National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 290: The Current Short Board Disadvantages! (Please Customize!)

【The next stage of the temporary mission will start in thirty seconds...】

【Professionals involved in the task, please prepare accordingly......】

The hint of great will once again floated in front of his eyes.

This kind of words, which almost meant that "a difficult battle is about to happen", made all the senior professionals who were still in the Illusory Forest and Outer Domain subconsciously tighten their nerves.

With skills and items unusable at the beginning of the quest, and even encountering the shadow of an enemy from another world who possesses causal abilities, they, even the most indifferent people, have become 120,000 cautious .

"It's outrageous, I have only made the seventeenth spell here, and the materials are gone, and there is not enough time... Hey, why do the unsealed items only unseal the materials? Half? If you have a big will, you can't give more chances to "760"? Seventeen spells, what are you doing?! Did you make a mistake..."

"Obviously I wasn't nervous when I saw the prompt just now, but now I feel a little panicked... Hey, I don't have a shield or other props and skills to protect me. I really don't feel safe, but I just unlocked it. They are all offensive skills... By the way, can the priest and therapist over there take care of me later?"

"Please, you are a mere assassin who needs the attention of a hammer, one hit kills, either you are cold or the opponent is cold, and what kind of protection skills are needed... Healing professionals should be responsible for us, the front row, okay? My damage reduction skills haven't been unblocked, and all I'm left with are taunting skills... If the back row doesn't pay attention to this shit, I'm sure I'll be the first to lose in a fight later."

"Hahahaha, fortunately, I have enough pets. Although I haven't left the protection and agility-enhancing skills, who let them have them? The water elves under my hands can also help increase blood and remove abnormal states, which can completely counteract them. There are three healers, not to mention the Warhammer in charge of the front row, and the ability to replace injuries..."

"It's the same on my side. Several servants are real men who can carry and fight. Although I need to be careful in command, they are no less than a well-coordinated team. Not to mention, it's okay to protect my safety. ...You should be able to output with confidence later, right?"

"MD, can a professional who doesn't have any servants or pets just watch?"

While discussing among many senior professionals who were busy preparing, they also found out their own problems.

The most obvious shortcoming of most people today.

It's just that you can't protect yourself in the battles you may face in the future.

Because in addition to their fairly complete means of attack, the skills and props such as [shield] and [immunity] are basically in a gray and unactivated state.

This kind of situation of only attacking but not defending will inevitably suffer a big loss in a fight.

Even [Totem Great Chief] Yang Xia has guaranteed that his totem can be supplied to all the professionals present, but after all, most of them are healers.

[Totem] skills or props such as stacking shields, even he himself can't use them at this time.

"Old Yang, can we go back alive this time?"

Looking into the field of vision, the countdown of ten seconds has entered.

A senior professional with a full face of beard asked Yang Xia, there was no bitterness or fear in his tone, but mostly calm.

"I don't know." The latter shook his head with a wry smile, and glanced at where Su Chen was. Once, can we escape?"

"If you encounter difficulties, if you keep thinking about avoiding bypassing them, how can the main world where many of our professionals live develop to the point where it is today?"

The senior professional who inquired about him was silent when he heard the words, and finally just sighed lightly.

Yang Xia looked at Su Chen who seemed to be still picking something, and said quietly: "For the professionals in the main world of the Federation, no matter what kind of difficulties they face, they will die."

"If you can't avoid it, just rush up and crush the thorns blocking your way."

"It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will still be like this in the future."

At the moment when his words fell.

The countdown to the mission of Great Will is reset to zero.


Almost instantly.

A place where many professionals gather.

overhead 0

Crack-like passages opened up one after another.

Various shapes and countless [enemies from other worlds] suddenly stepped out of it!

"Is this the so-called [professional]?"

"Although the breath of life and level are very high, it is still full of ignorance."

In the passage leading to the world in [Fantasy Forest].

A god with a brilliant divine light, holding a book in his hand and full of wisdom, looked at the already visible professionals, showing a dull feeling on his handsome face.

"Don't say that, Alkester, among those people, there are quite a few strong people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you and me, or even surpass them? If I say it out of my face, I'm afraid I will perish here, maybe?"

On the side, a god with a flute around his waist, sitting on a white horse, and wearing a long-leaf hat chuckled softly.

The god known as Alkster sneered, and said: "They are strong, and Yu is not weak! You say that you can surpass Yu's strong man, but Yu really wants to see it with his own eyes!"

"Here it comes again..." The deity wearing a long-leaf hat held his forehead helplessly, "Do you still remember that your priesthood is 'wisdom'? You should be very keen on all kinds of knowledge , especially the unknown knowledge possessed by these professionals you have never seen before... That is what you should want to know more about in 2.3... How do you pursue fighting all day long, my God, Didn't you really take away Hilkestevi's 'God of War' title?"

"Don't talk about such silly jokes." Alxtor snorted coldly, and said, "Even if I have the priesthood of 'wisdom' on my shoulders? It has been stipulated that the God of Wisdom cannot pursue strength and fight with the strong!"

"It's true what you said..." The long-leaf hat god thought for a while, and said seriously: "But I still advise you to be cautious...these have the so-called digital career panel, which can accommodate Professionals who have learned many power systems in the world, I heard that they are very good at leapfrogging challenges... It is to defeat the strong with the weak, if you have been so arrogant, maybe..."

"Will you be killed in seconds by leapfrogging?".

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