National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 283: Second Place [Enemies From Another World] (Please Customize!)

[Professional Su Chen, completed the first kill, the number of enemies from other worlds currently cleared: 1]

[Please take part in this task to speed up the progress of the task]

Everywhere in the fantasy forest.

Seeing this, the expressions of the senior professionals who were still being chased by [Enemy] changed instantly.

"Professional Su Chen? Is that the Su Chen we know... How did this kid get in this temporary mission? It's just nonsense! He is only level 30, what should he do if there is an accident? ?Because the will is simply here! Professionals who are not even level 50 are also sent in...

"I remember that he seems to have a combat power comparable to that of a level 96 professional, right? Great Will screens mission participants not based on level but on specific strength. Since he can be selected as one of the mission participants, it proves that he has such strength." With the corresponding strength, not to mention that this one also succeeded in killing an enemy from another world just now?"

"The enemy from another world that he killed... Can it be compared with the one that is chasing us now? The curse ability that kills instantly at the touch of a touch is simply too terrifying... If it goes on like this How long can we hold on? Why don't we just go back and fight him..."

"I'm not worried about our lives now. Since I'm here to participate in the temporary mission, I've prepared for it. The key is that Su Chen...shouldn't this kind of potential seedling be protected? The Federal Headquarters What the hell are you doing! Don't stop me..." 803

"Can you stop it? Tasks like this can't be refused by people. I guess that junior should have drifted away and didn't pay attention to other people's advice... Sigh, if this is an ordinary task Forget it, the current situation... is really annoying, if time can be turned back, I will definitely not come!"

In the team communication.

There were quarrels one after another and even shouting and cursing.

Although many senior professionals know in their hearts that this will not solve the problem.

But feeling the pressure, they really feel helpless and depressed.

If it's really not as good as people's skills.

But all the skills, abilities, items and props that can annihilate the world and shake the heavens cannot be released, so they can only be beaten passively, and they are still facing enemies with the ability to instantly kill them at any time.

This feeling really sucks.

In particular, it was discovered that the [Blacksmith], known as the future hope of the main world, also appeared in this world.

The resentment in my heart became heavier.

"Instead of worrying about that potential junior, we might as well worry about our next plan... That enemy from another world is chasing him very closely. If there are no other accidental factors, we may die in the hands of the other party. "

A magician who stepped on the back of a diamond-level creature [tusk rock boar] couldn't help but speak, his words were full of sorrow.

He is not as complicated as these people, he is just worried about whether he can survive this mission.

To tell the truth, the great will is really too deceitful.

In this mission, even the important information that they will face a group of enemies that will invalidate the skills and props of professionals is not disclosed.

They were caught off guard.

If you knew this was the case, you shouldn't have been overwhelmed before and directly took over this temporary task...  

"What else can I do, the worst is to die."

A level 97 [Great Swordsman] who was at the back of the team sighed, looking like he could see life and death.

"Then don't run away, go back and send it off?"

The magician couldn't help but grumble.

[Great Swordsman] gave him a sideways glance, and when he was about to say something, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"It seems that you are still quite leisurely in the process of fleeing for your life? You actually got into a fight... Hehe, let me tell you, why do you need to run further down, and just die at my hands

This way there will be no conflicts and troubles, how good is it?"

Slightly mocking and teasing voices sounded from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, densely packed identical figures appeared on the surrounding trees, ground, and sky in an instant.

The faces of many senior professionals changed slightly.

"I admire you [Great Swordsman] very much, so I decided to let him die first."

"This can be regarded as a fulfillment of his bravery."

The attacker said so.

(ahaa) A snake-shaped imprint flitted across the void, and suddenly appeared on the forehead of [Great Swordsman].

As a result, the blood volume above the senior professional's head immediately decreased continuously.

But it hasn't reached the point of being killed in seconds.

The person who launched the attack was not surprised by this, but said regretfully: "If you are instantly killed, it is just a matter of an instant, but if it is like this feeling of being close to death step by step but unable to change... then But it was so painful."

"After all, you can't use recovery items? I heard that when you are a low-level or advanced professional, you will use recovery items to fight the enemy for a long time, and then consume the opponent's tactic... now. Can't use it , must be very uncomfortable, right?"

...You are an arrogant hammer for smashing things, if it weren't for us not being able to use skills, just a weaker like you who doesn't even have level 80, I can take a look!"

A Level 95 [Martial Arts Cultivator] who was ready to die couldn't help but curse.

But the imaginary attack did not appear, instead it attracted the other party's ridicule: "Haha, yes, yes, yes, I am weak, so, respected many strong data professionals, you are now dying one by one Doesn't it seem...weaker in my weak hands?"

"As for things like not being able to use skills...hehe, what we are fighting is an endless battle. No matter what means, we just need to win the final victory. As for the brilliance and glory of the loser, there is no one. Happy to listen."

"What do you say?"

The words fell.

The [Great Swordsman] also emptied the HP above his head and fell to the ground.

Then, many professionals present.

One counts one, and all of them have snake-shaped marks on their foreheads.

"Okay, you guys just wait for death...Of course, it's under my watch."

The attacker who never left spoke patiently, and countless identical figures merged into one, and finally turned into a long-haired young man in a robe and holding an unknown tome.

"You can escape as much as you want now, but as long as you have the mark, you will still die in the end... Well, my personal suggestion is that you are all famous and strong in other worlds, and it is best to try your best before you die. There are some strong people who are more decent..."

He didn't finish speaking.

A bright stream of light fell from the sky, shattering the void, and accurately hit this arrogant enemy from another world.

The surrounding land suddenly collapsed and cracked.


In the vision of many senior professionals.

The reminder of the great will floated up again.

【Professor Su Chen, the current number of enemies cleared: 2】.

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