The two of them were busy, but they were busy all day.

Seeing the nine-headed dragon Hydra whispering, Su Mo frowned and asked, "How long are you going to discuss? If there is no result, I have to go to kill wild monsters!"

He felt a little guilty when he said this.

After all, what he wanted was the materials that could be handed in for two hidden plot tasks - to be exact, it could be teleported twice.

The nine-headed dragon hurriedly stopped him, "You, wait a little longer!"

Obviously, it had the materials.

Su Mo added at the right time: "My time is limited. You know, now is the national war period. As a Dragon countryman, I must contribute to the country.

Go early and come back early!"

The nine-headed dragon gritted his teeth and agreed: "Okay, but you have to promise not to use it for other purposes!"

Su Mo nodded, thinking that he would use one for teleportation and one for task delivery, and it would not be counted as other purposes.

Seeing Su Mo's agreement, the dragon no longer hesitated. Several of its heads shook their necks and shook out various materials.

The skeleton of the Storm Dragon King, the scales of the Dust Alligator Dragon, the core of the Void Giant Beast...

It actually has all the materials for these god-level copies!

Sure enough, the legend of the dragon's treasure is not groundless.

Su Mo took a deep look at the dragon, which was meaningful.

The dragon didn't know why, but felt that the dragon's back was shining.

Su Mo collected the materials, his eyes were burning, and he looked at the coordinates on the map. He took out a piece of material in his hand and cast the [Space Teleportation Array] at the same time.

A complex light lit up, enveloping him and the dragon.

The nine heads of the dragon stared at the characters on the teleportation array and looked at them carefully.

The next moment, the light suddenly lit up, and the man and the dragon disappeared.

One minute later, Sakura Country.

Su Mo and the nine-headed dragon appeared on the top of Fuji Mountain with the teleportation array.

Suddenly, he received a message prompt:

[You have come to the enemy's country, you will be suppressed by the national fortune of Sakura Country, and all attributes will be reduced by 20%! ]

[During the national war, the assassination of the enemy is not affected by the red name mechanism. ]

[During the national war, after assassinating the opponent, the drop rate of treasure increases by 20%. ]

[During the national war, after assassinating the opponent, the drop rate of looting the opponent's wild monster resources increases! ]

[During the national war, you can loot the opponent's "God's Blood"! ]


There are so many prompts, in short, four words-support fierce battle!

What excited him the most was that in Sakura Country, besides his attributes being suppressed, his drop rate and other things were also improved accordingly.

In other words, it was not easy to start in Dragon Country, but in Sakura Country, he could do whatever he wanted without restraint!

Su Mo looked down and his eyes shrank.

Oh my God, the location marked on the map of Mount Fuji should have been covered with snow, but now it was dim.

The heroes under the mountain disappeared, replaced by a mess.

The nine-headed dragon was proud: "Now you believe it?"

Su Mo looked at the scorched earth below and nodded.

The dragon was excited: "Then can we go now?"

Su Mo did not respond, but rubbed his hands: "Since we are here, it's not good to go back empty-handed, right?"

The dragon was puzzled: "What do you want to do?"

Su Mo glanced at the map navigation.

Sakura Country's Sakara, Nagawa, and Onishi Ze are all very close.

Among them, Nagawa and Onishi Ze have relatively concentrated wild monster gathering points, dungeons, and secret realms.

The effect of his [Space Teleportation Array] is still there...

"Let's go to Nagawa first!"

Su Mo's mind moved, and he wrapped the nine-headed dragon and flew over Nagawa City.

On the map navigation, there were densely packed wild monster areas, dungeon areas, and even two legendary secret realms - this was closely related to the narrow and long area of ​​Sakura Country.

This made it convenient for Su Mo at the moment.

He raised his hand and cast [Extreme Cold Storm], instantly turning the entire Nagawa City from summer to winter.

Snow and ice fell from the sky, and the wild areas and dungeons of Nagawa City and some areas of Sudden Change Sakara were baptized by blizzards and hail.

Wild monsters were instantly frozen into ice sculptures, and many Sakura professionals were also frozen to death.

For a time, there was grief everywhere.

Some tough and resurrected professionals shivered and wailed in fear: "What kind of weather is this? Why is it snowing suddenly?"

"What's going on? Is it the end of Blue Planet?"

"Baga, someone dropped mushroom bombs on Naichuan!"

"It's so cold, ah..."

Winter has arrived, and no living creature can survive.

Under the release of the enhanced version of [Arctic Storm], Naichuan City is like hell on earth.

Wild monster corpses piled up like mountains.

Countless equipment and materials dropped on the ground.

But Su Mo didn't even look at these, just set up automatic pickup

[Blood of God].

The sound of materials falling kept coming: [You got Blood of God*1! ]

[You got Blood of God*1! ]

[You got Blood of God*1! ]

In addition to getting [Blood of God], experience acquisition was also constantly reported:

[You killed the Puffer Boy and got 1 experience point. ]

[You killed the mutant creature and got 12589 experience points. ]

[You killed the Toad Boss and got 250 experience points. ]


The information of upgrading and experience bonus kept coming, and Su Mo's level was also rising rapidly.

The nine-headed dragon looked at the scene happening in front of him and asked in confusion: "You came all the way here just to upgrade?"

Su Mo grinned and laughed strangely: "Otherwise, why do you come all the way to see a pile of ruins?"

The nine-headed dragon: "…"

Inside the Imperial Palace.

Emperor Toba ignored Kato Hirobumi who was reporting to him, looked up at the sky, and was furious: "Baga, who is going wild in my Sakura Country!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ball of light wrapped him up and disappeared from the spot, heading straight for the direction that made him feel something - Nagawa City.

At the same time, Su Mo realized something and said to the nine-headed dragon beside him with a smile: "You go out and hold it first, I'm going to do something, and I'll take you away when I come back!"

Without waiting for the nine-headed dragon to understand, Su Mo reduced the scope of the [Time and Space Teleportation Array] and disappeared from the spot, leaving the nine-headed dragon with a confused face.

The black head asked first: "Boss, what's going on? Did he run away?"

The white head: "No, he's going out to do something. Does he have acquaintances in Sakura?"

The silver head: "He wants us to wait for him here?"

The green head shouted angrily: "Waiting is the most tormenting. I can't stand it..."

The blue head: "Look, what is that?"

As soon as the voice fell, a ball of light suddenly appeared in front of the nine-headed dragon.

With a tall crown and white face, he looked old, it was the Japanese Emperor Toba!

The first time Toba Japanese Emperor appeared, he shouted angrily: "Baga, why are you here again? What do you want to do?"

The golden head shouted angrily: "This is a misunderstanding!"


Toba Japanese Emperor looked at the Nagawa Castle below, which had turned into an "ice city". He could no longer feel a trace of vitality, and his anger burst out instantly: "Baga, you destroyed my Sakura City, and you actually said this was a misunderstanding!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Japanese Emperor Toba was shining with golden light, like the scorching sun shining in the sky, exposing the nine-headed dragon.

The nine-headed dragon shouted angrily: "You are crazy, I did nothing!"

The Japanese emperor cursed: "Baga, it's useless for you to say anything, die! The majesty of the sacred sun god cannot be challenged!"

The nine-headed dragon suddenly realized why Su Mo left it here...

And Su Mo had already reached the sky above Daxi Ze.

Looking at the densely packed wild area points on the map, he followed the same method and cast another forbidden spell...

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