The old man was very angry, but he was not very happy.

"Sir, do you think there is something wrong with this scalper?"

The leader asked hesitantly.

His name is Li Jiazhi, and he is known as the merchant king of the Demon Sea.

He is also a legend sought after by many business professionals.

He created business giants such as "Imagination" and "Lianfang" on his own, and won the operating rights of many large-scale copies and secret realms in the country as a businessman.

But no one knows that he has another identity - the honorary marquis of the Empire of the Sun Never Sets.

And the one who was called "Sir" in front of him was one of the few paladins in the church - Duke Edward.

Edward, who has both royal and church identities, is one of the most sought-after people in the Empire of the Sun Never Sets.

His sudden visit caught Li Jiazhi off guard.

And the other party's request made him even more confused.

Because Edward wanted him to find people who had been out to sea in the past few days and traded abnormal equipment.

And the Taole Shopping and Lanmei Trading Houses on the surface of the Magic Sea had traces to follow, and they could not find out the truth.

So he turned his attention to the black market - even he was out of reach of the black market, and could only get some secret clues by bribing the appraisers.

The waters of the black market were so deep that even he, the king of merchants, dared not wade.

Even so, he still got the list of people with problems today from the black market through his own power.

Unexpectedly, there were people on the first day that caught Edward's attention.

"Sir, he is just a ticket scalper, who takes people out to sea, sells equipment, and collects some commissions."

Edward snorted coldly: "A peddler? A peddler who drives a luxury car and goes to places of entertainment all year round?"

Li Jiazhi: "Sir, such a peddler can earn 70,000 or 80,000 yuan in the Demon Sea. He has no desires and is just waiting to die... There are indeed many rich people in the Demon Sea.

As a scalper, he helps others to enter the black market and collects commissions. It's normal."


Edward shook his head, "There are not so many normal things! Many seemingly normal things contain abnormal reasons.

As a person who has experienced it, you should know that the failure and success of any thing have inevitable reasons."

"I understand,"

Li Jiazhi nodded, "I will send someone to check it out immediately!"


Su Mo naturally didn't know that someone had noticed him. After a casual conversation with Zhuang Qiang, he had dinner and then went back to his own home to find his mother.

Before they separated, Zhuang Qiang invited Su Mo to go fishing at sea together.

"Brother, let me show you if my fishing skills have improved!"

Su Mo thought of a universal secret realm order in the warehouse, and decided to brush a dungeon to raise his level and take advantage of the opportunity to become a sixth-level player.

The black market in the Demon Sea is booming, and there are many rare materials for sale - once he encounters a strange material task, he can use the materials locally.

The next day.

Su Mo followed Zhuang Qiang out to sea as usual.

Zhuang Qiang led people to the back of the Butterfly Tail Dragon Eye one by one as before, and then set off.

But Su Mo vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Most of these professionals were unfamiliar faces!

And he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that these people's eyes were always intentionally or unintentionally glancing at him and Zhuang Qiang.

The two stood on the fish head, Su Mo whispered: "Brother Qiangzi, do you feel anything strange?"

Zhuang Qiang was puzzled: "What's strange?"

"Why are there so many strangers among these people? I remember that you had many acquaintances in the two previous sea trips."

"Isn't it because you came yesterday, I asked others to help me sell some... But if you didn't say it, I really didn't notice that there were quite a lot of strangers today."

Zhuang Qiang grinned and said, "It's great to have strangers, which shows that Brother Qiang's business has become bigger and stronger."

Su Mo didn't relax and continued to ask: "Then do you know which secret realm they went to?"

Zhuang Qiang curled his lips: "I only went to those six places, not far away. Whoever goes down along the way will know..."

Su Mo didn't ask more, but felt that something was wrong, but couldn't tell.

He looked silently with the [Eye of True Vision]. Fortunately, they were basically all sixth-turn.

There were only two seventh-turn, one was a warrior and the other was a guardian.

I hope I'm overthinking...

But his heart soon tightened again.

The secret places along the way were Yuri Sea, Fusang Tree, Tang Valley, Sanxian Island, Dushuo Mountain and Liubo Mountain.

But when we arrived at Yuri Sea, no one got off.

Fusang Tree, no one got off.

Tang Valley, no one got off.

Sanxian Island, no one got off!

Now not only Su Mo, but also Zhuang Qiang realized that something was wrong.

He asked in confusion: "Hey, bosses, we have passed four stations. The next is Dushuo Mountain and Liubo Mountain. Don't miss it!"

One person muttered: "Just drive your boat, why bother with us!"

Zhuang Qiang immediately shut up.

He pulled Su Mo and whispered: "Brother, this group of people is not right."

Su Mo frowned.

Obviously, the target of this group of people is not Zhuang Qiang, but him.

How much money can Zhuang Qiang, a scalper, have?

In addition, the butterfly tail dragon eye of the seventh turn, is powerful and has a deterrent effect.

He whispered: "Brother, put me in Dushuo Mountain."

Zhuang Qiang frowned slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He nodded and said nothing more.

Soon, Dushuo Mountain arrived.

Su Mo deliberately said loudly: "Boss, put me on Mount Dushuo."

He remembered that Zhu Lao said that this secret realm can only be conquered by the seventh turn...

When saying this, he quietly looked at the people at the tail of the fish.

As expected, these people all showed a relaxed look.

Obviously, they have waited for Su Mo's destination.

Su Mo no longer had any doubts, these people came for him.

Not only him, but even Zhuang Qiang understood.

He pulled Su Mo: "Brother, you can't go down. They seem to be targeting you on purpose..."

After a pause, he suddenly realized, "The damn black market leaked our information!"

Su Mo whispered: "Now is not the time to worry about these things, Brother Qiangzi, if they go down with me, you will leave as soon as possible on the Butterfly Tail Dragon Eye."


Zhuang Qiang frowned, "Who do you think of me? You don't have to go down. I don't see who dares to touch you!"


Su Mo shook his head, "If I don't go down, they may jump off the wall and attack both of us... If you can escape, you can escape!"

What he actually wanted to say was: If you don't leave, I can't do anything!

Zhuang Qiang still insisted.

Su Mo said in a deep voice: "Brother, believe me! There is a seventh-level BOSS on Dushuo Mountain. I will lead them there and take the opportunity to slip out.

Wait for me in the sea area where I fished before... Don't worry, I have a way to escape, and they can't catch up with me!"

Zhuang Qiang was moved.

It turned out that Su Mo was afraid that he would get into an accident.

He nodded heavily: "Okay, brother, when we get ashore, I will definitely invite you to the most expensive club in the Demon Sea!"


Su Mo looked at the Dushuo Mountain in front of him, took a deep breath, sacrificed the Flame Meteor Horse, and flew towards Dushuo Mountain.

As expected, as Su Mo left, many professionals on the fish tail stood up one after another, and their mounts and wings took off one after another.

Zhuang Qiang struggled: "Su Mo, my brother, you risked your life to save me. If I leave now, am I still a human being?"

He shouted loudly: "Brother, go back..."

"Get out of here!"

The last person to leave the fish tail narrowed his eyes and threatened, "If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

"Oh, okay!"

Zhuang Qiang shuddered immediately, and urged the butterfly tail dragon eye to speed up and go away.

Su Mo saw Zhuang Qiang leaving and breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back at the many professionals behind him who were all smiling, he sneered and whispered: "It's really hard to live, but it's easier to die!"

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