The hidden assassin...

The reason why Su Mo could see it was naturally the passive effect of [Eye of True Vision].

Under the passive reminder of [Eye of True Vision], red frames similar to danger reminders continuously circled the positions of the hidden assassins.

At the same time, their information came into his eyes one by one:

Name: Ji Wuming

Occupation: Dark Night Assassin [Fifth Turn]

Level: Level 152

Health: 12650

Strength: 4260

Agility: 15989

Mana: 5261

Attack: 4890

Defense: 8625

Combat Power Rating: 95 Stars

Name: Gao Jianli

Occupation: Bloodthirsty Assassin [Fourth Turn]

Level: Level 121

Health: 8769

Strength: 3598

Agility: 12152

Mana: 4360

Attack: 4538

Defense: 6269

Combat Power Rating: 70 Stars

The other few people are also some fourth-turn and third-turn assassins.

Judging from the panel attributes and the number of people, their sneak attack can definitely knock down everyone present.

Even so, they still chose to hide and wait for an opportunity.

It must be said that some professional natures are deeply rooted in the bones and gradually change a person's habits.

Just like the assassin in front of him.

Judging from their position and distance, they should be concerned about the existence of stealth-breaking skills.

After all, guards and tank-type professionals sometimes have stealth-breaking skills or equipment.

Such as "searchlights", night-shining pearls, etc.

"Old cunning!"

Su Mo commented in his heart.

So far, none of the assassins he has met has left a good impression on him.

The successive assassinations made him feel disgusted with the profession of assassins.

What's more, the group of assassins behind him obviously have bad intentions.

Even from their quietly approaching steps, their target is obviously him.

To be precise, it is Su Mo, Aguli and his group.

Although I don't know why they followed, but thinking of an assassin I met not long ago, anyone can guess that there may be a connection between them...

It's better to let them fight each other!

Assassins are the nightmare of all fragile professionals.

Mages are not like shooters, such as Ali, who have skills such as "phantom clone" to avoid fatal blows on their behalf.

Even the assassin's own dodge skill has a certain chance of dodge.

Once a mage is touched by an assassin, there is only one outcome - to leave it to fate.

Of course, mages also have their own advantages, and can control and counterattack strongly.

However, Su Mo has no control skills on his body so far.

"Damn it!"

Su Mo clenched his fist.

His plan was bold, but he needed a trigger to break the assassin's invisibility.

But he didn't want to break the invisibility in the form of attack.

Once these assassins have brains, are familiar with the "Game Rules", figure out his name, and add him as an enemy, making his name red, he will be in big trouble!

"Calm down!"

Cao Chun pulled him harder and comforted him, "Su Mo, don't be impulsive!"

Obviously, he thought Su Mo was still angry about the dungeon being booked.

Although Aguli was very angry with Xue Tao, she still said, "Don't worry, I will do what I promised you. I will definitely help you get all the third-level materials!"

Su Mo looked at the assassins who stopped because of his sudden voice and felt funny in his heart.

This group of assassins is really cautious.

His mind turned quickly and he immediately asked, "Sister Li, who of you has a skill book that I can learn, with control, I will buy it!"


Faced with Su Mo's inexplicable words, several people stopped and looked at him in confusion.

Now you want a skill book?

What's the connection?

Is it because the tyranny of the Blue Cavalry Guild stimulated him and made him eager to become stronger?

Aguli Mansi shook his head in confusion: "No. But I can ask for you through the guild after I go back."

The other three also shook their heads: "We either gave the mage skill book to the guild or sold it.

It's useless for us to have it.

Let's go, I know you are unwilling."

Su Mo glanced at the assassin who was also confused - they were already close to the Blue Cavalry Guild and others!

A few steps forward, they passed the Blue Cavalry Guild and were close enough to take action!

Seeing Su Mo suddenly stop, several people from the Assassin's League looked at each other anxiously.

President Ji Wuming shook his head, signaling them to be patient.

Now they just touched

Xue Tao's side, if he showed his figure now, it would be a big misunderstanding!

They can only wait!

Su Mo did not move, and asked again: "Where are the general skills?"

"General skills?"

Chai Sang took out a book in confusion, "Where is this Fu Rui's Light, it can restore mana in groups, but I have a better one, so it's useless..."

"Give it to me!"

Su Mo decisively interrupted him, reached out to take it and took a look, and it was exactly as he expected.

[Fu Rui's Light]: General skill book, can be learned at level 6, can be upgraded to level 10.

The following effects can be obtained by using the skill:

Reversal: A recovery array with a radius of 50 meters, friendly units in the array will gain 40 points of mana recovery per second.

Breaking invisibility: Non-friendly units in the magic circle will expose their vision

Duration: 3 seconds, 0.5 seconds for each level, 10 mana points per second for each level

Mana consumption: no consumption

Cooling down: 120 seconds

Restoring 120 mana points in 3 seconds is not enough to fill the gaps between teeth. For mages and guardians with high skill consumption, it is indeed a rubbish skill.

Not to mention the super long cool down of 120 seconds...

But the core of this skill is not mana recovery, but breaking invisibility!

The "barrier breaking" of [True Vision] can lock invisible units, but the effect is only for the caster himself, and others cannot see it.

But this [Light of Furui]'s "breaking invisibility" can expose the vision of all non-friendly units in the magic circle collectively-the kind that everyone can see!

As a Chinese from Earth who traveled through time and space, a genuine academic master, he knows the importance of "strategy" better than anyone else in his current class.

Especially since he had come to a game world, he had the most reliable grasp of the version rules, equipment and skill characteristics.

Otherwise, he would not have cheated Xu Hao of a purple outfit just by "his name was red".

The game world is like this. A very awesome attribute is buried in a bunch of garbage attributes. If it is discovered, it will play an unexpected role.

If it is not discovered, it will be regarded as a garbage skill.

This [Light of Furui] is definitely a garbage skill for ordinary people, but for Su Mo who understands its value, it is definitely a magical skill!

After determining the result he wanted, Su Mo decisively studied.

[You have learned the Light of Furui! ]

Aguli, Chai Sang and others said: "Suma, what's the point of learning this energy-saving?"

"Although it is not worth much, it is a big mistake to upgrade it!"

"Forget it, it's not worth much, I'll give it to you..."

Ignore everyone's doubts.

Su Mo silently chanted in his heart:




[The Light of Fortune has been blessed by the source of the mage and has been promoted to a forbidden spell of light - Light is Coming! ]

[Light is Coming] Light shines on the world!

Active skill: Light eliminates all evil spirits!

Passive skill 1: Light Divine Radiance...

Passive skill 2: No place to hide...

Active release mana consumption: 10,000

Cooldown: 3 days

The moment the forbidden spell icon of [Light is Coming] was formed, Su Mo raised his hand decisively.

In an instant, everyone present felt that the eyes above their heads suddenly became strong and particularly dazzling.

Before everyone could react, a scream of "Ah" broke the balance in their eyes.

The assassins who suddenly appeared were stunned for a moment.

The few people from the Blue Cavalry Union almost finished covering their armor in an instant.

Xue Tao was wearing black armor and surrounded by black gas. His aura instantly rose, and a ferocious black knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

Ji Wuming, the president of the Assassin's Union, was pale.

At such a close distance, an assassin suddenly appeared next to the warrior...

This is really like yellow mud falling into the crotch, it's shit if not shit!

Ji Wuming hurriedly raised his hand and shouted:

"Brother Xue, misunderstanding!"

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