The capital of gods, the mage tower.

On the nine-story tower, several high-level professionals with faint auras gathered here.

There is the president Qingshanlang who has a muscular body and wears a golden T-shirt;

There are the "popsicle sisters" who look the same, one is as gentle as water, and the other is as cold as frost;

There is the "wind and fire hammer" with fiery red hair; There is also the "Little Black Room" with a flat head and a dark face...

"Fenghuo Lun Dachui" was the first to speak: "Boss, you called us here in a hurry, what's the matter?"

Qingshanlang smiled, Looking at a few people: "Of course it's urgent.

The Sun Never Sets detained the Dragon Kingdom who was brushing the secret realm in the Sunset Sea. Professionals, demanding that we hand over the professionals of the Sun Never Sets, otherwise they will break with us.

Now, they have sent the Holy Light Cross Legion to Dragon Country, and their threatening intentions are obvious. ”


“Wind and Fire Swing the Hammer "He shouted angrily: "Are they trying to stir up trouble?"

The pretty face of the Rushuang woman turned even colder: "They are courting death!"

The flat-headed "Little Black Room" frowned and said: "Boss, this is a sinister thing. "

Qingshan Lang chuckled: "Of course it's evil.

The purpose of this exchange of professions to brush the secret realm , both of them know it well.

Now that the Sun Never Sets has openly reneged, in addition to its usual shamelessness, there is another important reason - their artifact [Tower of the Sun] has disappeared! ”


“[ The Sun Tower disappeared?"

"How is this possible!"

"Little Black Room" eyes brightened: "Boss, you mean..."

Qingshan Lang nodded: "You should also know about the recent events in Dragon Country. Got it.

Skywalker, nominally naturalized, but in reality buried deep in the sun More than 20 people died in succession near Jiangnan City, all of them were guild elites.

The remaining few were taken away by the Professional Association for questioning, and there has been no substantial progress.

And the sun never sets in the Dragon Kingdom The professional finally appeared in the Demon Sea and disappeared...

If we exclude them from starting the war, this group of people is probably dead.

So, I suspect that they took it with them in order to complete the [Tower of the Sun] Came to Dragon Country. And [Tower of the Sun] disappeared in Dragon Country! "

Several people were excited.

If this is true, it will definitely be a heavy blow to the Sun Never Sets!

But the problem also came. Being detained in Dragon Country What should we do with the professionals?

Obviously, Qingshan Lang asked them to come to discuss rescuing these professionals.

After all, there are members of the Law Association among these professionals.

Everyone looked at Qingshan Lang and expressed their opinions: "Boss, let me go!"

"President, let the two of us go!"

"Boss, I'm good at enchantments, let me go!"

Qingshan Lang waved his hand: "No , let me do the rescue work.

I asked you to come here today not to ask anyone to go, but to do another thing. "

Several people were silent for a moment, their brows furrowed.

"This time, not only will I personally take action, but also the presidents of the Warrior Association and the Guardian Association."

Now several people can no longer sit still, and they all exclaimed: "President, you can't take this risk!"

"You are the Dragon The pillar of the country cannot go abroad!"

"If those professionals knew, they would not agree with you doing this!"

"The Archbishop of the Sun Never Sets is known as a god-level strongman!"

"The distance is too far..."

Aoyama Lang But he shook his head and said, "If we don't fight him, we will always be timid, not knowing the gap, and unable to learn the truth."

The woman who had never spoken said, "President, what do you want us to do?"

"Help me leave the seeds ! ”

Suma followed Zhu Xianyu to the capital of gods.

The accommodation was arranged in a hotel near the Law Association.

“You stay here first. I will take you to familiarize yourself with the secret realm tomorrow. The assessment will start the day after tomorrow.”

After Zhu Xianyu finished his instructions, Quietly left.

This was Su Mo's first time in the capital, so he couldn't help but go out for a walk out of curiosity.

According to Cao Ze, if you don't experience the local customs and people in each place, it's a waste of time.

But thinking that it's not right for me, a newcomer, to be so unrestrained in the capital, I gave up.

He turned to the Fantasy Tower .

I just refreshed the Fantasy Tower two days ago. At that time, I forgot to exchange the stones because of the [God Whip] incident. I must not forget this time.

Now, Su Mo's Fantasy Tower Glory Points are more than 6,000, enough for him to be extravagant again. Put it.

No need to think, it is directly two stones with the upper limit of mana value, two god-level seven-color stones.

Leave it

More than 2,000 points for emergency...

Then it was time to witness a miracle. He punched a hole in his shoes and hat, and put two stones with +10% mana limit on them.

Instantly, his mana rose again to 5.5 million, and his shield value exceeded 11 million!

The panel attack reached a little over 60,000, and the combat power rating rose to more than 570 stars!

This shield value is already comparable to the health of many mid- and high-level copy bosses.

As long as it is not real damage, Uncle Su is the boss!

He wanted to test the effect of his shield, ignored it, turned around and chose the [Spring and Autumn Chronicles] level to challenge.

Thirty million at a time, it should not be expensive.

[Spring and Autumn Chronicles] selects various celebrities from the Spring and Autumn Period of ancient China, transformed into heroes guarding the gate.

Such as Bole, Zeng Shen, Yan Hui, Bao Si, King You, Wu Zixu, Mozi, Zhuangzi, etc.

The difficulty is the lowest, but there are more assassins and mages.

Su Mo fought from the first floor upwards, without using any skills, even attacking normally, and purely resisting with mana shield.

The result is that magic damage and physical damage are not painful to him. Basically, when his mana shield value is consumed to 500,000, these heroes are rebounded to death.

And Su Mo's passive recovery quickly returns to full state before the next floor begins.

Su Mo has a rough idea in his heart - he doesn't need to buy medicine when brushing dungeons in the future!

After brushing four secret realms in succession, Su Mo has a rough idea of ​​the common and rare professions of each profession.

The characteristics, strength, attack characteristics of the profession, the interval between skill casting and the cooldown are all memorized.

Until he reached the top of the 40th floor and killed Gou Jian with a bullet, Su Mo suddenly had a feeling:

From [Chronicles of the Spring and Autumn Period] to [The Investiture of the Gods], it represents the different strengths of the professions.

If this is the case, [Shanhai Secret] represents the highest strength among the current professional players!

In reality, this is indeed the case.

Most professional players challenge [Spring and Autumn Chronicles], a small number challenge [Chu-Han Contention], a small number challenge [Three Kingdoms], and a few challenge [Investiture of the Gods]...

"According to what Mr. Zhu said, it is basically certain that the first place will be cleared by [Three Kingdoms], and the strength of the new members of the Law Association can be inferred in reverse..."

Su Mo was not surprised, but only worried.

He fought with the professionals of the Sun Never Sets one after another, from Philip to Andre, and then to Edward. Although each of them was defeated by him, he clearly felt that these people were stronger than the professionals of the Dragon Country he met...

This is unreasonable!

You know, the population of the Dragon Country is more than one billion, while the Sun Never Sets is less than 100 million.

In any case, the number of top professionals in the Dragon Country should be higher.

"Maybe I was born in a small place and I haven't had the chance to meet them yet."

Su Mo comforted himself.

He calmed down and counted the gains from clearing the [Chronicles of the Spring and Autumn Period]:

Glory Points 1750 points;

180 Spring and Autumn Marks;

5 Elemental Magic Stones.

Frankly speaking, neither the quantity nor the quality can be compared with the later levels.

But what surprised Su Mo was that the Spring and Autumn Mark had an attribute that made his eyes light up.

[Spring and Autumn Mark]

[Introduction: It combines the blood marks of the initial battle among the heroes, telling the mottled history and the deeds of heroes, and can be used to exchange for marks in other levels of the Fantasy Tower! ]

[Exchange rules:

3 Spring and Autumn Marks = 2 Overlord Marks

4 Spring and Autumn Marks = 1 Hero Mark]

In other words, the 180 Spring and Autumn Marks he just obtained can be exchanged for 45 Hero Marks of [Heroes of the Three Kingdoms]!

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