National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 244: Please Don't Refuse (Please Customize!)

"Legendary-level [Elf Bow]... The entry skill of this piece of equipment is very interesting, I took it."

"The legendary potion of [Ice Elf Bloodline]...This one is also good, take it back and keep it as a forging material...The price is not very expensive..."

"This [Thorn Cloak] is also fine, it's passive to reflect damage...but the quality is a bit low, only Chi Yao..."

At the second half of the auction.

Not only items related to [Spirits], but some equipment skill books with interesting data entry effects were also taken by Su Chen and directly bid for them.

As a result, the professionals present who had gotten wind of those items long ago, but missed them, suddenly felt their scalps go numb.

"Why does this boss not even let go of the diamond-quality skill book? That [Venomous Trap] was my favorite item after searching for a long time... It's over now.

"Are the diamonds of low quality? He took away the scarlet longbow that I lacked before. I thought he was only interested in legendary quality items... Now it's good, this trip It’s for nothing.”

"I was still fucking laughing at those high-level professionals just now, but I got retribution so quickly... I have accumulated contribution points for a long time for that diamond-quality [Slime Lord], and I have been looking for people everywhere, hey..."

"In the future, I will definitely not come to any auction with this big boss, and I will have no chance if I come. It's just a waste of time..."

In the lament of the crowd.

Su Chen once again took a picture of Chi Yao's skill book that can summon the recruiting buildings of elf-type units.

The quality of this item is not worth mentioning.

But for him, they are materials that cannot be missed.

The direction of forging the final product requires constant experimentation.

And the types of materials needed are varied.

It's always good to collect more.

In the center of the venue, the auctioneer who glanced at Su Chen's private room without any trace, after receiving a message from the person in charge of the headquarters just now through special props, his depression and helplessness were finally washed away.

At this time, he also began to adjust his mentality, and said with a rather eager expression: "Everyone, the next thing is this auction, one of the few auction items that everyone is most looking forward to."

"This is an epic-quality item named [Crown of Killing Hearts]. It has no occupation and level restrictions, and does not occupy the equipment bar. Its function is similar to [Godhead]." Both of them can increase large panel data and skill capabilities for the wearer …”

"And this [Crown of Slaughtering Heart] not only has a lot of stat boosts, but also has the effect of further boosting the abilities of heroes and units under your command, and even leveling up...It is very suitable for lord-type professionals, The starting price is 30 billion contribution points, and each price increase should not be less than 5 billion contribution points. If you are interested, please feel free to bid.

That's it.

Behind the auctioneer, a huge panel lit up.

The data and entry effects of [Crown of Killing Heart] are recorded in detail above.

Su Chen, who saw it for the first time, thought about it for a while, and felt that this piece was very good whether it was given to the master or used as a forging material for himself, so he immediately called for the price.

Seeing this, the professionals in the field and even in the private rooms fell into discussions one after another.

"I knew there would be an epic item auction, but I didn't expect it to be an item suitable for the lord system? It's a pity that the increase in the panel is too low. The effect of the entry is not bad, and the probability is quite high, but... .I'm afraid that [Blacksmith] will be watching... His master is a lord, so with this piece of equipment, wouldn't it be even more powerful?"

"I guess he's already eyeing it. I know a thing or two about the status of this item. To be honest, I'm not very interested. My buddy [Giant Bear Lord] also has a similar one, but the quality is only legendary, this one. ... In my opinion, it is at best an enhanced version of that one, there is really no bright spot, it is quite satisfactory, if that [blacksmith] really can afford it, it doesn't hurt to give it to him."

"Anyway, it's an epic-level item... I only have two pieces of epic-level equipment in my hand. I really feel quite unwilling to let them out... But then again, What if the [Blacksmith] didn't take a fancy to this prop? He didn't take pictures of everything, did he?"

"Epic-level props, you can't let go of anything... If you can make a good deal with the [Blacksmith], it doesn't matter the finale of the entire auction, but the key is that we can't easily deal with Shi. What I saw...and this epic item is an opportunity to actually appear in front of me... just take it and forget it.

0...seeking flowers...

There are fewer words of regret.

Among them, there were even some tangled and hesitant voices.

Is it worthwhile to offend a professional with strong potential, combat power, and reliance for an epic item?

this problem.

Soon someone gave an answer.

"I will contribute 40 billion contribution points."

In a remote private room, a hoarse and deep voice sounded.

Many professionals who were still in a state of entanglement, as well as senior professionals who did not intend to get involved in this auction, and the pumpers in the center of the venue immediately understood what was said.

What's happening?


Does anyone really dare to compete with [Blacksmith]?!

"Damn it, this is really a fierce person, aren't you afraid that there are so many high-level professionals in the [Elf Lord] looking for trouble?"

"It's really not worth it for an epic item. Haven't you seen so many high-level professionals watching from the sidelines..."

"Whose general is this, I would like to call him the strongest..."

"Regardless of whether we will continue to compete for prices in the future, this must offend the [Blacksmith].

"Why can't you think about it so much? There is still a chance to get epic items in the future. What is the difference between offending this [Blacksmith] and offending a bunch of high-level professionals? Do you know that [Martial Dao Saint] Xiang Qi has a haircut?" It's over..."

Many discussions quickly sounded from each private room.

As for Su Chen, his eyes moved slightly, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

It's an auction.

Someone came out to compete for the price, which is a very normal thing.

have nothing to say.

Just keep raising the price.

Anyway, his current contribution points are too much to use.

"Four hundred and five..."

Just as Su Chen opened his mouth, but before he finished speaking, another hoarse voice came from the private room where he was arguing over the price: "I missed the auction just now, but now I finally caught up*3... ..

"Your Excellency [Blacksmith], this [Crown of Slaughtering Hearts] should be a gift to me [Nebula Mage] Pang Han. It's a trivial matter, it's not a respect, so please don't refuse."

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