The top seems to be pressed down by a huge clam shell, forming a gap.

It was extremely deep inside, pitch black, and dripping water spread.

Dark, wet, and cold, it is completely in line with the nature of the night devil!

Ye Ping nodded in satisfaction and praised Zhong Yi.

If it weren't for him, who would have thought that this was the Night Demon's lair?

"Master, be careful. First of all, you need to know how many night devils there are in it, and whether there is only one place at the entrance."

Guo Jia said in a low voice.

Ye Ping waved his hand and ordered the nine warriors to look around to check the size of the mountain, carefully peeping at its structure.

Promoted to bronze-level warriors and smeared with the blood of night demons, they can also see the night as day.

After a while, Wang Ben and others came to report and said:

"My lord, there are several hundred meters of seam in the mountain, but it is wide outside and narrow at the bottom, and dripping water keeps falling.

The subordinates peeped carefully and found that there are hundreds of night demons sleeping at the entrance! "

"Some of them are lying on the ground, and some are hanging upside down between stone pillars and stalagmites. This should be the lowest-level Night Demon who is guarding outside.

The further inside, the stronger the Night Demon.

Even vaguely saw thatched grass and wooden beds built, which should be the sleeping place of the high-level Night Demon. "

Being able to infer so much information from so little information, there is no need to question the professionalism of Wang Ben and others.

"Only from the outside information, we can't find out the details. There are at least thousands of night demons hidden on this cliff!"

Guo Jia's eyes were deep: "I tell the lord, my subordinates actually have a plan.

It is to spend more time, and at the same time act carefully, so as not to be discovered by the Night Demon in advance. "

Is this a conspiracy?

Ye Ping was surprised, is this the wisdom of top advisors?

He hurriedly asked, "What good plan does Feng Xiao have? Come and listen."

Guo Jia smiled slightly, looked at the crevice of the mountain and said firmly:

"Since ancient times, the most afraid of marching and fighting is to be stationed in the slits, and the fear is that the enemy will attack with fire!"

He waved his hand to the peak and said confidently:

"As long as the lord sends people to scrape the flammable wood from all around and pile it up outside the mountain, the more the better.

Then a fire was lit, and the flames skyrocketed!

Poisonous smoke fills the air and stays in the mountain peak, no matter what kind of gold and silver you are, it will all turn into fly ash! "

"Remember, you must have a lot of wood, and you must find something that is resistant to burning and poisonous!

There are many streams in the crevices of the mountains, beware of the powerful Night Demon, which is covered in water and rushing out of the flames! "

It turned out to be a fire attack!

The people present looked at Guo Jia with admiration, which can be described as a poisonous plan.

When the time comes to block the entrance, how many night devils, how strong night devils will be suffocated to death!

Ye Ping's eyes shrank, and he almost burst out in ecstasy.

He whispered: "Fengxiao, after your reminder, I have a better attention!"

Guo Jia looked at the lord suspiciously.

Ye Ping smiled: "Remember the 1000 catties of black oil I purchased not long ago?

That thing is extremely valuable, equivalent to gold.

It can be used as the power for mechanical operation, and at the same time, the most superficial use is also as combustible. "

"Also, there is one property that may not be known, sir, that black oil is incompatible with water.

No matter what the water in there is.

Whether the Golden Night Demon is wet or not, it will block and extinguish the burning of the unexpected black oil! "

"And oil fumes are poisonous too!"

"There is such a wonderful thing! The master can accomplish this great thing!"

Guo Jia was excited, but did not expect black oil to have such an effect.

Ye Ping knew that it was not that he was smarter than him, but that he was limited by the knowledge of the times.

The importance of oil is ignored.

"If that's the case, it's not too late.

I decided to go back to the village and pull all the black oil! "

Ye Ping's heart was hot, but he didn't expect that this investigation would be able to glimpse the dead corner of the night devil.

The system space also helps a lot, and can store many resources.

Upgrade the village yourself before.

The size of the space is also rewarded separately, otherwise it will not be able to hold so many things.

"You take the opportunity to cut down wood not far away, preferably the kind that is resistant to burning, and quietly pull it to the edge of the mountain."

Ye Ping urged: "But before going back, you must first check the details, otherwise there will be too many unknown variables."

Ye Ping called for Xiaodiao, who looked at the dark crevice and flicked his feathers.

I was a little scared and didn't dare to enter.

Neither the innate fear of the dark nor the cramped quarters gave it a sense of security.

"Xiaodiao, I know it's dangerous for you too.

But this thing is too important.After the event is over, eat whatever you want to eat.

Aren't you very interested in magic crystals, would you like to eat them?I'll give it to you now! "

Ye Ping took out an inferior magic crystal and said seduced.

ps: I asked for a flower evaluation ticket, but nothing moved, sad.Thanks for the recommendation votes and monthly tickets voted by book friends~~.

Chapter 54

Seeing the black magic crystal, Xiaodiao's eyes lit up and pecked at the crystal.

Let's squeak to absorb the spiritual evolution in it.

The feathers stood up happily, and the tail was raised.

Ye Ping smiled and comforted and rubbed its soft feathers.

Painfully persuaded, made all kinds of promises.

At the same time, he took out the Night Demon blood and Night Demon slime that he had collected before.

I wiped it with my hands, and the originally beautiful golden crown was dyed black.

Xiaodiao turned into a black and white autumn, and at the same time there was a unique stench of the night devil on his body.

Its own good eyesight has been strengthened.

You can see clearly even in the dark.

Under Ye Ping's sweet words and various promises.

The eagle flapped its wings and carefully flew into the crevice of the mountain.

This time the risk is extremely high, more than the previous valley ruins.

Dark, narrow spaces are the home of Daredevil.

What's more, I don't know how many powerful Night Demons, if they are accidentally caught and caught, they will become a dead bird!

Everyone is waiting in peace.

As time went by, before the eagle flew out, Ye Ping's face became darker and darker.

Did an accident happen and Xiaodiao was caught?

The only fortunate thing is that if he is caught, it will not cause a warning from the Night Demon.

Because it is normal for birds and wild animals to swarm into their nests.

Suddenly, a black dot flew out from the crevice of the mountain and fell into Ye Ping's shoulder.

Out of breath, he grabbed Ye Ping's clothes and didn't dare to let go.

Ye Ping quickly comforted.

It could be seen that the eagle was so frightened that he didn't stop inside for a moment.

Fortunately, I had enough food and clothing for the past two days, and the wings were much harder.

The call was on the cliff two days ago, and I couldn't hold on for so long.

Ye Pingsheng gave it some purified water to drink, and after drinking the water, it regained the strength to speak.

There was a lot of chatter, and at the same time, both claws jumped between Ye Ping's palms.

It can be seen that his heart is very uneasy, and he is frightened by the scene inside.

Ye Ping has the same mind with it, after all, it is his pet.

After hearing its report, his eyes shrank suddenly.

"More than [-] Night Demons! More than a hundred bronze-level generals and ten silver ones!

The big monster lying on a stone bed in the deepest part didn't dare to look at it, and ran out in a hurry! "

In the crevices of the small hills, there are universes.

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