the atmosphere is not right,

The barbarian king slapped the table.

With a bang the table collapsed.

Pull people's minds back.

Among them, the blond female captain who wanted revenge was full of hatred.

A gold level is so difficult to deal with.

No wonder Rong died.

"This time the enemy is extraordinary,

Suspected of believing in the unknown sun god,

The remaining flying eagle warriors are not allowed to attack without authorization,

Instead, go with the army.

Send my order!

Get moving!

Be sure to take it all in one fell swoop! "

The barbarian king ordered with a sullen face.


The army is drawn, and the soldiers are under the city!

Ye Ping also received a reminder here:


The Pioneer Eagle Raid Group was wiped out,

Caused the barbarian army to shake!

The barbarian king was furious and ordered people to act faster!

It is expected that before dawn, there will be a confrontation with the barbarian army!

Please proceed with caution! 】

The news made Ye Ping frown.

He quickened his movements again,

Especially the formation of train cars, Shenji arrows, and Shenji battalions,

Watch for yourself.

rocket danger,

He used the king's wrist to predict in advance.

Or use the Kongtong mark to heal the burns, explosions and other injuries of the blacksmiths.

"Did you see the reminder sound coming from the live broadcast room?

The barbarian king was furious and expected to arrive at the first town in the world at dawn.

Dangerous. "

In the national war live broadcast room,

The night owls are also staring at the screen.

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