National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 207: Great Will To Shot (Please Customize!)

"Didn't it mean that Lord God opened up to us a world of lords that is weak and rich in resources?"

"Why do I feel a bleak and dead silence coming from the passage?"

"It feels like a more desolate location than the island of the undead."

"The island of the undead still has some units recruiting buildings and resource points, this world..."

"Wait?! That's... elven troops?!"

When the elemental lord Batildes was sitting on a tall horse in heavy armor, he was chattering and complaining to his heroes while walking through the Shiquan Passage.

At a glance, I saw many female elves floating in the air over there.

His expression was startled at first, and while he was secretly apologetic for doubting Lord God, at the same time, he noticed the breath of gods surrounding those elves, and his expression changed on the spot

"This, this, this...a unit that has the same aura as Lord God?! God of Elements, are these units above the seventeenth rank?!" 07 said to himself Although the tone was bewildered and panicked, it carried some kind of strange affirmation.

On the side, the faces of the heroes who followed him to fight in this different world to obtain various resources also changed drastically, but before he could make a sound, he was targeted by ten female elves with bows and arrows.

The sense of urgency of quality and strength.

This hero, who was not low in level, was so frightened for a moment that he didn't dare to make a sound. He just felt his mind went blank, and he even forgot to run away.

But Batildes on the side was much more stable, turned his mount on the spot, and was about to rush back to the end of the passage, when he heard a calm and cold female voice: "If you dare to take a step forward, try again." .”

The elemental lord immediately wept, turned his mount, raised his hands, and said tremblingly: "Everyone, I, I just came here by accident, and I didn't intend to do anything to this world, really. …

"I didn't ask, don't answer. 11

The female elf said indifferently.

Batildes nodded immediately.

In my heart, I just scolded the god who said to give me a big gift.

As soon as I arrived in another world, I was blocked by this unit with at least the seventeenth rank, and my life may be in danger at any time. It is really a [big gift]......

Talking about a weak world is completely fooling yourself!

In his own lord's world, even those loyal to the gods are only troops of the fifteenth and sixth ranks. How can there be any crowns above the seventeenth rank?

If you count those gods and lords, maybe they are the seventeenth rank of the crown... But they are not arms!

Just as the elemental lord was racking his brains to figure out how to escape safely.

He heard the female elf speak again.

It is to ask him some basic conditions and information about the world he lives in.

Feel the terrifying aura that is not the slightest difference from the gods.

Batildes didn't dare to lie at all, he just said what he had, even the fact that the elf camp recently discovered a still growing [Elf Mother Tree] from the ruins, and told it.

He felt that although the opponent was a unit comparable to a god.

But it's also a spirit after all.

He must be very interested in the news about the elf mother tree.


After hearing 【Elf Mother Tree】, the expressions of these elves changed subtly.

Start asking for specific information.

Batildes naturally didn't dare to hide his words.

But, when he talked about the gods in his world.

In the depths of my mind, I suddenly heard an extremely cold "shut up".

Immediately afterwards, the elemental lord, including the heroes under his command, as well as the arms and world passages that had not been followed behind him, all began to become illusory and uncertain.

"The gods of this world made a move?!"

The female elf, who was about to ask more questions, had a pretty face and a slight chill, and dozens of arrows shot out in an instant, bombarding the world passageway.

Bright beams illuminate the sky and the earth.

But this did not stop the disappearing speed of the world channel in the slightest.

"It's not good... this world channel will disappear soon!"

"If it disappears, there is no way to explain to Master Su Chen and Master Rosa!"

"The elf mother tree is also gone!"

The faces of all the female elves changed slightly, and it was time to draw their bows again.

The world channel, as well as the elemental lord Batildes and his heroes and troops, suddenly seemed to be frozen by something, and they all stopped dissipating.

The illusory shape also becomes real.

"this is.…………"

When the elves were slightly stunned, they sensed the breath of the summoner Lord Rosa and Lord Su Chen, and turned their heads.

The two people they were waiting for, as well as the other three servants, had already appeared in sight.

[Detected the unknown world channel, detected the background behind the scenes...]

【It is detected that the world channel is about to dissipate......】

[The dissipated state of the world channel has been lifted]

[The detection is completed, the world type is 'lord', and the level limit is 85

[There are races, gods, elves, orcs, dwarves, and sea races detected]

[As the first professional to discover the passage in this world, you will have the opportunity to decide whether to enter it to fight]

[After this mission is successful, the world will be brought under your command]

[Would you like to enter it for battle? (You have completed a campaign mission and urgent 503 temporary mission, you can record the coordinates of the world, wait for the correction to be completed, and then enter it, no time limit)]

Su Chen, who quickly arrived at the target location with four servants, was the first thing he saw was the world passageway and the scene where the creatures suspected to be in this world were about to disappear.

Without him saying more.

At this time, the Great Will came into play.

The world passage that was about to slip away directly was fixed in place.

Immediately afterwards, they began to inquire about Su Chen's plans.

Although the prompt words given are not very clear.

But Su Chen felt that the Great Will still hoped that he would take down this lord world.

"The upper limit is 85...Although there are gods, it's...not high.

With Su Chen's current methods, facing enemies at level 85, he doesn't even need to use his mythical units. Relying on the mythical suit, he can completely sweep without pressure.

Even if the number is large, it doesn't matter.

"After all, there is an elf mother tree, since the level is not high, let's make a quick decision.

With this thought in mind, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, noticing that the creature in the distance that seemed to be a water element was looking at him with eyes full of shock.

This look.

Su Chen has seen many opponents he met in the last world.

And those people called him (a god from another world...

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