National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 230: Opening A New Future [Two In One, Please Customize! 】

[Resurrection of the Gods] The wandering tour of the world is coming to an end.

But Su Chen was not in a hurry to leave.

Instead, I went to the core location where the [World Tree] was planted.

He is going to take the world of [Resurrection of the Gods] a step further and create a new future.

It was an era more suitable for [cultivation] than the era in which the ancient heroes who turned into [Heroic Spirits] lived.

"Is this a miraculous tree comparable to the 'creator'... Thanks to the blessing of the master, this is the first time I have seen it... It's really amazing. I think the Tao rhyme in it seems to be connected. Looking at the other side of the world, it seems that it has not yet fully grown, but it has been able to continuously upgrade the two worlds at the same time...

Behind Su Chen, the mountain god of Donglou Mountain stared in amazement at the [Sacred Tree], which was obviously no taller than a few people, but whose aura was so powerful that it enveloped the entire world in it. What good words to describe.

"It's really extraordinary. The personality of this tree itself has the potential to be a [will power] or even a higher existence, which is enough to open up a brand new big world and create many creatures... At this time, you can take a look at it, It's a great honor for me to observe and understand the flow of energy in it... But then again, I don't know what the future direction of this world is going to look like, my lord in charge?"

Taiheze Water God was the second to speak, and at the end of the sentence, he asked Su Chen respectfully.

"I haven't thought about it yet."

The latter, who ordered [World Tree] to slightly increase the input power to the world, spoke freely.

The rest of the gods who didn't make a sound heard the sound and began to speak one after another.

"Master in charge, the original [this world], with the prosperity of human beings, the laws and auras that can be used for [cultivation] of the creatures are gradually fading away, and many alien creatures will accelerate their own oblivion. .......This is the original trajectory set by the willpower, in which, even us mighty gods are not spared, only escape into the outer layer of this world to live in seclusion, can escape from this disaster.. ...Now that you, as the ruler, are willing to reopen the world of [cultivation], we are very happy."

"Indeed, although the outer layer of the world is good, it still can't be compared with the world we were originally in. Now that the master in charge wants to reopen the world of [cultivation], we are willing to do our best to help... ..No matter what [cultivation] direction you want to set, we are willing to help you with all your strength."

"As far as I can see, there are not many [cultivation] directions that are suitable for this world. After all, with the [World Tree] now, no matter it is [Shinto] [Immortal Way] [Martial Way] or other cultivation paths, it can be combined Both... Moreover, the beings in this world are nourished by the [World Tree], and many amazing and talented people will definitely be born. Maybe it won't take ten or twenty years for new creatures to join me Waiting side by side to serve the master.”

Listening to the words of the gods, Su Chen, who included Antalina into the [World Tree] resurrection blessing, thought for a while, and smiled: "In this regard, as local gods, you can choose according to your own ideas. come, but we must first establish a suitable set of rules and order."

As a professional, even though he has seen many cultivation systems, but he wants to make a definite plan for a while, it is hard to say that it may not be suitable.

But these gods are different.

They were originally creatures born in this world, and they have also passed down some [laws of cultivation] before.

Many of the techniques and martial arts used by [Heroic Spirits] come from these [Gods]

Let them continue now, they must be familiar with the road, and there will be no problems.

"Yes, I will do my best."

The gods took orders in unison, and then left from where the [World Tree] was.

What they have to do is simple.

That is to announce the arrival of the era of cultivation to the whole world.

This is the so-called [display].

In Dazhou, in the palace, Jiang Duo, who received the message from [Divine Gods], [Heroic Spirits] and even [Local Gods] once again pressed his eyebrows, looking very tired.

After discussing with a group of important ministers just now, he didn't get any good results.

Although it has been known for a long time that since there are gods from other worlds, the local gods may also appear in this world, but they never thought that this day would come so soon.

"Existences similar to those statues... Even if you don't treat them as gods, how can you deal with them based on the great power they show?"

In such a situation, even if the former empress is still there, Da Zhou will still fall into such a passive situation.

There is one thing to say.

Jiang Duo never thought that he would encounter such a difficult situation.

"Your Majesty, just now the people in the extreme west sent word, and there was no trace of the [Heroic Spirit] there... On the contrary, on our [Guhuazhou] side, many of the [Heroic Spirits] that appeared were from the extreme west. The Ancient Hero....

A servant who got some information approached and reported to Jiang Duo aloud.

The latter sighed lightly and did not reply.

The disappearance of the empress had a lot to do with that alien god.

Now the other party reappeared...

Good luck and bad luck are unpredictable.

"Your Majesty, why is this so? I heard that those [Heroic Spirits] who were defeated by the gods from the other world have returned again. The Empress..."

The servant summoned up his courage and whispered persuasion.

Jiang Duo could only smile wryly when he heard the sound, and was about to speak when he saw the surrounding area becoming hazy.

His face changed slightly.

This method is another [heroic spirit is coming?

"Don't be alarmed, Your Majesty, it is really helpless to interrupt again with the audacity. If there is something wrong, I hope Haihan."

A brisk yet somewhat familiar voice sounded from beside my ears.

Jiang Duo's expression was startled: "Lin Heming?"

"I'm right here." Appearing from the mist, Lin Heming said with a smile: "This time, I have something to let Your Majesty know.

"It's about the arrival of the world of [cultivation]..."

Such scenes also happened in many different palaces and palaces at the same time.

When those kings and emperors who came back to life due to the death of [creatures from other worlds] and [heroic spirits], or got some benefits, met the [heroic spirits] who can be called their own guardians

My heart became much more stable in an instant.

But after learning that the world of [cultivation] is coming, I am a little at a loss.

"Cultivation? Do you mean witchcraft like wizards and knights, as well as powerful martial arts that can fight against monsters?"

"What? The mythical beasts and alien races in the collection of stories and poems will come to this world again in the near future? My God, that is to say, even those fantasy creatures will appear together?"

"If you become a cultivator, can you prolong your life? How much?"

"The arrival of the world of cultivation, this is too surprising..."

In exclamation.

Many gods who left their footprints in ancient myths but disappeared without a trace, slowly appeared in various parts of this world.

Begin to announce to the creatures in this world the opening of the era of [cultivation].

Then, lower down the [Cultivation Method] that I complied in accordance with the laws of the world.

Because of the advance notice from the [Heroic Spirits], the kings and emperors were not in a hurry, but instead helped to spread the word.

So, when they heard the news, the people who were unwilling to be mediocre suddenly became overwhelmed.

"The method of cultivation, is it the kind of spell that can fly with a sword? Wave your hand to summon thunder and raise your hand to call rain? That's too cool, my god...I wanted to find a [heroic spirit] to learn from before. , but without this fate, I didn’t expect that a god would send down the [method of cultivation] now? I can’t hold back my emotions!!”

"I'll just say it's the mountain god of Donglou Mountain. There are still people who argue with me. Now this mountain god has passed down [the method of cultivation], let's see what those people say... Is it something given by the gods? Ah, obviously they are all incomprehensible characters, but they can still understand the meaning..."

"I just want to see the fighting posture of those [Heroic Spirits] again...Of course, it would be even better if the Lord [Different World Gods] acted, but such an opportunity should be gone... ...I heard from the Sea God of the Extreme West Moon Sea that this Lord [Alien God] has now become the ruler of this world..."

"I really didn't expect that. When I discussed with my friends before, I guessed the follow-up development. I felt that [Different World Gods], after defeating those [Heroic Spirits] and local gods, would leave after getting what he wanted. ...However, the current development has really exceeded my expectations, the era of global cultivation......"

"Already on the way to Donglou Mountain, this time I want to see the majesty of the gods... The [Golden Jade True Seal] taught by the mountain god taught a lot... .My side can already summon some rocks, although they are not many and not very powerful, but this is a genuine technique..."

Su Chen, who is in charge, received the joy, curiosity, shock and other complex thoughts of the creatures in this world, and smiled slightly.

He remembered how he felt when he became a professional.

There is no difference with these people.

have to say.

0......seeking flowers...

Looking at it from the perspective of someone who has experienced it, it feels quite interesting.

"The next step is to wait for the development of this world."

Looking at the World Tree, Su Chen thought silently.

This world's supernatural tree has now begun to restore many creatures that only exist in fantasy and mythology, allowing them to start from scratch together.

For example, dragon, titan.......

These existences that are often solved by the protagonist as villains in the story set are reborn.


Under the constraints of the law of order, they cannot cause disputes, but they are uniquely endowed, just like the people who have been taught the "Cultivation Method" in this world, they will all become Su Chen's future help!

Federation, inside the proving ground.

Low and middle-level professionals who come and go at this time.

While doing his own thing, he was also secretly observing those senior professionals.

They all noticed.

These are the existences of the top combat power in the federation.

The expressions on many people's faces were quite bored and helpless.

While constantly entering the world and returning, the expression gradually becomes worse.

"Hey, isn't that level 96 [Golden Warrior] Yao Shun over there? I heard that he is famous for his patience, and he won't get discouraged after three years of using a piece of equipment. Why does he look like he's mentally broken now? ..”

"His teammates [Magic Swordsman] and [Zerg Lord] also have ugly expressions... To be honest, I always thought that when we low-level professionals couldn't get what we wanted, it would be like this This kind of expression, I didn't expect senior professionals to have the same expression? This made me feel more balanced..."


"According to the statistics of the troublemakers, there are already 214 senior professionals who collect the dropped objects in the [Trial Ground], and this is not considered to be rushing here...... Really Outrageous, I think this day can be included as one of the major events for federal professionals."

"Although I don't know exactly what these people are brushing, but from the occasional words and seems that after they brush something, they will give it to the same person?"

"What kind of ruthless character should be valued by so many senior professionals...... Could it be the first few days after retiring?

Commander-in-Chief? It doesn’t feel like that either. Look at the group of [Crazy Thunder Swordsman] and [Great Swordsman] that appeared this time. They are notorious for not buying into the headquarters. Which commander-in-chief hasn’t beat them up?

? Even so, they are still unconvinced. If it is really the previous leaders, how could they be allowed to do this..."

Just when many professionals were discussing secretly.

Three senior professionals have returned outside the world passage.

Their expressions were full of disappointment, as expected by everyone present.

"It's over, and the fuck hasn't come out yet, and I have to wait for the world to cool down and refresh... I really am convinced, with that kind of explosion rate, it can be regarded as a level 95 advanced world? I am really convinced, okay?



One of them didn't look at the professionals around him, and only communicated with special props, with a very angry tone.

"Calm down, the world drop rate of [Trial Ground] has always been like this, isn't the world of [Conquest Mission] not much better? Be patient, maybe it will appear in half a year after brushing."

Are you here?"

Another reassured.

"Laughing, half a year ago, don't you know that we are already one step behind? When the [Blacksmith] grows up, he will still need these things? I'm afraid it will be very late at that time."

It has to be a [Blacksmith] limited item to impress him...the opportunity must not be missed, if you want to form a relationship, now is the best time..."

"I heard that Commander Luo has already sent a few limited items of [Blacksmith] over there? [Elf Lord] has accepted them all....Hey, if we have that luck

It’s good to be angry, there are so many worlds under this great will, who knows where the [Blacksmith] limited item can be released, I’m really speechless..."

"I just laughed, do you think it was Luo Yan who exploded it? He snatched it from the deputy commander... He Luo Yan, the luck of the deputy's drop is not as good as mine....

Three senior professionals are communicating.

I saw another top fighter who I recognized returned from the world channel. After noticing them, his face was full of complacency: "No way, no way? You haven't brushed it yet?"

"It's a pity, I only brushed five pieces this time."

"Bring it and send it over, it's just right..."

The expressions of the three senior professionals changed instantly when they heard the sound. They looked at each other and approached with smiles.

"Brothers, don't rush to leave, let's take a look at the ... ... factory".

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