The news of the incident was a big blow.


"The latest breaking news: 37,000 drops of [God's Blood] from the Sakura sacrifice platform disappeared!"

"On the second day of the Dragon Kingdom War, 74,300 [God's Blood] were collected..."

"The Japanese emperor of Sakura Kingdom issued a declaration that he would fight to the death with Longguo."

"Sakura Kingdom's cities such as Banquan and Nagawa suffered heavy losses from attacks from unknown sources. According to incomplete statistics, this sudden attack caused Sakura to lose 78 wild monster points and 21 copies..."

"According to authoritative sources, this may be the winning node of the first stage of the Dragon Kingdom and Sakura Kingdom War!"


The many "rumors" circulating on the Internet have greatly stimulated the patriotic passion of the Dragon people.

Especially in the statistics of the number of tasks in the first stage, the actual number of tasks in Longguo is more than 100,000, while that in Yinghuaguo is only a little more than 10,000 - less than the more than 30,000 on the first day!

This indirectly proves that the "rumors" of are true.

For a time, the public opinion of the entire Longguo was full of confidence in the future again.

The situation that was originally full of grief was also opened up.

The entire Longguo was full of confidence in this national war.

"I knew that whenever Dragon Country was in danger, there would always be people with lofty ideals who would stand up!"

"Well done!"

"Please tell me, which great god did this kind of thing that the whole country celebrated?"

"Great god, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

"Life in Sakura Country is not very good. I confess that it was the good uncle of your Dragon Country who took away your [God's Blood]!"

"My dear brother, your words reminded me of when I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. I said I wanted two eggplants and a cucumber. The stall owner thought there were too many people and asked me to buy something else first. I paid the money, walked around and came back, and found that the eggplants and cucumbers were gone, so I asked the stall owner, where are my eggplants and cucumbers?

Guess what he said?

I packed them up for you!"

"Hey, this guy is doing a stand-up comedy here! But I want to pretend too."


Law Association.

Qingshan Lang is discussing matters with Xiao Wenzi.

"You mean, among the top ten in the seventh-level professional arena, four of the ten seats belong to Dragon Country?"

Qingshan Lang's eyes were burning, "Who are the two new people? Have you confirmed it?"

Xiao Wenzi answered honestly: "The second is Lu Ziye from our Law Association, the fifth is you, the president, and the sixth is President Xiao Zuo.

As for the first one, it is a pseudonym, and it has not been verified yet."

"Has it not been verified yet?"

Qingshan Lang raised his eyebrows, "It's not even confirmed what profession it is?"

Xiao Wenzi shook his head: "No, from the perspective of combat power attributes, only warriors or assassins can reach such a high combat power.

But after I contacted the Assassin Association and the Warrior Association, they also said that there is no such fierce person who has changed his job."

Qingshan Lang frowned: "It's not even confirmed the other party's profession?"

Xiao Wenzi was helpless Smile bitterly: "No."

Qingshan Lang waved his hand: "No, but this is equivalent to raising the upper limit of the professional level in disguise."

Xiao Wenzi shook his head: "President, the level 350 can add 20 or 30 levels, but it is basically impossible to get the upper limit of 400 or above."


Qingshan Lang frowned, "Why?"

"The first one, 'Don't be obsessed with me', is too strong. When facing challengers, he can kill them with one general attack, and he doesn't even have skills.

So far, no one can reach the upper limit of 400, let alone the newly added level 500.

Everyone said in their hearts that this upper limit of 500 is deliberately stimulated by the game world to duel and assassination between professionals..."

Qingshan Lang looked thoughtful.

After a moment, he waved his hand and said, "Let's not worry about it for now. It's the third day of the national war. The Law Association has put all its energy into collecting for the national war. What's the specific situation?"

Xiao Wenzi smiled knowingly: "Yesterday near the evening, the [Sacrificial Altar] suddenly received more than 41,000 blood of God. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the work of the people who attacked the Sakura Country.

And when they attacked the Holy Sun City, they also attacked Nagawa, Onishi Ze, Banquan and other places, plundering the local wild resources...

I just don't know who this group of patriots is. They are so brave that they dare to go deep into the heart of the Sakura Country to rob and plunder.

The most commendable thing is that they can return safely.

Except for you, the president, I can't think of anyone else..."

Qingshan Lang waved his hand: "It's not me... But this also reminds us: this national war encourages plunder and assassination.

Next, the protection mechanism of the Law Association

The system level must be improved accordingly...

We must also communicate with other associations to ensure that there are no accidents at the [Sacrificial Platform].

We must not let our homes be robbed while we are on the battlefield."

"President, don't worry. The Law Association and the 'Professional Association' will maintain close contact and keep pace with each other."

"That's good!"

Qingshanlang smiled, "It was originally expected that Dragon Country would enter the next stage one to two days earlier than Sakura Country in the first stage.

According to the current situation, nine to ten days earlier is not a big problem.

In this way, Dragon Country will gain the advantage of attribute bonus and enter the next stage."

Xiao Wenzi nodded.

"Okay, go and get busy."

Qin Shanlang waved his hand, "Remember, the overall situation is the most important thing in everything!"

"Yes! "

After Xiao Wenzi left, Qingshan Lang folded his hands and began to deduce.

After a while, he exhaled heavily, and his face showed a thoughtful look: "I can't figure it out... Could it be that it's not Su Mo?"

In his deduction, Su Mo was not in Longguo, but abroad.

"But how did he do it?"

Qingshan Lang murmured, "Even if it was me, I couldn't leave safely under the hands of the Japanese emperor. "


The Sun Never Sets Country.

Suma and the nine-headed dragon appeared out of thin air.

The location was exactly above St. Paul's Cathedral.

As soon as he appeared, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Looking around, there were zombies and undead wandering everywhere.

There were no living professionals, let alone living things!

Dead silence, lifeless.

The breath of death filled the world...

The entire Sun Never Sets Fog City has changed from the original blue star capital to the kingdom of death!

A red "pillar" about a thousand feet long stands upright, constantly emitting the breath of death and destruction, like the source of power for the entire undead kingdom.

The "pillar" has intricate patterns and simple characters.

"Blood Fang Long Knife? "

Su Mo looked at the scene in front of him, unbelievable.

The long-lost blood-fanged long knife is actually here, and it has become so big!

The nine-headed dragon changed color and looked horrified.

It rushed to Su Mo impatiently and said: "Hurry up and find a way to stop this knife. In a short while, the things underground will surely revive!"


Su Mo couldn't help asking, "What is underground?"

The nine-headed dragon shook his head again: "Don't ask, it is enough to overturn the world and change the world."

Su Mo stopped asking and nodded: "Just close the passage under the long knife?"


"Okay, that's easy."

Su Mo nodded and waved to the red knife: "Come!"

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