National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 222: The Game-Derived World! (Please Customize!)

"Brothers, be careful, the starting level of the world of "The Last of the Gods" is 80, and the highest level is 96... It is obviously a high-level world. I went to the trial field to see, those trials are very difficult! The so-called anime The plot doesn’t work at all! Because the trials released by the gods in this world are all different from person to person... I heard that there are high-level professionals in it during the mission!”

"The buddy who posted the post obviously didn't study the setting of this anime carefully. The gods in the world of "The Last of the Gods" don't always post the same trials, and the brothers upstairs are not right...these The trials issued by the gods are not different from person to person. According to the setting, they issue trials according to their own mood! If you like it, they will give you everything, if you don’t like it... Let's put it this way, instead of rushing through the trials he gave you, you might as well go and fight him, at least you can die cleanly."

"What kind of silly anime is this? There is such a brainless setting? Random surprise gift packages depending on the mood? Make me laugh... I guess those bosses who have reached level 80 have no idea at all. I won’t go to this kind of world to try my luck, I’m just joking with my own life.”

"For those of us outsiders who can really enter this animation world, this setting is really not very good... I have also entered the world derived from animation and ancient century novels several times before. In fact, it is not the same as Ordinary worlds are no different, the most you can do is know some treasure points and gain something.”

"I'm still very curious, if there are professionals who can pass through those trials, what will they get? According to this anime, after completing the trials, the male protagonist and supporting characters have directly changed from mortals who know nothing to ruined ones. The God of Heaven and Earth..... In the true sense of the way of inheriting power, if we are professionals, what form will it be reflected in? Could it be experience points and additional skills? Yes..."

Swipe all the way to the comment area at the bottom.

Su Chen has a detailed understanding of this so-called "Apocalypse of Gods" anime world.

The main plot of the anime can be summed up in one sentence.

That is the story of a protagonist who is favored by the will of the world, and under the powerful good luck that even the gods would pay attention to him, he completes the trial all the way without any danger, and finally leads the friends around him to achieve the god position together.

Nothing special in itself.

It stands to reason that the heat should not be too high.

But after relying on the painter's blessing.

This anime has also been watched by many professionals.

Very popular.

"Arrange the trial according to your mood.... the world with the highest level of 96?"

Su Chen was talking to himself leisurely, and his interest became more and more intense.

Follow what is said in the comments section below.

After passing through the trials, the local creatures in this world can achieve the status of gods and gain earth-shattering power.

Then, when professionals go in, the so-called [power] they get will most likely be something like experience points?

Moreover, is it still possible to directly send a level 1 professional to a massive level like level 80-90?

"Wait until tomorrow when you are free, so you can go and have a look?"

He pondered silently, wrote down this world, and then browsed other worlds.

The number of alien passages that have descended in recent times is extremely large.

Basically, it includes all the world classifications that have been divided so far.

Fantasy, Fantasy, Fairy, Myth, Magic, Machine War.....

Among them, the number of low-level worlds is so small that it is almost negligible.

The rest are all worlds starting at level 60.

There are many power systems, not to mention.

As far as classification is concerned, there are even quite a few new tricks.

For example.

Some worlds derived from the game of the Federation!

This is quite astonishing.

To know.

Originally, only the novels of the ancient century and the animation works of the Federation would have derivative worlds with exactly the same plot, characters, and power system.

Fortunately, there is another game derivative world!

This is very strange!

Su Chen paid close attention to it.

Discover that the derived worlds have high and low levels so far.

But the one that impressed him the most was the willpower of a certain world, rated as a level 72 boss.


According to the classification, this world is derived from a casual farming game.

It can be said that it is the relatively harmless type.

The monsters are the pests on the plants, and the beasts that occasionally come to the fields...

Logically speaking, these should be regarded as common existence for professionals, but each level is between 60-70...

Have to say, just outrageous.

"Brother Meng, in my lifetime, I would never have imagined that the [Hard Miner] web game that I played when I was a child would actually have a derivative world... My buddy was called to do a mission by Dazhi this time, good guy, Just keep digging all kinds of ores... Besides, I haven't even seen the face of a monster, not to mention the disgrace, the rewards are also frighteningly low, it's really amazing."

"Be content, I'm a level 53 [Yuan Neng Warrior], and the [Conquest Mission] I was called to participate in is actually a derivative world of the [Little Gopher Lianliankan] game...Once I move slowly, I will be banned. Gophers fight, those gophers are all high-level, their blood volume and dual defense are even stronger than the front row occupations at level 60, and the most important thing is that they also have various [abnormal states]... ...I returned with a [abnormal state] that lasted for half a year, and everyone is numb!"

"I went to the [Dark Bunker] game world. The upper limit is 85, but the bottom line is very low. You only need to be 35 to get do you say it? Don’t feel too weird about fighting against the monsters you’ve seen, okay? Also, by the way, the native creature [Enhancer Yilier] inside is really a liar, so it’s best not to strengthen the equipment with her!”

"My friend received the mission of the machine war game [Crown of Hope] this time... MD, I have been a fan for ten years. I didn't buy any rare and limited mechs in this game? Why did he accept me? Didn’t receive it? It really makes people feel uncomfortable... Even so, I still asked my friend to help me get out the mecha inside, and the price was easy to negotiate... As a result, he escaped in a panic, Said that the mechas I want are all diamond quality! That's outrageous!"

"Isn't the upstairs a bit silly... Great will chooses professionals to do [conquest missions] because of their potential..."

Sweep all the way over.

All kinds of game derivative worlds really opened Su Chen's horizons.

He even focused on selecting dozens of game worlds that had special material output and had been visited by hand, for later selection of forging materials and leisure time!.

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