The figure was not someone else, but Su Mo who followed the teleportation array! Logically speaking, St. Paul's Cathedral, as the seat of the Archbishop of the British Empire, should have been guarded by layers of guards and strict security. But the ten Holy Light Knights guarding the Cathedral have already gone to the Dragon Kingdom. The High Priest is also on his way on a two-headed dragon. The Archbishop has now gone to the Sunset Sea. Most of the Eighth Turn Professionals were arranged to go to the Sunset Sea to set traps and wait for Qingshan Lang and others. So the St. Paul's Cathedral is almost unattended at the moment. In addition, Su Mo is in the "pseudo-Ninth Turn" state, and he is using the time and space skills, so no one noticed him at all. To be precise, no one would have thought that someone would sneak in at this time.

At this time,

Su Mo carefully looked around.

Huge Western-style sculptures, exaggerated creation paintings on the roof, various legends about the Lord, God, and Archbishop emerged one by one.

The sculptures, murals, and objects around were all exquisite and unusual.

Su Mo had no interest in learning more about these - he was not here to appreciate art.

What he had to do now was to take advantage of the owner leaving home, so as not to come here in vain!

Suddenly, he felt a strange sound behind the shrine, the sound was hideous and terrifying, and it sounded like some incredible monster roaring.

Su Mo looked at the shrine carefully, and then he noticed that the shrine was made of special materials, comparable to a sealed artifact!

"Damn it, riding a donkey to find a donkey, the good stuff turned out to be under the butt!"

Su Mo's first reaction was to take down the shrine and release the things inside - no matter what it was, anyway, the Archbishop wanted to suppress it, so he just released it.

But it was really unreasonable to think that he had come all this way to take just this one thing.

He moved his body, quickly "wandered" around the entire cathedral, and took down the legendary pseudo-artifact hanging on the top of the cathedral - Big Ben.

He also rolled away a shroud that had been in the auditorium for who knows how long, stained with blood but obviously showing extraordinaryness.

There were also seven sets of top legendary armor, a green long sword and a hideous hood placed alone, which were displayed as exhibits around the main hall...

Su Mo took out all the things that were in the most conspicuous places and obviously looked extraordinary, put them in his own portable warehouse, and then clapped his hands, ready to take down the shrine and run away.

He slapped his head, what a mistake!

He now has the ability to cut space, but he still has to do the work of a petty thief.

Seeing that the time of [Robbery, Barrier Dimension] was less than half over, he instantly appeared above St. Paul's Cathedral.

Su Mo, looking down from above, waved his hands horizontally and vertically at the bottom.

When he looked again, St. Paul's Cathedral suddenly "disappeared" out of thin air and suddenly appeared in another compressed small space next to Su Mo!

"Where is it?"

Su Mo's heart moved, and he threw it back to the territory of Dragon Country, and he would talk about it later!

Below, on the "ruins" of St. Paul's Cathedral, which was cut into four pieces horizontally and vertically by Su Mo, only a shrine was left there alone!

The archbishop is probably going to be very angry when he comes back. He went out for a trip, and when he came back, his home was gone!


Su Mo was surprised.

The space was cut, but this thing was not taken away with it?

This thing belongs to another space as a whole?

The shrine was connected to the ground like a chimney, and the ferocious roar below became clearer and clearer.

It turned out to be the roar of several kinds of dragons!

Su Mo was interested, there was a nest of dragons below?

Good thing, do something for the Sun Never Sets!

He raised his hand and "cut" again, but it still couldn't shake anything. Instead, it was emitting dazzling golden light, "melting" his attack.

The effect was somewhat similar to his [Light of Annihilation].

"Light-based forbidden spell?"

Su Mo reacted immediately, he should have said it earlier.

He raised his hand and cast another forbidden spell - [Light of Annihilation].

Otherwise, it would be [Light Energy Cannon]. If it doesn't work, Master Su will have to run away quickly.

He came to make trouble, but he didn't dare to be too arrogant.

A shocking scene appeared!

As soon as [Light of Annihilation] was cast, it melted with the golden light above like ice and snow melting.

The golden light on the shrine did not become stronger because of the addition of the "new power", but was instantly broken.

The extreme light surged on the shrine, like a well that concentrated the magma of an entire volcano, and it all erupted in an instant.

What Su Mo saw

Everywhere, it was full of extreme white light!

The light stung his eyes so much that tears were about to flow out!

This was the first time he was "accidentally injured" by his own skills.

Su Mo hurriedly raised his hand and drew N space barriers in front of him to prevent the light from hurting him.

But the changes in the shrine continued-

After the extreme light came on, the entire sky above the sun never set was occupied by a touch of extreme white light, followed by a deafening explosion-boom!

In the light, an extremely huge figure suddenly rushed out from the ground.

At the moment of rushing out, the figure also glanced at Su Mo, and after seeming to find that the other party was not easy to mess with, it flapped its wings and left directly.

Su Mo's heart was pounding: "Oh my goodness, a nine-headed dragon!

It's too dangerous here, let's go!"


At this time, the archbishop happened to rush towards Qingshan Lang, wanting to severely injure him in one fell swoop.

Qingshan Lang, who was busy "unraveling the mystery" to break the golden mist barrier, disappeared at the moment when he arrived with the light.

When he reappeared, he was in the air far away from the archbishop.

It seems that Qingshan Lang does not want to confront the archbishop head-on.

The archbishop's voice was still stiff: "It's ridiculous, you are worthy of being called the strongest in Dragon Country!"

Qingshan Lang smiled slightly, raised his hands in the air, interlaced his fingers, and closed his palms.

In an instant, the space around the archbishop began to squeeze and collapse, and countless space blades shot towards the archbishop.

The archbishop dodged sharply, and then realized that he had been locked in a small closed space!

In just a moment, the golden light on his body was dimmed by the space blade.

Qingshan Lang sneered: "You are an expert in Dragon Country, you should know the allusion called 'named Ai, but actually it is a meeting'!

Come on, let me tell you why your uncle Qingshan is called the most awesome in Dragon Country!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingshan Lang appeared directly behind the archbishop and punched him with his hand!


This time there was no surprise, the archbishop was really hit against the space barrier.

Then, Qingshan Lang's figure was like a ghost, and he kept punching the archbishop. Every punch hit the flesh, and without any surprise, they all hit the archbishop.

At their level, the effects of skills, spells and bare-handed attacks are not much different.

In fact, Qingshan Lang also knew that if he wanted to really hurt the archbishop, it would not be possible to do it just by blocking the space.

"Stupid human!"

The archbishop spoke again, without any signs of injury, but exuding the ultimate golden light all over his body.

In the golden light, a humanoid creature with eight pairs of white wings held a strange weapon and raised it towards Qingshan Lang.


The lightning struck continuously, turning into a ball and wrapping Qingshan Lang inside!

The offensive and defensive situation was reversed instantly.

But Qingshan Lang was not afraid. The four people tried their best to create the illusion of eagerness to save people, just to lure the archbishop into the trap.

Now that the archbishop was sealed in a claustrophobic space, it was a great time for him to exert melee suppression!

However, before he could make a move, he heard the archbishop's extremely angry roar: "OH, Shit!"

The next moment, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the light above the entire Jersey Island completely dimmed.

Nine pairs of eyes of different colors were like demons from hell, staring coldly at the people below...

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