National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 264: The Strongest Ones Arrive At The Proving Grounds (Please Customize!)

Commonwealth, proving ground.

Already prepared, An Su, who made an appointment with senior professionals to go to a world that also has the element of [Forging] to spawn monsters, stepped here.

The low-level and mid-level professionals who came and went around saw another large group of 95-100-level top fighters arriving, and they all showed expressions of surprise on their faces.

Just today, there are not too many senior professionals going back and forth in the proving ground.

They are used to it.

Of course, what is used to seeing is what is used to seeing, and private discussions are still necessary.

"[Xianyin Musician] Vice-commander An Su'an actually came here... It's really outrageous. I heard that this boss has also entered a semi-retired state. Less shooting, more responsible for dealing with the affairs of the headquarters...I didn't expect to form a team with these people today...To be honest, I didn't understand what kind of restrictions they wanted to brush- Career items..."

"It's just Ansu? Didn't you see that the one next to him is Cui Xu, the deputy commander? Two commanders from the headquarters suddenly came... Tsk tsk, today's proving ground is really not in vain. Usually, if you want to Seeing a strong man of this level can only be seen in the news, but today I saw it with my own eyes... just the aura is fascinating."

"Hey, among the high-level professionals who came this time, there are actually many assistant bosses? Isn't that level 95 [architect] Zhang Mingyuan over there? I heard that some of the buildings in the headquarters were built by him... ...Working together with his subordinates to forge an epic-quality building, he is known as the strongest professional architect in the Federation... Such an existence will come today? And the happy look of being eager to try is What's the matter? Didn't I hear that he is serious?"

[Poison Therapist] Shi Xiaoxiao is also here, and she is also a ruthless character. It is said that as long as the poison damage is higher, the health and status of myself and the teammates around the team will be more...not listening Did you say that she has been doing battle missions outside the Starry Sky Gate recently? She actually came back this time... Wait, the one next to her is [Moonlight Sword Immortal] Master Mu Mian? Are these two going to form a team?"

"Hey, what are these high-level professionals trying to collect limited items...Thanks to them, all the professional limited equipment that I can use now has increased to a number that I can't even match... .I'm only level 25. This is no way for people to survive. The equipment drop rate is already low. Is it easy to find a suitable piece of good equipment? I just saved enough to contribute

The low-level and mid-level professionals who talked secretly could not help but have some resentment in their words.

Now, it is no news that senior professionals and even the most powerful people are collecting equipment and items that limit occupations everywhere.

Although I didn't figure out what these big guys were going to do.

But it doesn't matter if you don't get in your way.


When many professionals watching the excitement discovered that the forces under these people's command, even the level 5 white porcelain occupation-limited equipment was directly swept into their hands, they finally realized that something was wrong.

What the hell are they trying to do?!

Have you collected all the limited equipment in the federal store and the auction house?!

Where can newbies and low-level and mid-level professionals like them get equipment?

I really don't know what these big guys who can destroy galaxies instantly with the flick of a finger want to collect so many equipment that they don't need at all!

With such doubts.

Many professionals began to investigate secretly, and those who had potential, or were born in professional families, would ask their elders.

But the answers I got were basically "leveling up and killing monsters, don't think about these things."


No matter how confused or surprised you feel in your heart.

On the surface, it can only be regarded as nothing happened.

However, the top combat power, which is the focus of the eyes of all professionals, did not notice this.

They are just calculating and discussing the world they are going to.

"The world of [Jiang Shen Ji] that Commander Luo established is very good. It is one of the few worlds known to be able to steadily drop [Blacksmith] limited items. According to the information given by the great will, the specified [Different The [Blacksmith] item dropped by Enemy of the Realm is [Blueprint] [Skill Book] [Equipment] [Tool] These four categories...

"[The Craftsman God] World? My God, do you know how many high-level professionals have been brushing these days? They are so crowded, where are they still going? I know a good world, although the level is only 65 , but it can also drop the [Blacksmith] blueprint, because the level is low, and it is a world that is newly included under the command of the Great Will, so [Screening] has not been displayed yet, and not many people know it... just The drop rate is relatively bad, I haven't gotten one yet.

0...seeking flowers...

"That's because you're out of luck. Tell me which world it is... I just came here and I'm still screening, but there are only a few worlds that can drop [Blacksmith] limited items given by the Great Will , I really don’t know which one to choose...Moreover, even if I choose, these worlds are still cooling down and reborn...Hey, I can’t grab the Xeon, so I can only choose other worlds. "

"After all, it is an item of [the only] profession. If it is bad, then it is not good for the [only] quality... After all, since there are not many worlds to choose from, should we make a suggestion to the Great Will? , Let him search for the world where [Blacksmith Drops] can be released, and then we can take it..."

"It's strange that this kind of fool asks the Great Will to agree to it. It's not like no one has tried it before, but the Great Will directly refused... Let's wait patiently for the advent of the expedition mission, Maybe there will be a very suitable one, and then we will seize the opportunity..."

"If I can find the limited items that the [Blacksmith] is interested in this time, I hope he can forge me an epic-level occupation-limited skill book...I won't consider mythical-level items. Don't think too much about it, you can't afford the reward for him to forge mythical items, let alone the materials..."

Many top fighters exchanged through team communication, and began to select the world they wanted to go to.

However, before the selection was made, it was discovered that the world had entered a state of cooling down and restarting.

One by one, they can only stand at the world passage and wait.

Seeing this scene, some low-level and mid-level professionals became more curious and secretly paid attention.


They noticed that outside the proving ground, a bunch of unfamiliar professionals poured in.

These exist.

It is different from the professionals led by the deputy commanders such as An Su and Cui Xu.

All are 100-level powerhouse divination!.

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