The game was over, and the game was over.

After Xiao Wenzi shouted "The game begins", the light in the Fortune Palace dimmed.

Everyone was stunned and didn't rush to make a move.

Soon, the light shone again.

When everyone looked again, they found that they were actually in the "wild".

Wild monsters can be seen everywhere, and you can also see the blood bar and information.

Obviously, you can kill those who can see the blood bar.

But this is the Fortune Palace, the finals circle, and the wild monsters with blood bars inside are obviously not good news.

Su Mo glanced at the distance casually and found that the level of these wild monsters is 200, and the panel attributes are all above the middle and high professionals!

Their activity areas are not fixed, and their behaviors are not fixed. Some wild monsters will fight each other when they meet each other.

It goes without saying that they will attack professionals indiscriminately!

As expected, a melee is not that simple.

In addition to deciding the winner here, these people must also survive the attacks of wild monsters to the end, so that they can be worthy of being the final winner.

"With such a high difficulty, no wonder there is a time and space skill book in the final reward."

Su Mo nodded secretly.

On the other hand, Lu Ziye, Zhu Ming, Meng Lei and others changed their faces after seeing the attributes of the wild monsters.

Although they had already communicated to kick out Su Mo together, they would have to "fairly compete" with each other after kicking out Su Mo, and they would still have to face these countless wild monsters at that time.

As you can imagine, the pressure will not be small.

But the chance of winning is still there.

If they don't join forces to deal with Su Mo, they don't even have a chance!

Several people looked at each other, nodded heavily, and then sacrificed their weapons one after another.

Most of them were magic wands, but Meng Lei was holding a green hammer with lightning flashing, and Lu Ziye was holding two short swords.

After these people took out their weapons, they walked towards Su Mo with unfriendly faces.

Su Mo's face remained unchanged and he took out his magic wand.

Everyone was stunned.

Su Mo was not panicked at all!

He didn't even have a trace of resentment!

How could he be so calm?

Yang Huan spoke first: "Brother Su Mo, I'm sorry, you are too strong. We have no chance if you are here!"

Meng Lei also nodded: "Don't worry, I will compensate you after I get out!"

Lu Ziye nodded: "Brother Su, I'm sorry..."

Su Mo smiled and shook his head: "We are all thousand-year-old foxes, so don't talk about Liao Zhai. No matter how beautiful the words are, you still have to do it, right?"

Lu Ziye nodded: "Since Brother Su is a wise man, I have nothing to say.

Brother Su, if you voluntarily withdraw, as a member of the Law Association, it will not be considered as hurting Yanmian, and the Longcheng Lu family will also owe you a favor."

Several people around him looked envious.

The Longcheng Lu family is a famous family of Dharma Kings in Longguo.

Not to mention that there are at least two Nine-Turn Dharma Kings in the family, the relationship with the Law Association is also like milk and milk.

In fact, many insiders speculate that Lu Ziye, who is a melee mage like the president of the Law Association Qingshanlang, is also the most likely person to become the next president of the Law Association in the new Qing group.

His promise is very important.

But Su Mo smiled and shook his head: "What if I don't agree?"

Yu Nanxing, who had never spoken, nodded slightly.

Although this kid looks annoying, he is really strong-willed.

I must compensate him well after returning, which can also be regarded as a comfort to my sister.

Lu Ziye's face changed slightly, but he immediately resumed his smile: "Since Brother Su is unwilling to give in, then we can only make you give in. You chose this step yourself, you can't blame others!"


Su Mo laughed, "Only women can make Master Su soft, you, you are not worthy!"

Yu Nanxing frowned slightly.

And Su Mo's words instantly angered Lu Ziye.

He waved his hand, and his body pulled out a ghost-like afterimage, and rushed straight towards Su Mo.

The other mages each cast out their summoning scrolls to protect themselves and began to chant.

As a melee mage, Lu Ziye could injure Su Mo first without chanting, and then when their skills were combined, Su Mo would definitely be eliminated.

No matter how strong Su Mo was, he was still a person. Could he kill Lu Ziye instantly?

Besides, all mages had to chant!

How could you chant when Lu Ziye got close to you?

Sure enough, Lu Ziye flashed to Su Mo's side in the blink of an eye and emerged from the afterimage. The moment he appeared, he crossed his swords and slashed at Su Mo from front to back.

This was Lu Ziye's most violent skill as a violent mage, named [Netherworld Strike], which appeared in front of him.

Directly hit the target with two consecutive hits.

The moment the two consecutive hits hit the target, a 1.5-second [Silence Field] is activated, making the enemy units in it unable to use skills and can only attack normally.

At the same time, Lu Ziye will appear behind the target and stab out a two-hit combo that is sure to hit critically.

No ordinary mage, assassin, or shooter can withstand his attack!

Even some violent warriors can be killed by him in seconds without reacting.

In addition, with the [Sky Wrath Set], Lu Ziye's critical hit rate is fully stacked, and the critical hit damage is also maximized.

Lu Ziye is confident that this attack can deal at least 700,000 or 800,000 damage.

This damage, let alone mages, even tanks can't stand it.

This is the violence of melee mages, and this is why the president of the Warrior Association is afraid of the melee of the Mage Association President Qingshanlang!

However, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Su Mo stood still, and even seemed to have no reaction, just letting Lu Ziye slash four times in a row.

The damage value of each slash was clearly in red!





But it was not Su Mo who fell, but Lu Ziye!

Everyone saw that after Lu Ziye swung the last two slashes, he seemed to be hit on the head with a sledgehammer, and fell to the ground instantly, without even a twitch, and disappeared directly on the spot!

A clear prompt came from the Creation Palace:

[Player ‘Yo Yo Lu Ming’ triggered the death mechanism, failed, and was eliminated! ]


All the mages present felt a chill in their heads.

Some even forgot to chant.

Almost the same thought arose in the hearts of several people: What’s going on!

Su Mo sneered.

Seeing the more than one million mana points lost in an instant, he understood.

Before the finals, Mr. Zhu showed him a detailed analysis of the contestants' information.

Lu Ziye, Yang Huan, Zhu Ming, Yu Nanxing and others were on the list.

In order to do his best, Mr. Zhu analyzed the difficulties of several seeded players to Su Mo at that time.

Among them was Lu Ziye's melee burst.

Compared with the burst of President Qingshanlang, Mr. Zhu estimated that Lu Ziye's burst damage would reach 1.5 million...

At that time, Su Mo had a rough idea in his heart.

Lu Ziye, who was the strongest on the surface, was destined to be the first to be kicked out.

As expected, just a face-to-face, before Uncle Su made a move, Lu Ziye was "killed" by his own burst damage.

Poor Lu Ziye piled up his own damage so high, thinking only of how to kill others in seconds, but he never thought that his high burst would send him away!

Su Mo looked at the remaining seven people and smacked his lips, saying, "I thought they were so powerful, but they turned out to be little bastards!

After talking so much nonsense, they were eliminated before me!"

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