National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 255: Competitive Top Fighters (Please Customize!)

"It actually made him strengthen successfully?!"

"+10 epic equipment! I've never heard of +10 epic equipment! Today I actually witnessed a piece... Isn't this [Blacksmith] only able to forge items? How can it even be strengthened? The equipment is also so good?!"

"It's really outrageous. I thought he would fail once or twice, but seeing Lin Chang's ecstatic look, he actually became... This junior really doesn't give [blacksmith] professionals a chance to survive. ?”

"Not only Lin Chang, but also more than a dozen high-level professionals have successfully strengthened their equipment... This [only] professional is really powerful, and I would like to call it the top 3 in terms of support. …"

"Hahaha, I asked my buddies to come together before, but he didn't come, saying that he had enough equipment and didn't want to get into the muddy water. Now it's all right. I think he's going to regret the "930" in his stomach. The equipment is enough, no It means that the reinforcement is in place! If this can fully strengthen a piece of epic equipment, I'm afraid it can be compared to ordinary mythical equipment!"

Inside the big world of the Federation Temporary Headquarters.

After many high-level professionals learned about another top-notch combat power [Blue Dragon Paladin], they took out ten epic-level materials as rewards, asked Su Chen to help him strengthen and succeeded, and the atmosphere in the field boiled instantly.

"[Blacksmith] Your Excellency...Ah no, Brother Su Chen, can you give me a chance? The ax blade in my hand has never been long as it can be strengthened to level 10, I will These more than twenty epic-level materials and limited items will all be used as your reward!"

"Shameless, how old are you and still call this junior a brother? You can't do this to strengthen equipment... [Blacksmith] Your Excellency, I also have 20 epic-level materials in my hand, and some epic-level equipment. , help me strengthen first, these are all yours, and I will have epic items for you later..."

"Now, it's not just about forging items, but there are also more items that need to be strengthened... When will the line be up? I only have a few epic items in my hand... Your Excellency Su Chen, as long as you help me forge the equipment first, and then strengthen it a little bit, in addition to the material rewards that should be given, I will give you an item that has a 10-way probability of allowing the user to [resurrect] in place. ...

"Quick, quick, hurry up and take out all the epic equipment I put in the family... No matter what level, bring them all, and then go buy some more limited items... that [Blacksmith] Su Chen, also has a high probability of enhancing equipment items! It happens to be used as a reward for his help!"

It's not just the pleading words that lost their cool.

Special props and even various communication tools Duan Ye appeared.

[Canglong Paladin], who was about to bid farewell to Su Chen and was going to buy limited items immediately, couldn't help but sigh inwardly when he saw this.

I'm afraid that the [blacksmith]'s status in the minds of many senior professionals and even top combat powers [has reached ten heights that even the great commanders of the headquarters in the past may not be able to match.

After all, a professional who can stably provide the required high-quality equipment and props, and can also enhance it with a high probability.

Really only one person!

"I'm afraid the future scenes will be even bigger. Su Chen, if you get tired later, you can leave at any time... If you want to stop [forging] [strengthening] requests in the future, it's okay to pursue the road of personal promotion More importantly... everything will be handled by the headquarters."

Standing beside Su Chen, An Su watched from afar the scenes of many senior professionals losing their composure, and spoke seriously to this junior.

how to say.

Although he was pleasantly surprised that Su Chen, the [Blacksmith], actually had a means of strengthening equipment with a high probability, and many high-level and top fighters in the Federation had found a way to improve.

But think about it.

Su Chen has not fully grown up yet.

It seems inappropriate to focus on this [forging].

His future is far from being able to be summed up by a sole professional who constantly forges and strengthens equipment for professionals every day.

After all, in the previous Nanzhou [Conquest Mission].

Su Chen has already proven his potential.

His path is by no means limited to this.

"Thank you, Deputy Commander Ansu, for your concern, I will take note."

Sensing the kindness in the words of the [Xianyin Musician] beside him, Su Chen nodded slightly.

He could hear the meaning behind the other's words.

If you forge and strengthen equipment for others every day, and ignore your own improvement and advancement, you will be putting the cart before the horse...

There is nothing wrong with that.

Although Su Chen, who has the title card in his hand, will not go on that road.

But there are reminders from seniors, and we can't just turn a deaf ear.

"That's good." An Su smiled gently, and said, "I don't need the [Bloodline Potion] for a while, and I can forge it later when you have time.

"Me, mine too!" Cui Mengmeng, who finally found a chance to speak, hastily echoed, "Anyway, the job I'm in charge of doesn't need to fight [Enemies from Another World], and I need combat helpers just because I want to increase the number of breakthrough tasks in the future. Help..."

"I understand." Su Chen smiled, "I'm still free recently, so the items you two need should be delivered within today if there is no accident... If you have any questions about the final forged product, That can be discussed later.”

"Then I'll wait and see, little friend Su Chen."

There was a look of anticipation in An Su's eyes, and then she nodded towards Zhu Yuan'er beside Su Chen, and then turned and left with her apprentice Cui Mengmeng.

Seeing these two figures disappear from the field of vision.

Su Chen was about to take a look at the amplified epic blueprints he had just obtained.

Seeing a few level 100 rare professionals rushing towards him impatiently, the leader carefully glanced at Zhu Yuaner next to Su Chen, and then said very politely: Your Excellency Blacksmith, we would like to ask you to help us forge 2.9 A few pieces of professional-limited equipment, the higher the level, the better... I wonder if it is possible to use fifteen pieces of epic materials and two hundred pieces of legendary materials as rewards?"

"it is good."

Su Chen readily agreed, and when he was about to inquire, he saw another group of high-level professionals rushing over, the leader being a [Master Assassin], who directly said to him: "[Blacksmith] Your Excellency! I heard that you are the [elf lord] who personally accepts disciples, so naturally I have seen the Emperor Li who leads the heroes under him."

"Our brothers are lucky. We happen to have an item that can be used to obtain an epic-level elf hero. If you can give me the enhanced equipment first, not only will I double the reward for the epic-level materials that these people said, this item Summoning props for epic elven heroes are also included!".

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