The fish was caught in a big hole, and the fish was caught in a big hole.

To Su Mo's surprise, everyone had different reactions after seeing the butterfly tail dragon eye.

Some of them were probably not the first time, so they were very calm.

Some of them were really surprised, just like Su Mo.

Zhuang Qiang jumped to the top of the big fish and said, "Ahua, turn around."

The butterfly tail dragon eye shook, and a big water whirlpool was formed on the spot, with the tail facing everyone.

Su Mo then noticed that the huge fish tail was as huge and flat as a butterfly wing, and the fish bones on it were smooth and hard.

Four of the tail fins swayed gently in the water, and the other four were like huge decks, floating on the water.

At this time, someone who was familiar with the place had already jumped directly on it, took out a simple small chair and sat on it.

The others followed suit.

Su Mo scratched his head. Is this possible?

Zhuang Qiang looked back at him and asked, "Little handsome boy, are you not going to leave?"


Su Mo suppressed his doubts and jumped on it.

It turned out that more than 30 people were distributed on the four tail fins, which was more than enough!

Unfortunately, he had nothing to sit on, so he could only stand there.

Zhuang Qiang knelt on one knee on the fish's head, hummed and said something, and walked towards them.

A protective shield suddenly appeared around the fish's body, and it flew forward like an arrow.

"How is it, handsome guy?"

Zhuang Qiang asked with a smile, "Is this money worth it? How many people have never become a seventh-level behemoth in their lives!"

Su Mo looked at the [Liubo Mountain] that was getting closer and closer in the "Upgrade Navigation", and his heart became more and more relieved. He nodded: "Well, it's worth it!"


Zhuang Qiang gave a thumbs up, "You are the first one to speak so straightforwardly.

To show my gratitude, I will give you a small stool.

This is a limited edition of the butterfly-tailed dragon-eyed sightseeing beast, which is very commemorative!"

Su Mo looked strange.

Some people sell this thing outside, 20 yuan each, and it is made of biodegradable fiber.

As a result, it has become a limited edition here at Zhuang Qiang.

But he still took it politely: "Thank you."

The atmosphere on the scene was a little strange.

A group of people sat on the fish tail, sitting on the stool, looking at the surging sea.

They didn't look like they were going out to sea to fight monsters, but more like they were here for sightseeing.

Various strange creatures appeared from time to time nearby.

There were double-sword sailfish leaping out of the water, octopuses with red coral crowns on their heads and eyes that clearly showed advanced wisdom, and blue-scaled sea dragons with two heads that spewed fire...

But after sensing the terrifying aura of the butterfly-tailed dragon eyes, they dived away one by one.

Now Su Mo was even more curious about Zhuang Qiang.

After the advent of the game world, it was not only the land that changed drastically, but the changes in the sea were even greater!

It is said that in the deep seabed, the ancient Atlantis began to revive.

They have already ruled the Great Western Sea in the west.

Even the underwater world has corresponding professionals.

And because their professions are more advanced than those on land, they simply disdain to deal with people on land.

Su Mo couldn't help but sigh at the magic of fate.

Soon, Zhuang Qiang, who was joking with others, stood up and shouted: "We're at Mount Dushuo!"

Soon, five or six people stood up, each of them sacrificed their flying mounts and wings, ready to trigger.

Zhuang Qiang stood on top of the Butterfly Tail Dragon Eye and waited, opening a hole in the air shield in front.

So one by one, the professionals lined up to pay the money to "get off the boat".

Su Mo could see clearly that there were many sea beasts in the distance that were obviously smaller than the Butterfly Tail Dragon Eye carrying people to [Dushuo Mountain].

Looking at [Dushuo Mountain] corresponding to the "Upgrade Navigation" map, he was completely relieved.

It must be said that the scalper is a bit expensive, but there is a reason for it.

Zhuang Qiang took the money and returned to the tail fin to show off to the "newcomer": "See, the people over there waited for five or six days to get a number, and they set off earlier today than us..."

Many people looked lucky.

Obviously, they also thought that the money was worth it!

Soon, when passing by [Tanggu], [Fusang Tree] and other secret realms, most of the people had left.

When they arrived at [Liubo Mountain], there were only three or four people left.

Su Mo already knew the route, paid the money, and rode on the Flame Meteor Horse to [Liubo Mountain].

Before he even got close, the information about Liubo Mountain had already been displayed:

[Liubo Mountain]

[Introduction: There is Liubo Mountain on the East China Sea, and its traces are hard to find in the vast sea of ​​smoke and waves. Its existence time is unknown, and its dangers and strangeness are beyond exploration. Explorers, it is not too late to turn back now! ]

[Entry and exit level of Liubo Mountain: Level 90-300]

[Secret area: Huanbo Pool, Kuiniu Valley, Jiaoren Bay...]

[Number limit: 50 people]

Su Mo only then realized that the secret realm of [Liubo Mountain] was actually divided into several areas like a dungeon.

In other words, it is a secret realm that integrates N legendary bosses. The difficulty is undoubtedly great.

Of course, the more legendary bosses there are, the more treasures there are.

This is good news.

However, the admission of the seventh-level professional may increase this competition.

"I hope no one will compete with me for Kuiniu Valley."

Su Mo patted the Flame Meteor Horse and landed at the "foot of the mountain".

It is said to be a mountain, but in fact it is a large island on the sea.

[Entering Liubo Mountain requires a "Liubo Mountain" secret realm token. Do you want to enter? ]


With a flash of light, Su Mo has already appeared in the secret realm.

Following the guide inside, Su Mo successfully arrived at [Kuiniu Valley].

At this time, there were more than a dozen professionals in Kuiniu Valley surrounding a monster and continuously attacking.

They were of various professions, and they cooperated seamlessly, as if they had tacit understanding after playing together many times.

The monster was pale all over, with one horn and one leg, and there were lightning and thunder between attacks.

The professionals shouted to each other and cooperated, constantly offering various skills.

"Guardian, go up and reply!"

"Tank, pull the hatred to the left, the shooter is under too much pressure!"

"Assassin, where are you moving?"

"Mage, keep up with the output!"


With the crazy offering of many damages, the first blood of Kuiniu was finally knocked down!

The commander was overjoyed and shouted, "Okay, that's it. It won't take an hour to get five health bars. We can refresh it again..."

"Refresh it again?"

Su Mo, who had put away the Flame Meteor Pony, moved his ears, "Are these people going to refresh Kuiniu and refresh materials here?

They are so rich!"

Su Mo licked his lips and looked at the huge Kuiniu not far away. He made up his mind.

"They are fighting so hard... I'll go up and help them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved his staff, casting a forbidden spell - [Scourge]!


Orc Shaman Ner'zhul, Death Knight Talon Bloodfiend, Lich King Arthas appeared in front of Su Mo with a large number of orcs, undead knights, and lich soldiers.

The Scourge had no less than fifty or sixty people, and almost surrounded the entrance!


Su Mo gave a simple order.

The Scourge instantly started charging.

Among them, the ugly Ner'zhul, the ferocious blood demon, and the terrifying Arthas rushed to the front.

The light in his hands surged, ready to strike a fatal blow at any time.

"Can summoned creatures also release skills?"

Sumo muttered to himself.

Then, he summoned the Flame Meteor Pony again, and gave himself a [Robbery. Soul Devouring Sacrifice], simulating himself as an orc warrior, riding an ice Pegasus that looked like it was constantly breathing out ice.

He patted his mount and mixed into the Scourge, shouting at the same time: "For the Horde!"

The ferocious Scourge actually saw the weird slogan: "For the Horde——"

At the same time, many professionals who were besieging Kuiniu subconsciously turned their heads, and their scalps tingled instantly!

The commander's scalp tingled: "What the hell is this!"

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