Of course the strongest is Huaxia Yeping,

He is not on the same level as others, and currently holds the top spot,

The points have just increased by leaps and bounds,

Breaking through more than two million, it is simply terrifying!


As the next main quest,

The person leading the new version.

Why haven't I seen Ye Shen collecting ship drawings?

What about building ships to conquer the oceans? "

Speaking of Ye Shen,

Someone asked curiously.

Everyone wondered,

Generally, as the richest Ye God, he is rich and powerful.

Buying ship drawings, marine supplies, etc. at any cost,

Why have you been so low-key recently?

Not like his style.

"Hehe, he can't be left alone.

In the future, the first city in the world will be the overlord of the land,

Sea hegemony is naturally to be given to us latecomers. "

said a mayor.

"Yes, Ye Shen's energy is also limited,

The points have risen so much just now, it seems to be conquering some territory.

Invincible on land,

But that doesn't mean he's strong at sea.

In this version, I guess he is going to fall behind once. "

There was a lot of discussion,

It all makes sense.

After all, the profession has a specialization.

Kong Yulan, who had just watched the boss leave by the wind and waves, laughed a few words on the World Channel.


Laughing pigs cry,

It made everyone laugh a little bit dumbfounded.


Isn't this normal?

Invincible on land, blind in water? "

People are puzzled.

Kong Yulan responded with a sneer,

I took a picture of the back of the boss riding the war turtle away and uploaded it.

Explained: "The reason why my boss didn't buy blueprints such as ships,

It's because he has a better invincible battleship!

Have you heard of the half-biological, half-mechanical sea fortress?

Eat spirit crystals!

A super battleship like never before on earth! "

In an instant,

Everyone quickly opened the picture, zoomed in, and observed it carefully.

What kind of picture is that? .

Chapter 239

The tortoise sees its head but not its tail,

in the river,

Only the phantom of a behemoth can be seen,

That is the huge turtle shell that surpasses the aircraft carrier,

As if Xuanwu came into the world,

There are densely packed soldiers stationed above.

Although only the back can be seen,

But the sharpness of it has been felt from the sheen of reflection!

"While we were cutting down trees,

Like primitive man-made canoes,

Ye Shen has leaped from the primitive stage to the super martial technology,

Ride aboard a bio-ship.

Is that what Xuanwu? "


If you don't say something, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Think with your brain,

The tasks of "Neptune Island" were all taken over by Ye Shen.

Will he not pay attention to the development of the navy?

What kind of beast is this?

Bigger than my entire town! "

Surrounding Ye Ping's sea tools,

exploded on the Internet,

set off a new round of heated discussions.

The runners who were originally fast have already built their canoes,

Explore the surrounding waters,

Some people really found treasures and treasure chests in the sea.

more ambitious,

Let the big man call on the brothers to build big ships,

Sweeping sea supplies in the market.

Many want to be trendy.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Ping had no energy to focus on the ocean,

When a version may be outdated,

It is expected that the other party has been detached from the unknowingly long time ago!

It is a naval battleship comparable to an aircraft carrier!

"Is Ye Shen going to catch the sea?

From the tail alone,

I feel that this is a behemoth no less than an aircraft carrier! "

Seeing his navy attack, everyone asked curiously,

Such a big move.

"Haha, guess for yourself."

Empty Yulan catches everyone's appetite.


the other side,

Ye Ping was on the war turtle and had entered another waterway from the Qinghe River.

It is [-] kilometers away from Yacheng.

Walk a little longer by water,

But efficiency has soared.

In just an hour,

The tsunami war turtle is extremely fast,

Halfway through.

Ye Ping took this opportunity to observe the internal structure of the war turtle,

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