National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 292: The Totem Of Constant Summoning! (Please Customize!)

"My lord, all enemies from other worlds that have passed through the world passages and appeared in this world have been wiped out.

The holy archangel Baglet leading two mythical units appeared in front of Su Chen, bowing slightly.

"It cleared up a lot faster than I expected."

The latter nodded, not surprised by this.

The power under his command is quite strong now, with hundreds of thousands of mythical arms, even the same number of level 100 alien enemies can fight.

After all, those who lead these mythical units and give them boosts are many mythical heroes who are armed to the teeth.

"Send some mythical arms to keep watching, and kill any enemies from other worlds if they appear... In addition, separate some mythical arms to enter it first, and look at the world level of the passage... "

As Su Chen said, he noticed that not far away, the [Totem Chief] Yang Xia, who had sworn to himself to fight to the end, was looking at him with a look of hesitation, so He asked first.

"Yeah, nothing else... I just felt a little embarrassed just now." Yang Xia coughed lowly, and said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency Su Chen, I really didn't expect you to have such a gun." The terrifying power of mythology, if I know it, I would never dare to shame you in front of you..."

"It's not that exaggerated. Compared with those who run away without fighting, you who resolutely declare that you will fight to the end will not be ridiculed by anyone, and I don't think it is a shameful thing..." Su Chen Leisurely opened his mouth, pointing to the mythical units that launched an offensive on the sky: "In the final analysis, this time is to complete the mission as soon as possible. Why don't you take a break at this time to recharge your batteries and prevent possible bitter battles later?"

Yang Xiaxin said that if so many mythical units are in a tough battle, then how much can these professionals who have unblocked the use of some skills and props be able to fight?

Of course, want to return to think.

Regarding the steps given by Su Chen, he still took it with emotion, and sighed secretly in his heart, this blacksmith is indeed as rumored, with an approachable personality

If it were another professional, after realizing their strength and importance, it would be trivial to throw a face and disdain...

"It's really scary for young people~."

He thought silently, and couldn't help raising his eyes to look at the mythical soldiers above the sky. He didn't just act as a spectator like other professionals, but he put his palms together slightly.


A giant totem rose from the ground as if it was about to go straight into the sky.

Almost all the professionals, servants, pets, and mounts present have been enhanced by this totem.

"This is... Yang Xia's totem? He's adding status to those mythical units? Damn, my summons can actually be boosted. After all, it's a veteran level 100 professional. something..."

"Alright, continue to make my spells. I can't waste such a good free time now... Does anyone have the materials that were missing just now? Lend some to me, and then return to double return ...The main times are also fine!"

"Continue to make potions on my side... don't look at the enchanter too? I remember that your enchanting can increase the data increase of allies, right? Hurry up and add them all."

Don’t say that mythical arms don’t need to be boosted, what’s the point of being stronger? Anyway, they are fighting enemies from another world, haven’t you seen that the totem chiefs have all started?”

"Therapists and magicians are all watching. Add whatever status skills you have. If you can add one, it counts as our contribution. It's too embarrassing to just watch here. Why don't you run away just now... I haven't unlocked the group-boosting skill, but there is an item with a similar effect, so I just took it out and used it."

"Good guy, this is a legendary-quality buff item, I'm really willing to spend the cost... Hey, now I suddenly envy you long-distance professionals. Level 95 shield warriors with the taunting skill didn't dare to step forward, they didn't even get hurt..."

"Don't panic brother, I happen to have a group boosting skill that increases damage and avoids damage, and I will arrange it for you..."

【Totem Great Chief】Yang Xia's shot made many senior professionals who were still in a state of shock regain their senses instantly.

After these people noticed that they could also increase the status of those mythical arms, based on the principle of contributing their efforts, from skills to props, and then from props to summoned objects...

But anything that can increase the effect is all-purpose.

In the distance, Su Chen, who had noticed such a scene, was also interested in seeing it.

He just picked out something satisfactory from among the mythical skill books.

There is no change of skills at the moment.

Therefore, such as [Winter Domain] [Totem Summon] [Qi Gathering Spirit] and other boosting skills.

are still intact.


Under the increase of a mythical suit.

The range of skills released by Su Chen sums up the entire fantasy forest.

All professionals have enjoyed the terrifying amplification effect of the items that appear after the [Hundredfold Amplification].

"This is the boost of the totem? Damn, how can there be such a strong boost effect? ​​Adding a shield also increases the damage by a percentage... comes with abnormal status and continuous damage attack? User......... The Su Chen? Damn, how could he, a blacksmith, summon totem-type skills?!"

"I thought it was Yang Xiafang's skill, and I was about to scold him for hiding his secrets before...It turned out to be Su Chen, what's the situation? How can he still learn the skills of summoning totems?"

"Idiot, some summoning totem-type skills have no occupational restrictions. Is it normal for him to learn it? But there is one thing to say, the totem summoned is actually a legendary-level permafrost totem... (Lee's)... It's really strong. I haven't heard of any totem summoner in the federation who can summon totems of this quality. They have the most diamonds... Maybe those veteran powerhouses can also, but they summon The resulting effect must be as good as Su Chen!"

"Just now I complained about the lack of shields, but now I have them, and the increase of various stats... and the coverage is extensive, I feel that even with this one skill, Su Chen will become a hot support professional ...Wait? How did he summon another legendary totem?!"

"Three, it's already three! The effect is still superimposing.....Damn, I didn't see the trick, did I?! There should be a limit to the number of totem skills summoned with this effect... ..Damn it, there are four! He is still summoning new totems!"

Many professionals who were feeling the power of Su Chen's amplification skills, when they saw the legendary totems appearing one after another, their brains froze again. .

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