The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

In the martial arts arena.

Fenghuo looked at Su Mo, who had a combat power of more than 2,800, and nodded: "Fenghuo, Xiao Wenzi, you deserved to lose. You have reached the combat power of the eighth turn at the seventh turn."

Su Mo looked at the seventh turn "Fenghuo Swinging the Hammer" who also had a combat power of more than 2,800, and smiled brightly: "Isn't it too embarrassing for the two seniors?"

Fenghuo laughed strangely: "It's not embarrassing, it's just embarrassing. So they recommended me to fight this third game to get back the face lost by us seniors."

Su Mo was stunned.

Fenghuo looked like he didn't care about these things.

It seems that the atmosphere of the Law Association is more harmonious than he thought.

"So," Fenghuo smiled, "You should know that I have a heavy burden. Whether Qinghuo and Yitong underestimated the enemy or let him win, it doesn't matter to me. If I lose again, it will be embarrassing!" Su Mo touched his nose: "I'm afraid it will be difficult-" "Heh!" Fenghuo stood up and laughed wildly, "Yes, the arrogance of young people is indeed in line with the character of my magic association. But in front of the seniors, it is better to restrain yourself!" As he said, he raised his staff and directly summoned a flame giant more than ten meters tall! The flame giant had two horns on his head and a huge nose, like a bull-headed monster. It held a flaming hammer in both hands and smashed it down on Su Mo's head. The flame hammer was unknown, but it made a whistling sound when it was swung. Fenghuo's swinging hammer got its name from this. This was also his first skill when he awakened as a mage. It was named [Wind and Fire Sacrifice Dance] and was a growth-type summoning skill.

From the first to the ninth turn, [Wind and Fire Sacrifice Dance] had already grown to be infinitely close to the forbidden spell.

So if nothing unexpected happened, this wind and fire hammer would smash Su Mo directly.


Su Mo was not in a hurry. Seeing that it was too late to cast skills to catch up, he raised his hand and cast [Golden Body Imprisonment] on himself.

Unable to be selected, unable to be attacked, unable to move...

Su Mo opened the invincible moment.

The hammer "puffed" and smashed down, and the damage directly soared to more than three million, but it was a lonely hammer!


Fenghuo reacted and sneered, "Boy, I want to see how long your invincibility can last. My fire giant can keep recovering blood!"

As he said that, he controlled the fire giant to hold the hammer high, just waiting for Su Mo's invincibility to end, and then hammered him down to finish him off.

Then he used a skill that deepened the area damage around Su Mo to protect himself.

Fenghuo was very proud.

He knew that Su Mo would rebound, so he did not directly inflict damage, but used summoning skills to attack with summoned creatures.

Even if the fire giant was killed by a hammer, it would not bounce to him.

In the end, Su Mo was still "killed" by a hammer.

As smart as I am, perfect!

Mage duels are often like this, either I kill you in seconds or you kill me in seconds.

Whoever attacks first has the advantage.

People like Su Mo who lost the initiative can only passively accept failure.

However, he hoped that Su Mo's invincibility would last longer, so that when he went out later, he could say that after a hard fight, he, Fenghuo, swung the hammer and lived up to everyone's expectations, and earned face for his predecessors.

And he will also take the opportunity to show his senior style, encourage Su Mo, and praise his unlimited potential...

By then, whether it is the old man or the future new president, they will feel close to him.

Alas, everything is in the rivers and lakes, and everything has human relationships...

Fenghuo sighed, the Yangtze River's waves behind push the waves in front, and the new generation replaces the old.

This can be regarded as a little experience that he, a senior, can pass on to the younger generation...

However, the next moment, Su Mo interrupted his thoughts: "Really?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a super strong whirlwind blowing from Su Mo's head from bottom to top, directly blowing the fire giant and the hammer into the air.

Wind forbidden spell - [Wind God's Blessing]!

Can be cast on yourself to avoid damage.

Can be cast on the enemy to create a control effect and buy yourself time to release skills.

Su Mo, who had his hands free, raised his hand and cast another forbidden spell - [Super Power Mecha]!

A huge Cybertron fell from the sky.

As he landed, he punched the rising Fire Giant.

They are both summoned creatures, and both use hammers, so it depends on whose "hammer" is bigger.

Although the Fire Giant is also a summoned creature, it is no match for the One Punch Man Cybertron.

After all, one is summoned by an advanced skill, and the other is a forbidden spell.


Just one!

The Cybertronian who landed on the ground smashed the Flame Giant into pieces, sparks flew everywhere, and then disappeared.

Su Mo laughed and said, "Senior Fenghuo, it seems that mine is a big hammer, and yours is a small hammer!"

Fenghuo's eyes narrowed: "How is this possible!"

The next moment he repeated Su Mo's situation just now - passively offering invincible items and waiting for the opportunity.

Things change!

Su Mo laughed dumbly, raised his hand and offered [Secret Words Array], and also put on insurance, then smiled and said, "Senior Fenghuo, my mecha can't recover blood, so you can try to see whether it disappears first or your invincibility time ends first."





Fenghuo complained bitterly.

Sure enough, the law of heaven is reincarnation, and retribution is not bad.

The last moment he was still confident of victory, and in the blink of an eye he faced the same situation as others.

But how could he have such a strong control skill as Su Mo?

The most terrible thing is that his invincibility time is only 6 seconds!

As soon as the 6 seconds were over, Fenghuo's eyes went black...

[In the first round, Fenghuo swung the hammer and lost! ]

The martial arts field was filled with a "refresh" wind, and the Cybertronians were directly wiped out, and the second round began.

Fenghuo swung the hammer in the protective light shield. When he looked at Su Mo who was promoted to the ninth level, he thought in his heart, compared secretly, and struggled on his face.

Looking at Su Mo who was eager to try, he finally made up his mind: "Su Mo, wait a minute, can I have a discussion with you?"

"What to discuss?"

Su Mo was alert.

He was fooled by Qinghuo, and he took action while he was talking.

In order to avoid accidents, he had raised his staff and waited for the protection time to pass before giving Fenghuo a shuttle.

If there is anything to discuss, go out and talk!

Fenghuo saw Su Mo's alert expression, guessed about 70% of the reason, and cursed Qinghuo inwardly.

But he didn't stop, and threw down the staff to show his sincerity: "I won't fight back, you let me lose slowly..."


Somo was stunned.

Combat professionals drop their weapons, which means surrendering.

But Fenghuo's request is a bit strange, let him die slowly?

But after a little thought, he guessed the general idea and nodded: "Okay!"

Anyway, when the two of them fought in the first round, they each used imprisonment props, and a lot of time was consumed, so it doesn't matter if it's a minute or two.

If Fenghuo really dares to go back on his word, he doesn't mind torturing Fenghuo later - he must make him want to live but not die, and feel like he's floating in the air...

Ahem, I made a mistake...

Fenghuo saw Su Mo's expression and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling lucky that I was smart!

Since I can't win back my senior's face, I can only sacrifice the car to save the driver and win my own face...

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