Chapter 120 Permissions increased! The true face of the forbidden land!

Boundless malice comes.

Su Chen felt that she was being ostracized by the world.

The sun didn’t want to shine on him.

The big tree didn’t want to provide him with shade either.

The intelligent creatures were also looking at him in disgust.

That feeling sucks.


Su Chen encountered this situation for the first time.


【Comprehensive physical examination is underway!】

[Check completed, no abnormality-!)

【Checking the four-week environmental condition!】

[Check completed, no abnormality!]

Connect to [knowledge base, filter similar situations!][After screening, there is no similar situation!)

Su Chen’s heart sank.

Promise did not scan the problem!


the source of this feeling.

More than 90% chance.

It’s from forbidden land!

“Void defense wall.

[The power gene of the galaxy has been activated!

【Create a Void Defense Wall!)

【Void No!)

[Isolate the influence of the material world and the void world!)

A lilac Void defense wall wraps Su Chen.

Yet the malice of the world remains undiminished!

Su Chen’s mind changed sharply.

This is the case now.

The root cause is that you asked that question!

If not that problem.

You won’t get into your current state.

So now there are two options.

Hear the explanation from Messenger Dallan.

This state may accompany you for a long time.

Skip this question.

The malice of the world should fade away.

How to choose?

Su Chen looked at Dahlan.

Hope to see a clue from his expression.

Dalan saw the confusion in Su Chen’s eyes disappear.

He said in a relaxed tone:

“I have to remind you,

“You asked a worthwhile question.

“But understand the problem.

“There is a price to pay.

“I can’t give more hints.”

Like playing a riddle.

Not exactly a joke.

Because Dahlan confirmed what Su Chen thought.

“What is the forbidden area? This question is valuable.

But after understanding the problem.

There is a price to be paid!

this price.

Is it excluded from the world?

Su Chen’s brain was spinning rapidly.

Confirm soon.


You are the purger!

Forbidden high authority unit!

Shouldn’t be able to get information about prohibited places.

He was tortured all the time!

That is to say.

Rejection from the world is a warning!

Or a test!

Think of this.

Su Chen firmly said:


please answer my question!

Just a price.

I can afford it!



“very good!

Dalan laughed.

Smile a little gratified.


What Darren said.

Only Su Chen could hear it.

“What is the forbidden place?”

“It can be answered from three points!”

“First, what is the forbidden entity!”

“Second, what is the forbidden area prompt!”

“Third, what are forbidden creatures!”

“Now for the first point!

The voice just fell.

The forbidden sound came.

“Warning! Receive the messenger Dalan, who is leaking the news of the forbidden area!”

“Inspection inspection is complete!

“The leaked news is true, and the object of hearing is Blue Star Su Chen!”

“Warning! Su Chen is the Forbidden Sweeper!”

“Reminder! The purger is a high authority unit in the forbidden area!

“Judgment, Judgment passed!

“Purger Su Chen, did you listen to what Dallan said about the forbidden area?!”

“If you don’t listen, the scene doesn’t change!”

“If you choose to listen, your purger’s authority +2!”

Su Chen was taken aback.

what’s going on?

Isn’t it illegal to listen to forbidden places?

Shouldn’t there be penalties for breaking the rules?

How to get here.

Also added permissions?

Does it count as punishment?

See Su Chen brooding.

Dalan didn’t speak either.

Wait quietly.

Intervention now forbidden.

Everything needs to be chosen by Su Chen himself.

Su Chen thought about it for a long time.

Probably understand the purpose of the forbidden area.

It can be summed up in two sentences.

“The greater the power, the greater the power!

“With great power comes great responsibility!!

Some people will say: No!

Isn’t the original sentence “With great power comes great responsibility?

How did you get here.

The more power in the middle?!

to this.

Su Chen understands yes.

The logic of the original sentence is wrong!

The original sentence is a vocabulary of moral kidnapping!

That’s what it feels like.

you have money.

So it should be distributed to the poor!

Isn’t this bullshit?

It’s my business that I have money.

Why must it be given to the poor?

I want to complete this logic chain.

The missing part in the middle must be filled.

you have money.

So it will take up more social resources.

Therefore, you should give money to those poor people who are taking your resources.

Occupy social/society resources.

It’s power!

The greater the power, the more social resources it occupies.

Because social resources are occupied.

Poor people who lost profits should be compensated.

This is a complete logical chain.

The same is true now.

If Su Chen chooses to listen to Dahlan’s explanation.

You can understand the true face of the forbidden land.

Possesses attributes that other purgers do not possess.

Not all purgers know the essence of forbidden land.


Sensitive tasks in certain forbidden areas.

May be sent to Su Chen.

Permissions naturally increased.

Responsibilities have also increased accordingly.

some circles,

But the reality is that.

Understand the purpose of the forbidden area.

Su Chen chose to listen to Dahlan’s explanation.

National Shipping Prohibited Areas:

“Su Chen chooses to continue to listen to the information, clearer authority +2!

“Cleaner: Suppress high-level riots in forbidden areas, report loopholes in forbidden areas, hunt down targets, eliminate real forces, and eliminate forces in forbidden areas, you can get huge rewards!”

The malice from the world fades away.

Su Chen’s heart became more and more depressed.

The purger authority has changed!

The original purge target.

Divided into two kinds of real targets and forbidden targets!

Forbidden land!

There is also something that needs to be cleaned up!

Bury this discovery in your heart.

Su Chen signaled that Dalan could continue.

Dalan ‘um’,

“Let’s talk about the first one.

“What is a forbidden entity?”

“There are two types of entities in the forbidden area.”

“Forbidden territory.

“Forbidden equipment.

“The site of the forbidden area is the location of the forbidden area.

“It’s called the Stellar Graveyard!”

“One of the wonders of the universe!”

Well understood.

Forbidden land is like a country.

A country’s territory is its turf.

The building of the country is the equipment.

ask for flowers 0

The place where the forbidden area is now is a place called the Stellar Graveyard.

Stellar Graveyard!

You can tell from the name.

There are black holes all over there.

White dwarf neutron stars can be seen everywhere.

Huge mass and energy.

Enough to distort time and space!

Su Chen recorded this information.

Dahlan dropped another bombshell.

“The equipment in the forbidden area is not produced in the forbidden area!”

“They come from detached powerhouses!”

“in other words.

The real “forbidden land is created by the transcendence.”

Forbidden strength.

Not enough to make a home in a stellar graveyard.

A real forbidden place.

It was originally established by the detached.

Su Chen frowned.

Doesn’t it mean that the opportunity for detachment does not exist?

Why is the forbidden area built by the transcendence now?

Isn’t this a contradiction?

“Not contradictory.”

“The real forbidden area has clues of detachment.

“And a forbidden place for cosmic civilization to experience.


Dahlan told a cold truth.

“A forbidden place for cosmic civilization to experience.”

“Including the high-level forbidden area that the twins experienced!”


“It’s all a forbidden place simulated by a forbidden place!”

“Not a real forbidden place!

Su Chen was startled.

Suddenly realized.

There are two forbidden places!

One is the national embargo.

One is detachment!

The forbidden area of ​​national transportation is simulated according to the detached area!

In the forbidden area of ​​simulation!

No matter how hard the cosmic civilization works.

It is also impossible to obtain detachment clues!

Hence the plague maker said.

Beyond existence!

Opportunity doesn’t exist!

I see!

Su Chen felt that it was worth listening to.

Dalan saw that Su Chen understood.

Immediately after the second point.

What is the forbidden hint!

“Many people think that the forbidden area prompt is the sound of the forbidden area system.”

“actually not.”

“Every forbidden area reminder is sent by life!”

“That said.

“In the forbidden area, there is a person who controls the forbidden area and controls the civilization of the universe!

“We call them.”

“Intelligent civilization!

Su Chen is no longer surprised this time.

Forbidden land is a civilization?!

The forbidden creatures and forbidden races.

Isn’t that the equivalent of the colonized?


“We are the colonized!”

“The colonized who cannot resist!”

Dalan graciously admitted.

Su Chen was shocked beyond measure.

He shook his thoughts quickly.

long long ago.

There is a wonder in the universe.

It was called a stellar graveyard.

The detached leaves a trail of detachment there.

That is, out of bounds!

I do not know how long it has been.

A civilization has emerged out of detachment.

That is, intelligent civilization.

The intelligent civilization controls the detached place left by the detached.

and began to look for detachment clues,

They searched for a long time.

Didn’t find that clue.

But they didn’t give up.

But set up a bureau!

Re-engraved beyond the forbidden ground!

Let the cosmic civilization enter it!

Find detachment clues for them!

This is a forbidden place that has been re-engraved.

Known as a national embargo!

The defeated country in the embargoed country.

Picked up by intelligent civilization.

Become a colonized!


It is the true face of the forbidden land! 3.

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