National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 260: The Idea Of ​​Protecting Su Chen! (Please Customize!)

"Improve the effectiveness of Temperament skills, increase the duration of entry effects, and additionally increase the percentage data increase for [Temperature] occupations..."

"This epic-quality [Sanxian Bloodline] is indeed the best."

"I originally thought that little friend Su Chen would provide a [Legendary] quality [Bloodline Potion], but he actually took out an epic work... It's really embarrassing. I gave it at first It's just a reward for legendary quality blueprints...Although I will hand over the epic equipment and limited items I have hidden for these years as compensation, a total of forty-five pieces. ...but it seems that it is still not enough..."

Inside Federal Headquarters.

Surrounded by many senior professionals, [Xianyin Luthier] An Su was shaking his head and sighing softly.

However, his feelings have not yet been finished.

"May 13th" was interrupted by the fierce voices around one after another.

"Forty-five epic-level items, exchange for a [Bloodline Potion] that perfectly complements your profession, isn't this a good deal, okay? You are really a blessing in disguise this time. I heard that in order to stop those big fights from returning Or, even a few pieces of equipment were broken... MD, if I hadn't been suppressing those high-level foreign worlds at that time, how could you, An Su, have appeared on the stage? Really, I am so pissed..."

"This amount is really not enough. In order for that [blacksmith] to help me make a few pieces of professional-limited equipment, I directly gave more than a hundred pieces of epic items...he will take it next I did, but I said that this period of time might not be free for the time being... I'm really depressed, you people usually dawdle in playing [Enemy of the Other World], how come the speed is so fast at this time?"

"Epic-level [Bloodline], damn it, I was young back then, and used that bottle of Chiyao-quality bloodline potion... Who knew that this thing is different from skills and can't be changed, it's too late to regret it now, if If it can be changed, I also want a bottle of epic level [Bloodline] potion, the increase in combat power of this thing cannot be described in a few words..."

"For those of us, if we are lucky, it is a blood potion of legendary quality, and the data panel and special effect entry skills are not necessarily suitable for An Su

I'm afraid your strength has improved by leaps and bounds now, it's really enviable, MD, why didn't we catch up with such a good opportunity? I heard that the [Blacksmith] will be hired in the future, and the price is very high! You only use After buying forty-five epic-level items, I exchanged for a tailor-made [Bloodline Potion], which is a huge profit!"

The discussions of many senior professionals can be heard.

An Su, who had already used up the epic-level [Bloodline Potion], removed some of the noise, and said with a slight smile: "What are you talking about making a lot of money, I am one of the top fighting forces in the Federation, I don't care about this kind of cheapness." Occupation... After I am fully familiar with the buff effects and skills brought by this [Bloodline], I will take on the task of great will to kill some high-level [Enemies from Other Worlds], and try to break out some more epics level items to compensate little friend Su Chen.”

"Then you are still making money?" Someone said displeased, "The ability [Blacksmith] showed today is really unexpected. It can forge items and strengthen equipment... What do you say?" There is also a certain probability of failure. I haven't seen him fail to strengthen equipment for people today. With these two hands... It will not be so easy to ask him to take action with ordinary epic items in the future, unless It is a [Blacksmith] limited item...."

"This can only be attributed to luck." An Su smiled softly, "Speaking of which, my good apprentice also asked Su Chen to help forge the summoning props he got just now. Although the quality is not up to epic, it is also Excellent top grade among legendary quality summons......

"It's too much, even your apprentice has a chance? We haven't even seen the blacksmith!" Another senior professional said.

"Hey, I'm so sour, I don't expect him to forge my equipment, I just hope he can take some time to help me strengthen my current equipment..."

"It's easy to handle, go to the world of [Craftsman God], get more [Blacksmith] limited items, and ask him for help when the time comes, won't it be over?"

"To put it bluntly, the drop rate of Great Will is playing with you?"

"This [Blacksmith] is [the only] professional after all. Now at level 30, there are already powerful people asking for help. If he reaches level 100... then don't talk about epic items, mythical items Can you forge it? At that time, ask yourself a few more, such as a level 100 [Enemy from Another World] "Can that count as a thing?"

In the discussion...

A senior professional who talked about the future of [Blacksmith] just finished speaking.

Then everyone suddenly stopped talking.

Then, including Ansu.

They all looked at him with surprise in their eyes.

Especially An Su, the expression on his face changed from a gentle smile to annoyed.

"That's right! Why didn't we expect that we were so busy looking at the epic items that the [Blacksmith] could forge in front of us, but didn't take into account that he is only at level 30 at this time, and his profession has not been fully utilized to the extreme... …Wouldn’t it be better to ask him for help when he reaches level 100 in the future and is full of mythical quality items?!”

"Haha, Ansu, Ansu, you can't be proud this time. In the future, when everyone is surrounded by mythical items, you will still be an [epic-level bloodline]. At that time, hey...... However, there is one thing I want to correct. Even if you don’t find a [Blacksmith] to forge equipment items, it’s always okay to ask him to help strengthen equipment? With his ability, no matter what quality our current equipment items are, we must Please help him?"

"Everyone just thinks about the future, and doesn't think about it, so Su Chen has to grow up safely."

Some senior professionals immediately spoke out the key points of 2.9.

"Why are you panicking? Isn't there a confidentiality rule of great will?"

Someone else refuted.

But then he was choked back by this senior professional: "There are many insiders in the main world, and the situation of Great Will is frequent now. Can you guarantee that everyone here is reliable?"

"With his master [Elf Lord] here, even if we people really have any ideas, the sum of them is not enough to beat her heroes..."

Just as many senior professionals were about to argue again.

Someone made a suggestion.

"It's better to set up a team to escort the [Blacksmith]."

"In the future, it is best for the Federation to pay close attention to his actions and protect them!"

"Until he grows to level 100!".

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