The next day, the next day, the next day.


Su Mo, who was a participant but always watching from the sidelines, was stunned for a moment, and then he understood why the seventh floor of the Mage Tower had always been empty.

Because that was the floor representing the next president.

Just like the East Palace in ancient times, only the prince could live there, that is, the next emperor.

Su Mo didn't expect that in this era, there are still people doing this.

As Xiao Wenzi spoke, other hall masters and elders raised doubts:

Bang Bang Bing: President, although my brother has made such a great contribution, you know the rules of our Mage Association, it's not just about merit!

Bing Bing Bang: Yes, unless I can personally verify his strength.

Su Mo was surprised. Is this popsicle so wild?

But surprisingly, no one picked on her this time.

Little Black Room: Are we going to open a martial arts hall?

Qinglong Mage: I think the president must have his reasons for doing this...

Su Mo scratched his head again: "President, what's going on?"

Qingshan Lang didn't explain, but only said: "Make a decision after you have completed your rights as an elder."


Su Mo looked at the guild column and his eyes narrowed.

[Your rating in the Mage Association is level 8 (maximum level 10), and you will enjoy the following blessings from the Mage Association:]

[Mage Association's blessing 1: Mana limit +120%]

[Mage Association's blessing 2: Health limit +100%]

[Mage Association's blessing 3: Agility +80%]

[Mage Association's blessing 4: Strength +80%]

[Mage Association's blessing 5: Mana recovery speed +120%]


[Mage Association's blessing 11: All skill cooldowns reduced by 90%]

[Mage Association's blessing 12: You are eligible to recommend new members. If you recommend a member and pass the assessment, you will receive a 3% attribute bonus.]

[Blessing 13 of the Mage Association: You are eligible to open the legendary secret realm for free once a month]

[Blessing 14 of the Mage Association: You are eligible for guild equity dividends. You can receive guild benefits every month: 1000 guild contribution, 20 elemental magic stones, 10 elemental beads, a set of legendary materials * 99...]


[Members can improve their own levels through guild tasks, contributions, buildings, guild protection, etc., get higher-level blessings, and open higher permissions! ]

Attribute bonuses and rewards made Su Mo feel excited.

That's not all. He looked at his attribute panel, and his heart shrank suddenly. He almost thought he had seen it wrong!

On the mage attribute panel, his agility and strength values ​​have exceeded one million, reaching the middle level of the eighth turn, and his mana value has reached more than 385 million!

Of course, the corresponding double mana shield made him extremely strong.

As for the combat power rating, it reached 3,321 stars - far exceeding 3,000 stars!

Even the HP reached more than 800,000, which can be called a "meat shield" among mages.

Of course, his Guardian profession also rose with it.

But because the Guardian profession is "not professionally matched" with the Mage Association, many attributes are added in a very strange way.

But the three-dimensional attribute bonus that Su Mo cares about most is enough to surprise him.

On the Guardian panel, the HP is as high as 51 million, and the mana value has exceeded 2 million.

As for other attributes, Su Mo did not look closely.

These can be seen at a glance on the panel, which is enough to surprise.

But what surprised Su Mo even more was that his skill cooling time has been close to the extreme.

Ordinary forbidden spells have been compressed to 3 hours to release, and the longer ones will be cooled down after 4 disappearances.

Most of the forbidden spells of God have been compressed within 12 hours, and some of them still need more than 1 day.

The only drawback is that the 2-day cooldown of [True. Heavenly Might] cannot be reduced by this cooldown bonus, otherwise, according to Su Mo's estimation, he can refresh it once every two days on average.

Even so, this membership upgrade made Su Mo's heart tremble...

He suddenly understood what the president meant by "make a decision after reading it."

He didn't care much about the president, the main thing was that the bonus of level 10 would definitely be more, and the attributes would be stronger!

He looked up at Qingshan Lang and said nothing.

Qingshan Lang narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Have you decided?"


"Don't object to my proposal?"


Su Mo scratched his head, he didn't want to be so prominent.

But the authority and attribute bonus of the level 10 president are too good!

Qingshan Lang smiled knowingly: "I knew it!"

Then he sent a message in the conference room: Then open the martial arts arena, I hope [The elephant has a long nose] can convince you!

Then he looked at Su Mo: "Today, or tomorrow, open the martial arts arena?"


Su Mo looked at the skills that were cooling down on the attribute panel and thought for a while: "Is tomorrow okay? I want to prepare."


Qingshan Lang sent another notice: The martial arts arena will be opened at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Elders and above can try it. The number of people must be at least 5.

After that, Qingshan Lang dissolved the meeting mode, sent a message to Zhu Xianyu, and told Su Mo to find Zhu Xianyu if he had any questions, and then left.

Su Mo suddenly remembered that he still had the task of [Return to Ancient Times] to hand in. He wanted to speak but Qingshan Lang was gone, so he had to give up.

Fortunately, Zhu Lao sent him a message in time: Su Mo, are you really going to enter the martial arts arena?

Su Mo quickly replied: Yes.

Zhu Xianyu immediately sent some information: "Regarding the martial arts arena, you take a look first. I am leveling up now. I will come back to you later and talk to you in person."

Su Mo: Mr. Zhu, you are busy first!

Then he checked the information sent by Mr. Zhu, and his eyes lit up.

Zhu Xianyu sent the information about the "martial arts arena" that he wanted to know.

"Martial arts arena" is the place where the Law Association tests, assesses, and selects.

In fact, the martial arts arena is part of the [Fortune Palace], which can suppress or improve the rank and level of professionals.

To enter the martial arts arena to select the president, you need to defeat 5 people, and each person's competition is divided into two rounds.

One is to suppress the high-ranking rank, and the other is to improve the low-ranking rank.

The final winner is determined by comparing the parameter values ​​of the two rounds.

At the same time, other members of the Law Association can also understand the quality of their new president through the competition, and how much strength and potential they have.

It is also convenient for the Law Association to know whether their president is trustworthy when fighting externally.

Just like Qingshanlang proposed to reward Su Mo and improve his level, other members believed in the president's vision, so they agreed directly.

But the president is directly related to the future of the Law Association and their personal safety, so they can't help but care about it.

Even Qingshanlang doesn't care about it.

In the final analysis, it's still one sentence, everything depends on strength!

After reading the information, Su Mo nodded secretly.

The unity and strength of the Law Association are not without reason. They respect both strength and members.

The president's decision will not be doubted, and the members' proposals will also be respected.

"Then, the next president of the Law Association, Uncle Su is reserved!"

It's just a fight, this Uncle Su is good at it!

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