The more you go, the more you will be.

Suma hurriedly left the job transfer temple and rushed to the forge.

It was a distribution center for various materials.

The teacher taught in class that the third job transfer was different from the second job transfer. In order to transfer, in addition to reaching level 60, you also need to collect materials that meet the requirements of the five elements.

These materials are only produced by elite monsters.

There are not many elite monsters, and the time of refresh is uncertain. In addition, the explosion rate of materials that meet the requirements of the five elements is low. Generally, forging houses or professionals hoard these materials and sell them for money.

According to Su Mo's current financial resources, it is enough to buy a set of materials for the third job transfer.

But I am afraid that there will be no market for them!

According to the girl with glasses, the barrier of Jiangcheng was broken twice, and the City Lord's Mansion collected a large amount of materials to repair the barrier, and the demand for materials must be huge.

At that time, let alone Jiangcheng, I am afraid that the materials of the neighboring city will also be requisitioned.

He must stock up as soon as possible!

Otherwise, his job transfer time will definitely be greatly delayed!

Regarding the City Lord's Mansion's approach, Su Mo hesitated whether to curse MMP.

But thinking that the root of all this was the forbidden spell he released, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

He rushed to the forging house at lightning speed and said hopefully: "Boss, do you have the third-level materials? Give me one!"

"Oh, what a coincidence, you came a step earlier, maybe there are still some."


Su Mo was a little annoyed.

Although he knew the reason, he still couldn't help asking: "Why is it gone?"

The boss looked at him and sighed: "Because our Jiangcheng barrier was broken, don't you know?"

Su Mo was helpless, nodded and was about to leave.

At this time, a familiar voice came: "Hey, little brother, what a coincidence?"

It was Aguli who "saved" him outside the dark cave.

"Well, big breasts... big, sister?"

At the same time, his [Eye of True Vision] was automatically turned on, and the woman's situation was clear at a glance:

Name: Aguli

Profession: Berserker [Fourth Turn]

Level: Level 125

HP: 26805

Strength: 5026

Agility: 4125

Mana: 3800

Attack: 4265

Defense: 12332

Combat Power Assessment: 72 Stars

D-level building height.

38 floor space...

Sure enough, this Aguli is a warrior.

Su Mo was shocked, it was indeed a forbidden spell!

[Eye of True Vision] can actually ignore level suppression and find out the strength of professionals who are dozens of levels higher than him!

The most amazing thing is that looking at Aguli's situation, she clearly didn't realize that she was being spied on.

As for the last two data... ahem, you don't need the true eye to see this, you can see it with your eyes.

Aguli didn't notice anything unusual, she just thought Su Mo was a kid with a thief's heart but no courage, so she deliberately straightened up and teased: "Little brother, what a coincidence!"

Su Mo laughed: "What a coincidence, big sister!"

He thought, "Brother is brother, why do you have to add the word 'little'? Unlike me, I add the word 'big' to show respect."

Aguli smiled charmingly: "Little brother, I just heard that you want to buy materials for the third level?"

When she said this, she couldn't help but look at Su Mo carefully, secretly admiring him in her heart.

He is young, handsome, and his job upgrade speed is so fast, and he is also very hidden...

Alas, I don't know how many good girls this little milk dog will harm in the future!

Judging from his appearance, he should like a good figure.

Men, this is worth affirming, and the aesthetics are always online.

Su Mo didn't know what Aguli was thinking, and when he heard "third-turn materials", his eyes lit up: "Yes, sister, do you have them?"

Aguli shook her long brown hair and chuckled: "Guess."

Su Mo looked at Aguli, who exuded the charm of the opposite sex, and scratched his head.

Sister, you are like this, which affects my judgment...

Sensing Su Mo's embarrassment, Aguli put away her jokes and said seriously: "As for the third-turn materials, I have some, but not all.

If you want, I can sell them to you.

How about it, do you want it?"

"Yes, yes!"

Su Mo immediately expressed his opinion.

Although he has a forbidden spell, he can clean the map with one shot.

But the monsters that produce materials have irregular refresh times, and the places where they are produced are also far and near.

To avoid trouble, it is better to pay directly.


Aguli said, "I can give you one each of the Golden Tiger Claw and Wood Spirit Mandrill Skin, but there are only three pieces of Water Mist Mirage Scales.

There is no other, you have to find a way yourself.

Do you want it? "

Su Mo nodded: "Yes!"

"Well, I can give you all of these, three million."

"Three million?"

Su Mo was stunned for a moment.

The three-turn materials require ten of each of the five elements, and the price is about the same, all around one million.

The fluctuation is only thirty to fifty thousand.

At present, Aguli only provides two more than three pieces. Even if she raises the price, it can only be 2.5 million at most.

Now she asks for 3 million. Does she really think that Mr. Su is obsessed and insane because of her magic?

Aware of Su Mo's surprise, Aguli nodded and said: "Little brother, don't think that your sister is taking advantage of you.

First of all, the whole Jiangcheng is short of materials now, and you know the reason.

These things, you may not have a place to buy them even if you have money.

Even if the storm is over in the future, I don't know how long it will take to get enough.

In the meantime, you have to wait for the refresh time of elite monsters, snatch monsters, and the explosion rate...

You should know the troubles in this.

Secondly, these materials are not for my sister alone, but for her teammates, who are eager to use the money.

Otherwise, at other times, considering that we are destined to be together, I can give you these materials. "

Su Mo nodded.

He has considered what Aguli said, so he wants to spend money to buy it.

Save time and effort.

He was moved, thinking of the complaints he heard in the dark cave, and asked tentatively: "Is it your teammate who is preparing for the fifth turn?"

Aguli was stunned: "How do you know?"

Su Mo thought to himself, "Sure enough."

He thought for a while and said: "I have some fifth turn materials at home, I can exchange them with you."

Su Mo dare not say that these materials were "robbed" by him in the dark crypt with a skill.

Especially from Aguli and others.

"Fifth turn materials? "

Aguli's eyes lit up, "You have it?"

He shook his head immediately, "No, you are only the second level, how can you have the fifth level materials?"

Su Mo sighed, "My parents left it when they were alive."

He had no choice but to use his parents who died in the secret realm in this world to take the blame.

But his reason was not to discredit his parents or bring disgrace to their reputation, so Su Mo would not feel psychological pressure.

"Your parents?"

Aguli seemed to understand and apologized, "I'm sorry, but since it was left by your parents, they must hope that you can become stronger. should keep it, we can think of another way."


Su Mo was surprised.

He thought Aguli raised the price and used her brother as a cover, but he didn't expect that she would pay attention to this.

Thinking of her "saving" him before, he was sure that what Aguli said was true and she was not a bad person.

"Ah, it's okay! "

Su Mo shook his head, "The most urgent thing is that I want to go to the third level, and your teammates are also eager to go to the fifth level, so we can each take what we need.

If you are willing, you can help me get another copy, and I will pay for it, okay?"

Aguli's eyes lit up, and she patted Su Mo's shoulder heavily: "Yes, I can help you get one more copy when I go to the fourth level in the future!

Then let's change!

How many fifth-level materials do you have?"


Su Mo glanced at his portable warehouse, "I have one each of the Flame Dragon Crystal, Star Gua Stone, and Broken Wristband..."


Aguli's eyes widened, her breathing was rapid, and her chest rose and fell, "You have the Flame Dragon Crystal and the Broken Wristband?"

She stepped forward and grabbed Su Mo's shoulders with both hands, as if she was afraid that he would run away, "Good brother, I only need 4 pieces of Flame Dragon Crystal and 5 Broken Wristbands, and I will help you get all the materials for the third-level task!"

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