The battle was over, but the battle was over.

Su Mo counted what he had gained from playing [Chu-Han Contest], plus the previous rewards from [Three Kingdoms], he now had 2,600 glory points.

In addition, he also had:

50 hero marks;

255 overlord marks.

In addition to the elemental magic stones bought on the black market, he also got about a hundred in the Fantasy Tower, enough for upgrading.

He did not choose to challenge immediately, but took a look at the things in the Fantasy Tower exchange shop, what he could exchange with glory points.

There are many things that can be exchanged for glory points, most of which are disposable consumables.

There are double experience cards, BOSS transformation experience cards, fairy water, experience packs, elemental magic stones, elemental beads, god-level colorful stones, god-level refining stones, god-level Nuwa stones, etc.

Su Mo jumped directly to the god-level Nuwa stone, his eyes narrowed.

Good guy, 1000 points to exchange for a god-level Nuwa stone!

Good guy, he thought he could easily get a whole three-piece set, but he didn't expect it was not enough.

But this did not prevent him from directly exchanging two with honor points-in this way, he would not have to worry about not having stones when he opened the magic god set.

Now, with five god-level Nuwa stones in hand, it is enough to support him to open a three-piece set.

He decisively opened the three-piece set attributes of the [Panlong Set].

The three-piece set of the Panlong Set has three effects:

1. The three-piece set increases the basic spell attack power by 20%;

2. Increase the spell power by 20%;

3. Increase the mana value by 20%.

A perfect magic explosion equipment.

Su Mo chose this [Panlong Set] from several mage sets at that time. In addition to the attributes of the three pieces of equipment, there is also the attribute of the three-piece set - directly making his panel attributes a level higher!

The mana value is close to 3.6 million, and the shield value is close to 7.2 million.

It can be said that as long as he does not encounter real damage, Su Mo is now more powerful than a blood cow!

In addition, his panel attack is close to 46,000, and the combat attribute is directly 466 stars!

Riding on the Flame Meteor Horse, the combat power value easily breaks 500!

Looking at the only two god-level Nuwa stones left in the warehouse, Su Mo decisively chose to continue to brush the level - [Fengshen Yanyi]!

The difficulty of [Fengshen Yanyi] is far higher than [Three Kingdoms Heroes].

Su Mo has read the strategy and has a chance of winning in his heart.

In addition, he has passed two levels in succession, so he feels that he needs to try a stronger difficulty.

So he walked towards [Fengshen Yanyi].

[The Investiture of the Gods]

[Introduction: A special level in the game world, its origin is unknown. Some say it appeared with the advent of the game world, while others say it existed before the game world. What is the truth, wait for you to reveal...]

[Background: The Emperor of Man ruled for 600 years, and the earth was peaceful. The Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Man, and the Lord of the Underworld jointly ruled the three realms. The way of heaven is vague, the way of man is vast, and the way of ghosts is deep. If the three ways are unified, they will be the master...]

[Clearance condition: Defeat the 50th floor BOSS Taigong Jiang Ziya]

[Level limit: Level 90-200]

[Number of challenges: 30]


[It is detected that you are already level 123, which meets the challenge requirements. Do you want to start this challenge? ]

Suma looked at the level introduction and was a little confused.

Different from [Three Kingdoms] and [Chu-Han], the background of [The Investiture of the Gods] emphasizes that the origin of this level is untraceable.

Is it a trick or does it refer to something else?

Su Mo shook his head secretly and directly chose "OK".

The first level, Shen Gongbao.

[The Induction of the Gods. Shen Gongbao (God)]

Occupation: Tribulation Master [Fifth Turn]

Level: Level 123

HP: 100000

Strength: 8250

Agility: 8555

Mana: 1563540

Attack Power: 36264

Defense: 30212

Combat Power Evaluation: Three Hundred Stars

Skills: Tribulation of the Gods, Induction of the Gods, Five Thunder Whips, Tribulation. Deprivation of Will...

Without waiting for Su Mo to make a move, Shen Gongbao took the lead and threw out a [Five Thunder Whips] directly, silencing Su Mo.

Su Mo wanted to use [Shen Luo Tian Zheng] to clear the negative state, but sadly found that [Shen Luo Tian Zheng] was also "gray" and could not be used.

Even the blood shield of the Flame Meteor Horse could not clear this negative state!

But Su Mo was not in a hurry and was not surprised.

Because he knew that this was the bug in the first level of The Investiture of the Gods - no matter who it was, they had to take Shen Gongbao's [Five Thunder Whip] first, not only would they be silenced, but they would also receive damage from the sizing.

So assassins, archers, and

Ordinary mages, if they want to play [The Legend of the Gods], basically they have to be prepared to be resurrected in the first level.

In fact, it is precisely because of the strength of Shen Gongbao in the first level that no one is willing to play [The Legend of the Gods] even for high-level fragile combat professions.

However, Su Mo is not an ordinary person!

With a shield value of nearly 7 million, he just curled his lips and sneered at Shen Gongbao's [Five Thunder Whips].

If the mana shield drops to 800,000, ordinary professionals will definitely be dead.

But this does not include him!

Waiting for the "disarm" effect of Shen Gongbao's [Five Thunder Whips] to end, he chose to release [Lord of Thunder] as soon as the skill panel lit up - shatter the darkness with thunder!

By the way, let Shen Gongbao know what thunder is.

The result was just a face-to-face encounter. Shen Gongbao, who was arrogant and domineering in the previous second, was killed by thunder in the next second!

[Congratulations on defeating Yin Shen Gong Bao of Conferred Gods and getting 200 Honor Points.]

Su Mo nodded.

The biggest difference between [Conferred Gods] and the previous two levels is that it directly rewards Honor Points, and you can exchange whatever you want.

And the reward for Shen Gong Bao who came up is 200!

Of course, because Shen Gong Bao is equivalent to a gatekeeper, his strength is relatively strong and he gets more rewards.

On the second floor, it was the warrior Chen Tong, whose strength was 250 stars.

After being defeated, Su Mo got 50 Honor Points.

On the fifth floor, after defeating Hu Ximei, Su Mo got 80 points.

All his skills entered the cooling state.

Looking at the remaining 45 floors, Su Mo decisively used [Heavenly Might]!

Instantly, except for [Heavenly Might], all skills entered the cooling state!

Of course, Su Mo's mana also instantly lost nearly one-third of his mana.

He had to stand at the BUG point on the sixth floor and wait for the response.

Ten seconds later, Su Mo stood in front of Nezha, the grand prize guard, with full health.

Facing Nezha's [Invincible Wind Fire Wheel] and [Hun Tian Ling], Su Mo decisively used [Jie. Soul Devouring Sacrifice Demon] to turn him into a small pet - this time he finally turned into Pleasant Goat.

The angry little goat kept crying "Mee mee mee", but was drained of mana by Su Mo, and could not turn over anymore.

In the end, Nezha, whose magic resistance was reduced to a negative number, was killed by A!

In this way, Su Mo triumphantly reached the 20th floor.

Duobao Taoist guards the gate.

Su Mo rubbed his hands excitedly: "I spent so much effort just to see you!"

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