The new city is still a big city, and the new city is still a big city.

God's capital.

Zhu Xianyu, who received the prompt message, also came to the "Professional Arena".

He was shocked at the latest ranking.

He felt that the top of the list "Don't be obsessed with me" was Su Mo, but he had no evidence.

After all, the national war was imminent, and the six-turn and seven-turn professionals from various associations in Longguo were all transferred and challenged in the past few days.

Moreover, Su Mo's transfer was successful, and he had also seen Su Mo's attribute panel-combat power of more than 900 stars.

Even if he took the medicine, it would be impossible for the combat power to increase to more than 2,000 stars.

"More than 2,000 stars of combat power, judging from the situation, it should be the attribute that the perverts in the Warrior Association can stack up." Zhu Xianyu thought to himself, "Only a warrior can suppress the president at the seventh level..." He didn't know that he had ruled out the correct answer right away. When he saw Youye and Abe Qingyu disappear from the ranking, his shock can be imagined. "President Youye, Abe Qingyu, such strong men are already the top strong men of Blue Star, and someone can actually kill them! Mel, the sun never sets, is also dead. Who did it, President?" Zhu Xianyu was eager to know how Qingshan Lang and others reacted to this matter, but he wanted to challenge himself and increase his level limit. Every level increase means that he can be stronger at the same level. "Don't be obsessed with me" raises the upper limit of the professional arena, which is definitely a great help for Longguo at this time! You know, compared with Sakura, Longguo is vast and rich in resources, and the population and number of professionals are several times that of Sakura. Although the increase in the level cap of the seventh-turn professional provides opportunities for professionals around the world to become stronger, the Dragon Country with the largest population undoubtedly has a greater advantage.

Zhu Xianyu repeatedly compared the top ten and chose Thor, who ranked tenth, Pushkin, who ranked ninth, and Abisi, who ranked seventh.

Three battles, three wins.

Zhu Xianyu's seventh-turn level cap has increased to level 380.

He looked at the remaining seven professionals.

Qingshan Lang doesn't need to be considered. As a mage, he can't beat him all the time, so he gave up.

The second-place Hiram George is an assassin profession, which restrains mages, so there's no need to think about it.

Only the warrior can still try...

The result is that he challenged Hercules, Pavlov, and Xiao Zuo, and lost three battles without any suspense.

At this point, Zhu Xianyu has definitely lost the qualification to enter the "Peak Challenge".

But he did not leave. Instead, he shared the same idea with those low-power professionals: "I heard that no one has seen him use his skills yet, and no one knows what his profession is.

I am at least in the top 100, so I can't be as bad as those people, right?"

After all, he is still more than 2,000 strong after taking drugs. I don't expect to defeat him, but it's not too much to know what his profession is...

Zhu Xianyu chose to challenge the first place "Don't be obsessed with me".

Facing "Don't be obsessed with me" who fell from the sky, he rode Suzaku to distance himself and threw a fire skill.

Those people before were really stupid. The first attack had such high damage, but they didn't know how to dodge?

But the next moment he understood why.

Because "Don't be obsessed with me" was too fast, he came up close at a speed faster than the assassin and hit Zhu Xianyu in the chest.


Zhu Xianyu fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Before he could figure out what was going on, red light appeared everywhere in his field of vision—his health was in danger!

His continuous blood loss made him realize that he was going to "die" without any surprise.

Zhu Xianyu's mind went blank: "Is this... defeated?"

He thought that there was a gap between him and the first place, but he didn't expect the gap to be so big!

Even an eighth-turn professional couldn't be this strong, right?

Zhu Xianyu was shocked.

He had killed an eighth-turn strongman with his own hands.

But here he was killed instantly by a seventh-turn professional!

The most ridiculous thing was that the opponent only used one flat attack to send him away, and he didn't even know the opponent's profession.

Comparing people makes people angry...

On the other side, Lu Ziye and Yang Huan of the Law Association also turned seven and entered the professional arena.

The attributes of the two after the seventh turn were 1,300 stars, which was a few points stronger than when Zhu Xianyu turned seven!

When taking drugs, his attributes even exceeded the 1,800 mark.

Even the president Qingshan Lang did not reach this level back then!

Among them, Lu Ziye even awakened his innate skill - [Absolute Domination], mastered the field suppression skill, and his combat power increased geometrically.

The surge in strength gave him unprecedented confidence.

He felt that he was definitely expected to reach the top ten, and even raise the upper limit of the professional arena again.

The sixth to seventh became his turning point!

The self-confidence that was hit by Su Mo two days ago was established again.

He felt that he would be able to defeat Su Mo when he met him again.

"I want to let the people of Dragon Country and even Blue Star know who is the strongest genius of Dragon Country's magician!"

Lu Ziye decisively entered the professional arena, like Su Mo, each group of 50 professionals, directly challenged the highest ranking.

As expected, he made great progress and successfully reached the top ten.

Looking at the top of the list "Don't be obsessed with me", Lu Ziye instinctively associated it with Su Mo.

But this idea was quickly rejected by him.

"My father helped me deduce that the highest combat power of a mage at the seventh level is only 1,500 or 1,600. Even if he takes medicine, he can only reach 1,800 at most.

Unless it was at the beginning of the game world, the division between mages and guardians and tanks was not clear, and the equipment, skills, and three-dimensional attributes of mages were very high..."

Lu Ziye thought to himself.

As a mage family, he knew many secrets that others did not know, "and the melee mage profession is closer to the ancient mage, and the combat power is the easiest to reach the maximum combat power value.

Even so, the panel attributes and combat power of mages of the same level will always be a bit behind other professions, with a difference of two or three hundred stars of combat power...

This 'first place' has a combat power of more than 2,100, which is obviously a height that only warriors can reach.

Besides, that Su Mo seems to have a nickname, something like 'Elephant's Long Nose'?"

Lu Ziye thought of many reasons and reasons, and easily concluded: 'Don't Be Infatuated with Brother' is not a mage, and it is even less likely to be Su Mo!

Then he was ecstatic in his heart - the future of the Law Association and Dragon Country will definitely be dominated by him!

Now is the first step for him to reach the peak and let the world know his name!

10th place, Nordic Sol, what a thing!

Challenge, win.

9th place, Pushkin, just a meat target.

Challenge, win.

8th place, Watfake, what a shitty name!

Challenge, win!

4th place, Qingshan Lang.


Lu Ziye's eyes were burning.

The first person in Dragon Country, the peak powerhouse of the entire Blue Star's mage profession.

If he can defeat him, it will best prove his strength.

But Qingshan Lang's combat power is evaluated at 1,789, and he is 1,822 stars.

Lu Ziye's eyes were full of fighting spirit: "The advantage is mine..."

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