National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 288: Prepare For The Upcoming Battle! (Please Customize!)

"A channel from another world..."

After carefully scanning the follow-up task prompts given by Great Will, Su Chen thought for a while, and glanced at the mythical heroes beside him.

The holy archangel Baglet was keenly aware of the sight from the Lord, blinked his golden eyes slightly, and said in a voice transmission through the unique contact method that only belongs to heroes and those who are loyal to them: "My Lord Su Chen, regarding the so-called new Tasks, you can give any order you want."

Although Su Chen did not inform her of the mission assigned by the Great Will.

But through those senior professionals who didn't hide their voices at all, she still learned that there were tasks to deal with.

"It's not a complicated order." Su Chen waved his hand slightly, and replied: "I have a lot of mythical units on hand. The number is about... 400,000? There are more categories of angels and elementals...the rest are more complicated."

"You, Vera, Lungeni...all the mythical heroes, sort through these mythical arms, and each bring the maximum number that can be carried at present."

"Then, wait for the passage from the other world to arrive, check the situation, and if possible, deal with the other world directly opposite the passage."

"Looking at the follow-up of this mission, the time for the arrival of the alien passage is one day. As for the number and frequency of the arrival, it is not specified, so let's estimate it according to the maximum degree..." 747

"In short, act fast.

Yu understood and was relieved day by day. "

Baglet nodded slightly, and his delicate face was unavoidably tinged with an astonishing heroism.

Su Chen hummed, and didn't say any more, but slowly began to screen the skills he could use in the space ring.

[Sacred Flame Execution] [Winter Domain] [Thunder God Descends] [Heart Slash] and other skills in Chi Yao and legendary quality.

No matter from which angle you look at it.

They are no longer suitable for Su Chen who can forge mythical skills at will.

He knew this matter well.

Therefore, before that, I deliberately spent part of my time on forging skill books of mythical quality.

Originally, I planned to wait until I had free time before screening.

But because of the relationship between time and temporary tasks, this purpose was temporarily put aside.

Words now.

Just take advantage of the five-minute task gap and screen them carefully.

"Let's start with the buff and summon skill books..."

He pondered silently, and then noticed that several senior professionals walked towards him (ahfj) on their own initiative.

The one who took the lead was [Totem Chief] Yang Xia who had communicated with him before.

This 100-level top fighter has unsealed his skills at this time, and there should be a somewhat relieved expression on his face, but for some reason, he can feel a trace of guilt and embarrassment.

Su Chen scratched off the skill book panel that he had just opened, and watched this top combat power not far in front of him.

The latter looked directly at him, dodged his eyes for a moment, and then said hesitantly: "Those senior professionals who quit just now..."

"[Totem Great Chief] Don't worry, I don't have any objectionable thoughts." Su Chen understood the other party's intentions, and smiled slightly: "There is nothing wrong with survival, and it is a good thing to do what you can... If you can survive today, it is also a good thing." It means that they still have value to play in the future.”


When Yang Xia heard this, the guilt on his face became stronger.

At the moment, even a professional berserker with an abnormal brain knows the difficulty of the follow-up mission.

Given the strength of Su Chen and his subordinates, there is no guarantee that it will pass.

Therefore, manpower is definitely needed.

And these senior professionals who participated in the mission in advance, even if it wasn't for the reward that allowed all professionals to let go of the 220-level upper limit, but for the kindness of being rescued twice, even if they couldn't do their part, they stood here and fought together ..... Even if it's just a statement to explain...

As a result, I ran for almost half of it all at once, without even saying hello...

Especially the teammates who teamed up with him and escaped just now, as well as some acquaintances, except for him, there is no one left...

Honestly, a real shame.

Originally, he came here with the intention of apologizing.

But the other party's reasonableness made him really speechless,

Looking at Su Chen's handsome face that really doesn't care about emotions, Yang Xia gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what other people do, I, Yang Xia, will never take a step back. Please rest assured, Your Excellency Su Chen!"

If so.

He solemnly clasped his fists, turned around and left.

The remaining professionals who followed looked at each other and expressed their opinions one after another.

"Even if we are not strong enough, we will fight hard and never run away!"

"Those people are also worthy of top combat power...Your Excellency Su Chen, we and Yang Xia came here to express our opinion to you, for no other purpose, just hope you don't misunderstand, among senior professionals, those who are afraid of death and run away, Figure return is still a minority!"

Anyway, I was mentally prepared when I came this time, not to mention your kindness for saving my life, even if it is just a reward for reaching the upper limit of level 220, I will definitely not back down... I am stuck at level 100 but there are a hundred It’s been many years, and I don’t have the patience to wait any longer!”

The words are finished.

Several professionals also saluted each other neatly, turned and left.

This scene fell into the eyes of the remaining professionals, and many people directly applauded.

Those who remain silent are also determined to kill more [enemies from another world] in the follow-up missions to draw a clear line with those running professionals.

"These people who are also 'professionals' like Master Su Chen really have a bit of pride."

Beside Su Chen, who also received the order, had already begun to cast various buffs on all his companions, the god of mountains and seas, Huangliu, nodded secretly, and conveyed his thoughts with divine thoughts.

"Isn't this normal? The level strength of these people is considered top-notch... If Lord Su Chen hadn't helped you and me, how could we have reached the level or even surpassed them?"

"From weak to strong step by step, after hundreds of thousands of years... Such an existence can be called a hero

"That also depends on the person. Even if it is really strong, Yu's practical style is really disgusting, and I feel disgusted by his actions."

"Don't talk about it, Lord Su Chen has already issued an order to that archangel. Later, you and I seem to have to lead a team of mythical creatures to deal with the passages from other worlds that will come soon... Instead of Chatting here, why don't you think about what kind of mythical creatures you will receive later?"

"I heard that it seems to be elves, archangels, and human races...well, elves are the elf race of the elf goddess over know about the archangel, and then the human race..."

Many gods communicated like this, making preparations for the upcoming battle.

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