National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 226: A Brand New Road To The Future (Please Customize!)

"So, from now on, we will become soldiers under the command of this Lord God?"

Among the [heroic spirits], a general in heavy armor who looked like a human-shaped iron tower spoke out.

His name is Zhou Chi, and he was one of the [heroic spirits] who besieged Su Chen before.

The original attitude was extremely unruly.

But after being easily defeated by Su Chen, the appearance of returning now is quite respectful.

"What is a pawn, I can't even say clearly." A sorcerer [Heroic Spirit] who felt that Zhou Chi's words were inappropriate, couldn't help but choked him, "According to our strength, how can it be regarded as a (subordinate? "

"Subordinates and pawns...these two titles seem to be similar to us today, right?"

"It doesn't matter what the name is, the key is the impression that the Lord God has on us..."

"Don't be funny, we were all killed in one hit, what good impression can we make on him?" …”

Many [heroic spirits] spoke out one after another.

While these ancient heroes were shocked by the message conveyed by the Great Will, they did not deal with it cautiously, but instead said what they thought of.

"The only ones who can be regarded as subordinates by this lord are the previous ladies of the gods, and this one who is by his side at this time... I, etc., as General Zhou Chi said, I'm afraid It's just a battle."

Lin Heming, who was hiding in the crowd, also laughed softly, his brows were very gentle, and it was impossible to see that he had been annihilated by Su Chen's men at all.

The sorcerer [Heroic Spirit] frowned when he heard the words, and was about to argue subconsciously, when he heard Yu Yu who was standing in front of all the [Heroic Spirits] sighed softly: "Immortal Lin is right, I also feel the same way .”

The [Heroic Spirits] on the scene, after the power given by the promotion from the world, the strongest has already risen to level 92. "The weakest is also level 80.

Among other things, there is absolutely no problem in annihilating the world that has not been upgraded before.

But even so.

When facing Su Chen whose level is only 30, I still have a feeling of no confidence in my heart.

After all, he was beaten too badly before.

In addition, the other party is now in charge of this world, [heroic spirits] like them, as long as they wave their hands casually, they will emerge endlessly, saying that they are [pawns] [actually, it is not wrong.

At least that's what Yu Yu, Lin Heming and other top-tier existences on the field think.

Su Chen, who was watching by them, did not continue to talk about this topic at the moment, but said: "Everyone has received the message of the great will, and the opponents we will face in the future will be existences from different worlds in the heavens." , These existences will also be the resources for your promotion, as well as your brand new future path.


Many [heroic spirits] were surprised, shocked, and suspicious when they heard the sound.

"I am no longer what I was before, yet there is still a chance to be promoted? My lord, don't blame me for being suspicious. It really sounds like this matter is too unbelievable for me...Those people from different worlds How can living beings be the food for my promotion? It is impossible to get promoted after eliminating them."

"Maybe it's true, now that Yu and the rest are all under the command of the Lord God, naturally we can no longer treat it according to the original rules of the world... Hey, this is really a good fortune. I was quite dissatisfied with Zaoyun during my lifetime, but I didn't expect that there is still a chance of promotion now... In short, no matter what kind of opponent, Yu is not afraid, Lord God, I hope to give Yu more opportunities to show off!"

"When I was alive, I was on the battlefield, but now I have the opportunity to fight against the creatures from other worlds. The world is unpredictable... As long as those opponents are not too strong, I will not be afraid at all, hahaha... In addition, Lord God, don't listen to them, if you want to give a chance to fight, Wei Emperor Yu Yu, Lin Xianren, Shang Wei... Which one of these is not better than them?"

I am not good at fighting, but the creatures from other worlds are worth seeing. I would like to see what is the difference between this kind of existence and our [Heroic Spirits], and what is their strength. ... Ha, just thinking about it makes me yearn for it very much, but the chances for me to fight should not be too many. "

Voices came one after another.

The ones with a fighting spirit are naturally some pure [warrior generals.

And those who showed obvious curiosity about the existence of other worlds were those warlocks.

As for the remaining part, while secretly feeling weird, they kept silent.

You know, if you mention aliens.

Isn't Su Chen who won this world one of them?

Among the [Heroic Spirits] who invited to fight, the warriors who wanted to fight him, or the warlocks who were curious about his power, all became losers!

Now, I have to follow his thoughts and instructions to fight other alien creatures...

This feeling is really, very awkward.

Of course they won't show it clearly.

"My lord." Andalina suddenly said next to Su Chen, "I sense that there are other gods, and they are here."

"I know."

Su Chen nodded with a calm expression.

When he first came into this world, he sensed those [Gods] that were automatically awakened.

These existences are more sensitive than [Heroic Spirit].

They are naturally clear.

In this world, the fact that a ruler has appeared now.

That is a creature much stronger than the original willpower.

Now that the person in charge is coming, it is also reasonable to come at a fast speed.

"I seem to have sensed a lot of strange gods and spirits."

Lin Heming, who was standing behind Yu Yu, said so, and his tone was very calm.

If it was still before his death or when he returned to the world for the first time.

It was found that these divine spirits appeared, and all of them swarmed towards him.

The first reaction is to feel cold.

but now.

There is Su Chen, the master of the world, here.

Those gods who belong to this world just like them.

There is only a bow and respect.

"I have also noticed it, but it seems to be slower than Immortal Lin." 2.6

Yu Yu sighed lightly.

"If Your Majesty wants to, it will naturally be better than Your Majesty." Lin Hebro smiled slightly, and said as if pointing: "Thoughts must be heavy-hearted.

Yu Yu didn't answer, and looked at Su Chen's direction with a pair of deep eyes, both complicated and a little emotional: "Before I was alive, I thought that the achievement of supremacy was already the pinnacle of the emperor, and after returning to the world with this body, I thought it was still alive An original peace is the pinnacle."

"However, now, I feel that all this is not worth mentioning compared to the road I will take next."

Lin Heming smiled, but didn't speak.

They can't accept their fate if they want to now, but this emperor has changed his previous domineering attitude.

It seems that he was also moved by the prospects that the person in charge of this world said.

Is it a brand new future path..............

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