National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 240: Release The Forces Of Goodwill (Please Customize!)

Su Chen, who was already watching a round of auction in the private room, did not understand the conversation and thoughts of the group of senior professionals just now.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

After all, the mission of the Grand Commander Luo Yan to hunt down the defectors must have brought him into the sight of those senior professionals again.

Now, listen to Luo Yan.

Many people are brushing the limited equipment of [Blacksmith] for themselves...

How should I put it, this was beyond his expectation.

But it's also a good thing.

As long as those people really get the right items that make him feel excited.

Su Chen would not mind forging some equipment items for them in the future.

Anyway, these are things that can be done with just raising one's hand, so it's not a big deal.

"Next, what is going to be auctioned is that the legendary-quality unit recruits the "153" recruitment building [Elf Wizard Small Building], which can recruit four types of [Elf]-type legendary units, and there is even a very low probability of being able to recruit epic-level units. Soldier [Singer of Nature]......The starting price is 400 million contribution points, and each price increase must not be less than 50 million contribution points

Just when Su Chen was looking at the golden fruits on the table and wanted to pick up two at random, he heard that one of the auction items that was said to be quite important had appeared in the center of the auction venue.

Legendary quality troop recruitment building.

For many high-level professionals, including lords, it doesn't really make them particularly excited or rare.

But if you can get enhanced combat power, I'm still very happy.

What's more, this legendary unit recruitment building is still the type that has a probability of recruiting epic units.

Epic class arms.

This can be said to be the highest-quality unit that has appeared on the face of the Federation.

Not to mention the extremely low probability, even if the probability is so faint that it cannot be seen, it is much stronger than ordinary recruitment buildings for legendary units.

Therefore, there was an instant bidding sound in the field.

"600 million contribution points!"

"A building that can recruit epic-level units only pays 600 million? Don't make fun of me, I give 800 million contribution points!"

"One and a half billion! Please also give me [the orc lord] He Yun a face, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

"I said, brother He Yun, it's too funny for you to raise the price this time. Items that can recruit epic-level units, which one is not the base of 4 billion contribution points, although the probability of this recruitment is not high, but it can barely In the eyes.....1.5 billion, I want to take it back and return the face... How much is your face worth? I will give you 2.5 billion contribution points."

"Three billion!"

Through the special props in the private room, Su Chen can clearly hear the voices of other people when they bid.

He smiled at the moment.

The legendary-quality unit building that can recruit epic units, once strengthened by him, the lowest epic starts, and the highest is myth.

And it's a [Elf]-type unit building.....

Nothing to say.

Su Chen thought about it, took out the contribution card that he had obtained from those veteran professionals before, which contained a large number of contribution points, and followed suit: "Four billion."

The voice is flat.

In an instant, the other bidding voices that were still haggling over every detail and even started to quarrel were immediately suppressed.


Obviously, the field became quiet.

All the professionals who bid fiercely at the auction immediately communicated secretly with their companions in the private room.

"The private room that was bid just the one dedicated to [Elf Lord], isn't that right?"

"I remember clearly that it's the private room used by Zhu Yuan'er...but she has never been to the [Auction House] headquarters, and her hero Kexilia has always come to help her take pictures. .....That is also a ruthless character, sweeping away many veteran professionals at level 100..."

"Kesilia? Someone seemed to have seen her bring the apprentice just accepted by [Elf Lord] into that private room just now..."

"The apprentice of the [Elf Lord]? Fuck, the up-and-coming star who killed the [Nature Summoner]? My God, why didn't you say this news just now?"

"It seems to be him who made the bid, [Blacksmith] Su Chen..."

"Let's not ask for this thing. The [Elf Lord] is not easy to offend, and this [Blacksmith] Su Chen is even more difficult to offend! Didn't you hear the previous news, he helped a lot of people who are troubled by [Permanent Abnormal Status] The high-level professional, now the limelight is very strong...Even if we don't rely on [Elf Lord], we can't afford to offend him himself!"

After a short and quick chat.

In the private room in the field, words came out again...

But this time it was different from before, facing Su Chen's asking price, he was very polite and... friendly.

"Since it is your Excellency's fancy, then I [Master Thunderbolt] Sui Jin can't compete with you, so I will give this thing to Your Excellency."

"I [Elemental Druid] Jia Zhong is the same.

"He Yun also withdrew from this round of auction..."

"I didn't expect to meet your Excellency for the first time at the headquarters of the auction house. It's really a great honor...We [Quan Yuemeng] naturally dare not fight for the things you fancy, I believe


Among the voices of people from their sources and occupations.

Whether it is a single professional, a senior professional with the backing, or the existence of some big forces, they all expressed their friendliness to Su Chen.

Many people have expressed that if Su Chen still wants something later, they are willing to take pictures on their behalf, and don't want to give all of it to Su Chen.

no way.

[Elf Lord] Zhu Yuaner needless to say.

Just let those senior professionals who are troubled by [permanent abnormal state] rekindle their way forward.

Su Chen is worthy of their friendship and release of goodwill.


At this time, Su Chen, whose contribution points are so rich that most professionals are stunned, accepts the goodwill, but naturally won't let them contribute contribution points to draw on his behalf.

He has no shortage of contribution points.

Even if you just use some of the 3.1 that you sold before to forge, and the contribution points from equipment that has not yet reached the quality of diamonds, it is more than enough to take pictures of this unit recruitment building.

After successfully collecting the auction item into the bag.

Su Chen continued to wait for the next auction item.

It is also at this time.

The apprentice of the [Elf Lord], the [Blacksmith] who is recognized by the federal senior professional circle as the most potential future [Blacksmith], appeared in the message of the [Auction House] headquarters.

Soon, some people spread it intentionally or unintentionally.

Many senior professionals who have long wanted to make friends with this [Blacksmith], but have not been able to find a chance.

Instantly flocked.

Federal Auction House [Headquarters] ushered in a glorious moment that even its boss was shocked. .

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