Ye Ping gritted his teeth and burst out with all his strength,

The Kongtong seal in the body vibrates wildly,

The power provided is too late!

Fan Tian Yin Om turned into Buzhou Mountain form,

A hundred meters high.

The whole body is black as deep as chaos,

Boom to the Dragon King and Sea King!

The faces of the two changed greatly.

Without caring about maintaining the realm, he fled wildly.

They felt the breath of the God of Creation!


Buzhou Mountain smashed into the monstrous tsunami,

The built-in special effects of earth shaking and mountain shaking are activated!


The whole world is shaking,

A huge air wave centered on the sea surface,

Spread rapidly around.

At the same time, the tsunami of several hundred meters reversed,

Smashed towards the Xuanwu battleship group!

this moment,

Those who watch the live broadcast only feel that the live broadcast room is shaking,

spinning around,

There is only an endless rush of water on the camera... corpses.

Chapter 302

The tsunami reversed,

What is coming is a repression of Buzhou Mountain!

The Hai people scolded the two leaders for running away,

Quickly jump into the river to escape.

But the special effect of earthquake and tsunami that comes with Pantianyin is too strong!

With a bang, it smashed into the Xuanwu number,

Immediately the invincible Xuanwu intercepted the middle,

Boom fell into the deep sea.

A layer of air waves centered on it,

spread around.

The invincible fleet of Neptune Island is in chaos,

Submerged in sea water.

Half of the fleet was thrown into the sea and capsized.

"Ding, congratulations on your successful smashing of the holy sea clan x5.

Mission Points + 50 million! "

"Ding, congratulations on your success in smashing the gold-level sea clan x500.

Mission Points + 50 million! "

"Ding, congratulations on your successful use of Pantianyin to capsize the flagship Xuanwu, 210 dragon boats, shark boats, etc.

Neptune Island's firepower is halved!

Mission Points + 500 million! "


A series of messages kept popping up,

The most terrifying thing about this blow is not its lethality.

It capsized half of the warships!

There are thousands of dragon cannons on the battleship,

Terrible firepower!

If the sea clan who escaped the catastrophe were cut off with their claws,

How big of a threat is there?

Red banners pop up in the live broadcast room,

Reminds the audience how fruitful this blow is.

Someone said excitedly: "I knew that Ye Shen dared to set up such a big situation,

It's definitely worth it!

Look, the tide of battle has turned! "

Players who bet heavily don't know whether to get excited,

Still sorry.

"Another super artifact?

Human, I'm getting more and more interested in you! "

among the waves,

Next to the Black Dragon King were hundreds of Flood Dragons,

Sea King's body became larger and stood above the sea.

Holding the trident in his hand, he slammed in again.

"The whole sea is my domain,

How do you fight with me?

Can it be stopped once, can it be stopped ten thousand times? "

Another tsunami hits,

Learn the lessons of the first wave.

Neptune controls the flow of sea water,

Like a stream of water tornadoes,

Washed towards Ye Ping and his fleet.

And the main city behind.

"Not too stupid!"

Ye Ping stirred the river,

The two tripods surround themselves to suppress the waters,

The Dragon King led a group of flood dragons to start a siege.

He could only block part of it himself.

There were quite a few sea tornadoes that escaped Ye Ping's interception.

Rush to the port, the moat, the main city!

"Go into the river,

Flood the main city and break the city wall! "

Tens of thousands of sea clans emerged from the sea, and they fell into the water just now.

Raise your weapon high and sweep the moat along the waves.


Although Ye Ping's Pantian Seal is strong, there is only one.

The other party is obviously much more flexible.

Block off part of the tsunami,

There are also many scouring the main city.

The prophecy of the flooded Great Wall is confirmed! "

The audience shouted badly,

After all, the sea is the opponent's home court.

Fantian Yin is not a water artifact,

It is not easy to have such credit.

"The first wave just flooded half of the opponent's fleet.

Already a miracle!

Miracles cannot be repeated! "

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