The two of them were in a state of panic, but the two of them were in a state of panic.

Hydra did not answer Su Mo, but frowned and said nothing.

Su Mo saw that he could not ask anything, and thought that Hydra had always been very secretive about the Great Terror, and his heart was heavy.

But he was going to get Hydra to say something, so how could he give up?

Seeing that being straightforward did not work, he had to take a roundabout way to save the country.

He sighed and said, "I originally thought that you were the most invincible existence in the world, so I followed you to the cherry blossoms and the sun never sets. Who knew that you were afraid of this and that?

Now that I think about it, I am really scared. It turns out that you are not invincible!"

To be honest, Su Mo's provocation method was not very clever, and even a little low-level.

But his tone was extremely frank, and the fear on his face was extremely real. In addition, Hydra had an inexplicable intimacy with him, so his words suddenly became credible.

The most important point is that Hydra is a giant beast, how could he know that humans have so many "tricks"?

In the final analysis, he still suffered from his lack of culture.

After hearing Su Mo's words, Hydra instantly got angry: "Why not?

I just don't want to bother with the Archbishop. If he really piss me off, he will have to admit defeat.

As for the fake god of Sakura, haha, as long as I want, it will die immediately!"

Su Mo curled his lips: "You can brag, anyway, these two people are not here, I only know that you were the first to run away when facing the Archbishop!"


A voice sounded, but it was a silver dragon head extending from Hydra's crotch, "The boss told us that you are brave and attracted the Archbishop's attention, so he is going to sneak up on him with us!"

"Yes, yes,"

Another head popped out, "The boss has discussed with us, quietly bite off his head, and make sure he can't survive!"

Instantly, Hydra's waist became lively.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"That's what we thought!"

"It's useless even if he resurrects!"


Because there were too many heads, Hydra's "pants" were bulging.

Hydra said angrily: "Shut up!"

All the heads shrank back one by one, leaving only holes and grinning silently, which was very funny.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, separate the space, I tell you!"

Su Mo was overjoyed in his heart, but his face was full of doubt: "I won't make it too difficult for you, are you not afraid?"

Hydra said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense!"

Su Mo nodded reluctantly, raised his hand and cast [Robbery. Barrier Dimension], wrapped the two people, and began to teleport.

Different from [Space-Time Teleportation Array], [Robbery. Barrier Dimension] can also achieve teleportation, but it requires a "transfer station" to ensure that there will be no deviation in space transmission.

Hydra looked at the layers of "ripples" around him and nodded, "It's OK!"

Then he raised his mouth corners and showed a domineering smile, "Boy, watch out, don't be scared!"

He knelt on the ground with a "thump", holding his hands with strange handprints and dragging them upwards, with his head on the ground and his butt sticking up high.

Su Mo was surprised, what was he doing, it was still early for the New Year!

But the next moment he immediately stopped talking, with a look of shock on his face.

Because a shadow slowly rose behind Hydra.

This shadow also had nine heads, which was 70% similar to Hydra.

The difference was that "it" had nine dragon bodies of gold and two horns on its head.

Each of the nine dragon heads had saliva at the corners of their mouths, with different colors and filled with various elements.

Space, fire, water, wind...

Obviously, this was a shadow of an ancient dragon god!

It looked exactly like the shadow behind the archbishop.

The difference is that the Archbishop's is more solid and has a charm, while Hydra's is obviously light.

Su Mo was thinking.

The phantom dragon god's eyes were closed, but there was a sense of vastness coming towards him.

This vastness was invisible and intangible, but it forced Su Mo to not look directly at it.

It even made Su Mo feel like kneeling down and worshipping.

But he held back.

The phantom dragon god seemed to have sensed something, raised his head in the middle, grinned at Su Mo and let out a long "Awoo" roar, forcing him to surrender.

Su Mo was about to resist, but he saw the phantom dragon god dissipate, and Hydra suddenly stood up.

He looked confident: "See?"

Su Mo couldn't help asking him: "What is that?"

"My ancestor, the nine-headed dragon, or in the legend of the Dragon Kingdom, is called Xiangliu."


Su Mo's expression was greatly moved, and all kinds of legends about Xiangliu came to his mind.

He originally thought it was just a legend, but now it seems not that simple.

He immediately asked in confusion, "Didn't you say that the 'dirty thing' was gone? How come you have it too?"

"It's different!"

Hydra said in a deep voice, "The Archbishop summoned the Sky Demon, and I summoned the Ancient Totem.

The Ancient Totem and the Sky Demon fought, and both disappeared...

But I didn't expect that the Archbishop, that bastard, could summon it with some secret method."

Suma was shocked.

The mission [Back to Ancient Times] also mentioned "Sky Demon".

It said that if he didn't complete the mission in time, the Three Star Gods would become Sky Demons and drag him into the turbulence of time and space.

What exactly is a Sky Demon?

Seeing Su Mo's doubts, Hydra said in a deep voice: "The demons do not belong to this world, but the ancient totem and I are the creatures 'born and raised' in this world.

The demons want to occupy this world and have a war with the ancient totem...

The game has come to reality, and it is very likely that the demons are at work!"


Suma was shocked.

Could what Hydra said involve the secrets of the current world?

If so, doesn't it mean that Blue Star has now been occupied by the demons?

Su Mo felt vaguely that he seemed to have come into contact with a shocking conspiracy.

But he immediately realized the problem: "No, if the current game world is related to the demons, then why are you sealed underground? What are the underground creatures you are afraid of?"

Hydra looked sad: "The existence underground is a more ancient existence, which regards the ancient totems as blood food, but cannot be born for unknown reasons.

The demons are also afraid of these existences, so they use the archbishop as a spokesperson and guard the forbidden entrance in the name of the Church of Light.

Blue Star... internal and external troubles, it's ridiculous that people on this planet still hate each other and fight each other.

If the demons really come back, without the ancient totems, this world, Blue Star, will change... No, the demons are the sky of Blue Star!"


Suma trembled all over.

Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy!

Blue Star is a game, a national war, job transfer, upgrades and monster slaying...

Adding to what Hydra said, he felt that there was an invisible hand, holding the puppet string to manipulate the fate of all the people on Blue Star, guiding them to act in the direction they had intended.

And the existence of the Archbishop and the Japanese Emperor is definitely not an accident in this manipulation, but only... chess pieces!

Even I, a time traveler, who thought I was born different, is also one of these chess pieces.

"I don't want to be a chess piece!"

Su Mo said in a deep voice, "My fate is determined by me, not by God!"

He looked at Hydra with a firm gaze, "If the national war is a conspiracy, I will stop it all!"

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