The old man was so angry, but he was still very happy.


Along looked confused and repeated subconsciously.

Su Mo, who had just left the illusion tower, didn't think too much and replied subconsciously: "Hey--"


Along's eyes suddenly became sharp and stared at Su Mo.

You're taking advantage of me!


Chen Jia stopped him immediately, with a strange light in her eyes.

She was speechless in her heart, and didn't understand why Su Mo, at such a young age, could be so "evil" and come up with such a nickname!

But there were more surprises!

For nearly 5 hours, she had been waiting at the level of [Three Kingdoms Heroes] to make sure that no one else entered.

So the "father" who cleared the level can only be one person - Su Mo!

Even so, she still worriedly asked for confirmation: "You, really cleared the Illusion Tower?"


Su Mo took out 285 hero marks and handed them to Chen Jia.

"Really... 285!"

Chen Jia looked around with her beautiful eyes, very surprised.

285 marks are all the rewards for completing the 40th floor.

In other words, Su Mo obtained each level by killing the BOSS, without using the [Sly Way. Fake Death] scroll.

As for whether Su Mo could pass the level later, Chen Jia was not so concerned - she only wanted the hero mark.

Of course, this did not prevent her from being shocked that Su Mo could pass the level.

A fragile mage who just turned 4 actually cleared the level!

I think he used all kinds of means to pass the level.

Otherwise, how could he spend 5 hours in it?

Even so, this kind of strong profession is unheard of by her!

Thighs, hold tight!

At this time, Chen Jia would naturally not be stingy with her care: "Mr. Su, it's really a surprise that you can pass the level!

You've worked hard!"

Su Mo wanted to answer that it was not hard.

But then he thought, how could it not be hard?

5 hours without food or water, 5 hours of racking his brains to calculate.

During this period, he had close combat with female assassins Lu Mengru, Bian Yuer, and Zhen Ji many times, and risked his life to stab Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao...

Not to mention fighting for 300 rounds in Diao Chan's [Gentle Country]...

Let's see what Hu Wan has to say now!

Besides, the crying child gets the milk.

Su Mo cleared his throat: "It's okay, but I finally completed the mission."

Chen Jia's eyes lit up.

Listen, what kind of words are these!

It's so hard but still so humble.

Not only is he handsome, but he also has such a high EQ!

It's really comforting to work with such a genius!

Chen Jia thought about the details of the cooperation with Su Mo in her heart, and finally said: "Mr. Su, the mark has been obtained. I will communicate with the customer immediately, and the reward promised to you will be delivered to you in full!"

She made up her mind that she must not deduct Su Mo's things this time.

This is her future support!

Thinking that she would not be looked down upon after completing the task this time, Chen Jia felt very comfortable.

Hu Wan relied on the convenience of the provincial capital city to snatch tasks and performance from her many times. This time, she finally got a chance to be proud of herself!

Thinking of this, she hurriedly smiled and said: "Mr. Su, you must be hungry. Sister will treat you to a big meal!"

Su Mo nodded: "Yes."

Chen Jia's mouth corners slightly raised.

Just now, she quietly added the word "sister" to get closer to Su Mo, and Su Mo did not object...

Chen Jia was obviously very happy, and she took Su Mo to the most upscale hotel in Jiangdu.

There were only two of them eating, but they ordered 20 to 30 dishes.

Red-billed green harrier tongue, steamed bear paw, South Australia Tyrannosaurus...

What impressed Su Mo the most was a beautiful abalone as big as a human head.

He remembered the name in his heart and decided to test Cao Chun later to see if he had ever tasted deep-sea butterfly-shaped blue abalone.

After eating and drinking, Chen Jia asked A Long to personally send Su Mo back to the hotel, while she took people to Jiangdu headquarters.

The reason was to hand over the things to reassure the employer.

In fact, everyone could see that she just wanted to show off at Taoleguo Jiangdu store...

Su Mo didn't care about Chen Jia. What he cared about most now was how much benefit he had gained from this trip to the Fantasy Tower.

After A Long left, Su Mo locked the door and took a look at his combat power assessment, 151 stars.

Next was the moment to witness a miracle!

He took out the [Glory of the God] staff, took out an elemental magic stone and slapped it on it, and began to upgrade.

[Your God's Glory has been baptized by the elemental magic stone and its level has been raised.

! ]

Sure enough, Su Mo saw that the attribute of the staff became [Glory of the God (Legend) +1]

And the attribute of [Glory of the God] also has several additional attributes:

[Limit of Qi and Health +1%;

Limit of Mana +1%;

Limit of Double Resistance +0.5%;

Attack Power +0.5%;

Spell Power +0.5%. ]

This thing is good!

No wonder so many people pursue elemental magic stones to upgrade equipment.

Keep shooting!

One, two, three...

After shooting eight in a row, [Glory of the God] reached level nine.

The additional attributes of the staff also became:

[Limit of Qi and Health +9%;

Limit of Mana +9%;

Limit of Double Resistance +4.5%;

Attack Power +4.5%;

Spell Power +4.5%. 】

He paused for a moment, and secretly compared the success rates of equipment upgrades that the teacher had mentioned:

1-3 level success rate 100%;

3-4 level success rate 90%;

4-5 level success rate 80%;

5-6 level success rate 70%;

7-8 level success rate 60%;

8-9 level success rate 50%.

The reason why he was able to succeed all the way was very simple, because his new talent [Avoiding danger and seeking good fortune] passively increased the success rate of all probability events by 50%.

But the probability from 9-15 is not so high!

Since the additional attributes of the equipment after upgrading are close to direct upgrade, the success rate is extremely low.

Among them:

9-10 level success rate 20%;

10-11 level success rate 15%;

11-12 level success rate 10%;

12-13 level success rate 8%;

13-14 level success rate 5%;

14-15 level success rate 3%.

This success rate is enough to make even capitalists cry.

The most ridiculous thing is that after level 9, if you fail to upgrade, you will not be able to maintain your level. You may be directly downgraded to level 9, or you may only be downgraded by one or two levels...

Su Mo thought about it, first took out 9 elemental magic stones for [God of Magic Armor], and then blew on his hands.

Started his journey of fighting with luck:

One down, success, level 10!


Two down, success, level 11!


Three down, success, level 12!


Four down, failure, [Your God's Glory has been reduced to level 11! ]


Su Mo gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, "Damn it, I have 50% of the halo blessing plus 8% success rate, and I can still fail!

Shit, shit, shit!"

He rubbed his hands, took a deep breath, and suggested to himself, "It's a small scene, no big problem, continue!"

One, success, level 12!

Not bad.

Two, failed, [Your God's Glory has been reduced to level 10! ]


Su Mo's eyes widened, do I have a grudge against level 13?


Looking at the remaining 60 elemental magic stones, Su Mo decided to change his mind - upgrade the [God of Law Armor] to try.

First, 9 were the base, all the way to level 9.

He spat on his hands, rubbed them, exhaled, and took out six elements and patted them.

The prompt sounded continuously:

[Your God of Law Armor has been baptized by elemental magic stones, and the level has been upgraded! ]

[Your God of Law Armor has been baptized by elemental magic stones, and the level has been upgraded! ]

[Your God of Law Armor has been reduced to level 10! ]

[Your God of Law Armor has been baptized by elemental magic stones, and the level has been upgraded! ]

[Your God of Law Armor has been baptized by elemental magic stones, and the level has been upgraded! ]

[Your God of Law Armor has been baptized by elemental magic stones, and the level has been upgraded! 】

Looking at the [God of Magic Armor] that had only failed once and reached level 13, Su Mo hesitated.

Stuck at level 13...

Upgrade or not?

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