“Good fellow?! What’s the situation?! ”

“That classmate was… Nie Mingyu of the seventh class?! ”

“What’s going on? Why are the cards in his hand glowing? Moreover, there is a cold breath coming out of his cards! ”


The dazed classmates were at a loss.

Looking at Nie Mingyu with his eyes in unison, he faintly felt… Are you waiting for others to witness history?

Compared to the students’ unbeware.

The two invigilators in the examination room reacted much faster.

The chief examiner, Teacher Wang’s eyes immediately sharpened, and he doubted lightly: “This student has really become?!” ”

“And it looks like it’s still moving!”


Teacher Wang ordered to the middle-aged female deputy examiner beside him, “Teacher Li! You help maintain order. I’ll go see this student! ”

“Oh, good, okay!” Teacher Li quickly agreed, waving and beckoning the rest of the candidates to sit down and keep quiet.


The chief examiner, Teacher Wang, walked quickly to Nie Mingyu’s side.

Look down.


His whole person was shocked!

“This, this is a rare level card?!”

“Moreover, he is about to make it successfully!”

It is completely beyond Teacher Wang’s imagination!

He originally thought that Nie Mingyu was just an ordinary card making success.

But when I looked closer, Teacher Wang found out.

What Nie Mingyu is making is actually a rare level card!

Moreover, it is about to be made successfully!

This…… It’s so rare!

Teacher Wang’s unintentional exclamation directly caused the entire examination room to explode.

What the?!

Nie Mingyu is actually making rare level cards?

And it’s going to succeed?!

It’s impossible, right???

When the deputy examiner, Teacher Li, heard this, he suddenly didn’t care about maintaining order in the examination room.

Immediately rushed to Nie Mingyu’s side to watch.

The same, that is, at a glance.

Teacher Li was stunned on the spot.

It’s really a rare card!

“This student… What a genius! ”

Just in time.

Nie Mingyu, who was concentrating on making cards, also entered the final production process.

The speed of portrayal slowed down, and Nie Mingyu’s operation was extremely cautious.

At the last minute, be more careful, not careless!


It is precisely because it is about to succeed.

This [Cold Ice Arrow] in Nie Mingyu’s hand has become more and more powerful!


Ripples of frost spread in circles, exacerbating the decrease in temperature in the examination room.

Even, on Nie Mingyu’s card-making tabletop, there were ice edges erected, which were fierce!

The chief examiner, Mr. Wang, saw this.

Take control immediately.

Stretching out his right hand and pinching a blue card, Teacher Wang threw it over Nie Mingyu’s head, and at the same time shouted: “Magic shield!” ”


The spiritual power was released, and a magic shield was urged to protect Nie Mingyu and protect his safety.

Immediately after, the deputy examiner, Mr. Li, also had a serious face.

Turned around and scolded: “Don’t even look at it!” Beware of accidental injuries! ”

Immediately, she also took out a card with her left hand, threw it into the air, and drank lightly: “Stand block!” ”

Suddenly, the surrounding area centered on Nie Mingyu was within a radius of three meters. The air is sluggish, the gravity increases, as if it is stuck in mud.

A series of operations by the big guys directly pushed up the tension.

All the candidates in the same district were cautious and uneasy.

What the hell… What’s going on?!

I don’t know anything, I’m dying!

However, the one who really knows the inside story.

There are only Teacher Wang and Teacher Li.

They know.

Today, there is a genius coming out of the third middle school!


In this way, in everyone’s expectation, confusion, shock, doubt.

Nie Mingyu still maintained his focus, devoting himself to making the first magic card in his life.


His final operation was completed.


I only heard a roar that broke through the air.

On the tabletop, the dangling card flew up abruptly and hung high in the air!

The next moment, a dazzling bright blue light emitted, flashing in all directions!

Teacher Wang and Teacher Li stared at the same time, with expressions of disbelief on their faces: “Rare level!” Second! ”


A very characteristic young voice sounded: “Cold ice arrow, it has become ~”

Nie Mingyu opened his eyes.

The slender right hand stretched out into the air.

Slowly, the shining magic card fell into his hand.

Feeling the texture and achievement, Nie Mingyu smiled and nodded: “It’s quite smooth, and the quality is not bad.” ”

However, just as he was still lingering on the harvest and joy after the success of the first card making.

Behind him, there was a sudden exclamation, interrupting Nie Mingyu’s taste.

“Original cards?!”

Needless to say, it was naturally the chief examiner, Teacher Wang, who exclaimed.

Well, he shouted this time.

Teacher Li also has to follow: “Teacher Wang, what do you say?” Original cards?! ”

Original cards!

What is this concept?

For the general public, middle and low-level card makers, card making is basically copying and copying. Know how to draw and how to write, just draw a tiger according to the cat.

Those who can really study original cards are advanced card makers, magic card leaders, and pioneer bulls!

But now…

Nie Mingyu came up with an original card in a magic card college entrance examination?!

It’s like.

Taking the mathematics college entrance examination on Earth, a candidate solved the Goldbach conjecture on the spot! Kill Fermat’s Last Theorem in seconds!

What a demon??!

At this moment, the main examiner, Mr. Wang’s heart stopped.

What have you witnessed???

But fortunately, as an adult, a senior manager.

Teacher Wang did not lose his ability to react and respond to emergencies.

On the spot, he solemnly ordered: “Closed examination room!” All test takers, do not go out! No loud noise! ”

Immediately after, Teacher Wang picked up the instant messenger again.

Clenched his grip and whispered, “Call the test master!” Call the Test Officer! Please come to the 051 examination room immediately! ”

“Sudden and major situation! Sudden major situation! ”

“Please come quickly!”

PS: It’s a super niche theme, some flowers on the first day, evaluation votes to support ~~~

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