At the same time, the oil under their feet was completely punctured!

Endless flames began to crawl from under his feet, burning his body's hair and black oil.

Light the hideous Night Demons into torches!

The endless flames frightened this group of deformed dark monsters!

They push and shove frantically, only dyeing oil and flames on their companions!

A Night Demon leader roared to calm his subordinates.

Avoid the oil under your feet and put out the stream with water!

There is little water flowing in through the crevices of the mountain.

But at this moment, he has become the savior of the Night Demons.

They all dig into the stream with their hands, trying to extinguish the flames entangled in their bodies.

But a terrifying scene happened, the water could not extinguish the black oil on the body!

Instead, a burst of explosions sounded one after another, bringing Mars to more Night Demons!

The flames on the body were burning more and more intensely, and it was useless to roll on the stone wall!

The black oil seems to be a gangrene attached to the bones, and it cannot be extinguished by death!

The night devil with infinite power and ghostly body.

Now they are like dead dogs, buried in the sea of ​​fire!

A night devil with a height of 8 meters, golden hair and long fangs also caught fire!

However, the golden hair antibody on his body is much stronger than others, and it is more resistant to burns!

The Night Demon roared, "It's a human sneak attack!

Don't hide in the lair, rush out and shred them! "

Ten night devil leaders and two hundred night devil generals roared with blood red eyes.

The scorching flames on their bodies make life worse than death!

The high temperature itself is extremely terrifying, not to mention this is the fire and heat they are most afraid of? !

The Night Demons, who burned into torches, rushed frantically to the light outside.

Sunlight, which they originally hated, is now a savior in their eyes!

A night demon covered in fire escaped by chance, and before it could breathe, it was fortunate to have escaped.

Unexpectedly, an arrow shot violently!

Just shoot it!

The Night Demons who escaped by chance were killed by arrows one after another!

Humans even buried an ambush at the entrance!

This is slaughter!

Night Demon King's eyes were blood red, and his expression was terrifying!

Poisonous poisonous!

So poisonous!

ps: Ask for flowers for evaluation tickets.

Chapter 57

There are more than [-] Night Demons and more than [-] Bronze Night Demons.

There are also ten silver night devils, a golden overlord!

This is the absolute overlord of the surrounding area!

Travel at night, darkness invades.

The beasts tremble, and the hundred kings are afraid!

However, now it is blocked by several humans in the nest and set on fire!

Kill the elite troops without blowing dust, even if the Night Demon King has a great ability.

You can't fly around in the nest either!

There are dense burning night devils all around!

The roaring flames underfoot!

I don't know what this shit is.

Even if it is extinguished, it cannot be extinguished, and it is wrapped around the body like a ghost!

Extinguish it with water, instead it explodes, even more powerful!

In the roar, one night devil fell.

The poisonous fumes of burning oil spread through the narrow mountain crevices.

The elite Night Demons who could still hold on to it frequently fell down!

The Night Demon generals couldn't hold on anymore.

The hair on his body was wrapped in black oil and burned into a fire ghost.

I cried bitterly, and the poisonous smoke around me made my eyes, throat, etc. can't be opened at all, and breathing became a problem.

The entire internal organs are polluted, ignited, and die!

The Night Demon, who was lucky enough to escape, was shot by arrows before he took a step.

Falling down at the entrance, the burning body became an obstacle for the Night Demon behind!

Too cruel, too cruel!

The Night Demon leader who once ripped apart human bodies with his own hands and let them see his arms and thighs being eaten by them cried and roared bitterly.

Die tragically in pale blue flames!

"Please note, player Ye Ping, you have already started the ultimate novice task [Destroy the Night Demon's Nest and Kill the Night Demon King] in advance!"

"This quest was originally started when you upgraded from a large town to a first-level main city!

Start early because you actively dig, search and counterattack! "

"Because the gap between your strength and the ultimate task is too difficult, if you fail, there is no penalty!"

"If successful, there will be special rewards that greatly exceed your own prizes, please redouble your efforts!"

Hiding behind a high wall, aiming the crossbow arrow at Ye Ping at the entrance, the moment the flames ignited.

The sound came to mind.

Although I know that I and Night Demon are natural enemies.

There must be a battle between the two.

But I never thought that the task of destroying the Night Demon's lair was the ultimate task in the early stage!

It should have been opened when his power was upgraded to the main city.

Who would have guessed that he was so perverted, that he took the initiative to find the enemy's nest.

Use modern knowledge, use the terrain, and brazenly launch a counter-offensive!

"Reminder: You have killed the ordinary Night Demon, and the final task points +1. (Affects the final evaluation, the final reward)"

"Reminder: You have killed the night devil general, and the final task points +10."

"Reminder: You have killed the night devil leader, and the final task points +100."


The dense sound of reminders kept ringing in Ye Ping's ears, reminding him what the tragedy was in the lair!

The other ten people, including Guo Jia, were staring at the exit of the nest.

Anyone who dares to stand up will be shot to death with an arrow!

After the shooting, the corpse of the Night Demon was burned by the flames and became a barrier for the latecomers again.

The high temperature, flames, and poisonous smoke turned the Night Demon's lair into a purgatory on earth.

More than [-] Night Demons died tragically in just five minutes!

Night Demon King's eyes are hideous, it's too aggrieved to die!

Such a powerful subordinate has not even seen the face of the enemy.

He was trapped in the lair and burned alive by the strange black oil.

Or be suffocated by poisonous smoke.

Those who tried desperately to escape were also sniped by humans outside.

The big night demons, not a single one has escaped now!

His own backbone, the Night Demon generals, were killed and injured countless times.

The ten night demon leaders also roared miserably in the fire!

Water is useless at all, the more you spray, the more you burn!

Instead, it added fuel to the black oil!

Seeing that the night demon leader lost most of it.

The ordinary Night Demon who was blocked in front of him was burnt to nothing, and fell to the ground in the sea of ​​​​fire and wailed.

The Night Demon roared:

"Follow me to charge, find the culprit, I'm going to swallow human beings alive!"

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