National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 294: Controversial Enemies From Other Worlds (Please Customize!)

A vast area, tens of thousands of level 100 exist in the world of the resident lords.

At this time, there was a heated debate surrounding the topic of attacking or evacuating the professionals under the Great Will.

"Are you kidding me, hundreds of thousands of mythical creatures? Do you think this kind of existence is a slime? It is extremely rare to have such a creature in millions of worlds. Now you say there are hundreds of thousands? You Do you know what you just said?"

"The world I live in and my true self have been wiped out, how can there be lies?! How could I remember the gesture of hundreds of thousands of mythical creatures attacking together! If you don't believe me, you can go and fight with them yourself Those professionals fight! Don't drag me down! I don't want to die again!"

"But there are indeed many doubts about this matter. You are talking about hundreds of thousands of 'mythical' creatures, not the so-called 'epic'... How do you make us believe it? The allies present are not without 'mythical' Creatures', but the number is less than a hundred, and you suddenly said that the enemy has hundreds of thousands of myths, and there is no evidence... How can we believe it for a while?"

"I guess he may have read it wrong? Some epic creatures also have a certain air. If they are confused as 'myths', it is not-impossible?"

"Everyone is questioning here. I don't think there is any need to argue. It's better to think about this matter and how to deal with it. Everyone has seen that there is no news from the forwards we sent, including where they are. There is no movement in the world... Obviously, those professionals who were restricted by our willpower rules at the beginning and could only be hunted down, now have a part of their abilities, and they have shown quite strong combat power what……."

"Don't say such stupid things. It's not like I haven't fought against level 100 professionals. No matter how many people come, it may not be possible to destroy so many alien creatures of the same level of strength in a short period of time. Not to mention that there are certain quantitative restrictions this time, and not many of them can come over with their real top combat power..."

A group of aliens who didn't discuss why.

After you say nothing and I refuse to obey anyone.

Even raised his hand.

In the blink of an eye, several level 100 aliens died in battle.

However, these beings who were allies in the war did not choose to stop.

Seeing that an unnecessary battle is about to intensify, the host of this lord world, the great lord Oxy I, known as the Falcon Emperor, shouted coldly: Stop!"

with his words.

The power of the endless world emerged together, restraining all the creatures from other worlds who wanted to fight.

"Oxie I, what do you want to do?!"

"We beat us, and you want to join in?"

"Quickly remove the power of this world! Otherwise, if I ask for the willpower of my world, I will be rude to you!"

Threats, shouting, and even roaring.

One after another.

Resounding throughout the Lord's world.

However, Oxy I, who was stared at by many otherworldly beings, got up slowly with the support of two archangels, with a pair of ice-cold eagle eyes full of killing intent: "Even if I kill you here! Kill, the willpower of the world you are in will definitely act as if nothing happened."

"Don't make meaningless noise or fight, otherwise, I don't mind sending him off in advance.

As soon as the harsh words came out.

Many alien creatures who were about to fight back suddenly seemed to be silenced, and did not make a sound.

The remaining ones who didn't do anything looked at each other, and one of them, the demon king with bat wings on his back and two horns on his head, slowly opened his mouth after deliberation.

"Oxy I, the beginning of this battle, and even the current situation, you should also be able to get a glimpse of the future. I will continue to fight. Who do you think will be the final winner?"

Oxy I looked at him, but didn't speak.

But many creatures from other worlds could sense that the murderous intent on the great lord was quietly dissipating, and at the same time they relaxed their hearts, they also made noises one after another.

"I feel that there is no hope. The best way now is for us all to leave here. Anyway, it is still in the stage of fighting. The most evacuation is to lose some original strength, which is better than falling here."

"That's true. The power of professionals far exceeds our imagination. Even if there are many allies, it is difficult to win now. It is better to leave as soon as possible."

0………seeking flowers)…………

"I don't think it's shameful to run away [it's better than those unlucky guys who died at the hands of professionals?"

"I don't reject running away, but I feel a little regretful that I haven't played against those professionals this time... Forget it, if you're alive, you'll always have a chance in the future."

Oxy I still didn't make a sound.

But there was something moving in his eyes.

See here.

The demon king struck while the iron was hot, and continued: "A lot of willpower before, on behalf of us when we signed the contract with the big will, the conditions given at the beginning and the formulation of subsequent rules, for those of us who are regarded as [different] Enemy of the Realm] is a sure win..."

"Even if the ones dispatched are not our strongest combat power, relying on those causal abilities and equipment, the so-called high-level combat power of the professionals alone will be dealt with as many as they come. It is completely certain to win."

"However... Later, the situation suddenly reversed. Those professionals successfully eliminated all the people we sent to hide in that small world, and directly entered the next stage..."

"However, even if we enter this stage, we, who have no restrictions, have a great advantage.

"Pioneer strength alone, even the most inferior powerhouse, will not be weaker than you and me."

"But now?"

"Even the audio and coordinates have disappeared, what is the ending? Do you need me to say more?"

"Oxie I, you and I are considered the top beings in the world we live in. Even if we do nothing, we can still enjoy the supreme authority given by willpower. Wouldn't it be a pity if we just fell away?"

Say something.

Even those creatures from other worlds who fought violently, were trapped in certain situations, and wanted to make a sound, all settled down.

They're actually not too stupid.

The battle just now was purely due to conflicts and contradictions in words.

At the moment, some allies analyzed the situation clearly.

No matter how naive he is, he should understand the power of professionals, which is far beyond what creatures from other worlds like himself can fight.

Even if they take a considerable advantage in the rules.

Like a creature from another world who spoke before, it is very difficult to win Nine!.

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