National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 401: Hostile Traveler Alliance (Please Customize!)

"Your Excellency Su Chen, this is a drop I got from defeating enemies from other worlds outside the Starry Sky Gate. Although it is not a limited item of [Blacksmith], it also has epic quality. Not many, one hundred and twenty-five pieces, Let me express my heart.... I hope that Your Excellency Su Chen will not dislike it.... Although it is difficult for us to get items of mythical quality, but the limited items related to [Blacksmith] must be taken!"

"This is a [Epic] summoning item for an elf hero that I obtained before. This elf hero is said to be a descendant of a certain god and has the status of a king. I have several lord friends who want to accept it at a high price, but I refuse all of them. Now, their opinions are not as important as my repaying the favor of saving my life... Cough, in short, I can guarantee that you will never be disappointed."

"Your Excellency Su Chen, two pieces of mythical quality materials...I know that this is really a bit tricky. It would be better if it was an item like props, but I want to explode a mythical level of props and equipment ...That is really too difficult for me, who has a lower drop rate than other people. I was thinking, if only mythical materials can be released in the future, then I have to collect hundreds of them.. ...."

"This is a resurrection item dropped by two [Ghost Talk] contractors. Although there are some restrictions, it can be resurrected in 07 after all... To be honest, I have thought about it for a long time, and I decided to give it to you

After all, if you hadn't helped us in the temporary mission before, how could I kill those two [Ghost Talk] contractors later? In addition, I heard that there are a few people who are not open-eyed and want to trouble you. I have already solved it for you..."

"Your Excellency Su Chen, two pieces of [Blacksmith] limited equipment, a small hammer, and the quality is only silver... I feel that I can't get it out, but I think you may be able to use it, so I brought it , It’s really a bit shabby..... After we get rid of this group of different world elements that are confronting us, I will definitely get some more drops..."

In the room, Su Chen browsed through the messages from the professionals who had been saved and helped by him before, and heaved a sigh of relief.

There are quite a few reward items given by these people, and he can really use them.

Especially some materials that were missing when forging [Physique] props before.

Now that we have all the pieces together, we can continue to try new forgings.

"Always locked in a room and blacksmithing sounds really boring, but it's always about improving your own strength...  

Talking to himself, Su Chen used his professional authority to reply to all of them, then took out his forging tool, and turned on the communication light screen.

The process of forging is long and boring, it is better to listen to some new information on the professional forum, which may bring him some inspiration and ideas.

"Recently, the Shenxiang sea area has been fully sealed. According to Yang Zhaoyun, the person in charge of the Federation Headquarters [Meteor Swordsman], the world passage from the outer domain has not been completely cleared for the time being, and a small number of enemies from other worlds have even fled.. ...Therefore, the Federal Headquarters decided to temporarily seal this area first, and then dispatch high-level professionals to deal with the fleeing enemies from other worlds and the ever-coming world passages... In order to protect the other areas of the main world safety.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that regarding the alien enemy forces descending from the Shenxiang Sea Territory, we have already received a reply from the commander of the headquarters [God of War] Luo Yan. According to the commander Luo, this alien enemy force , named [Alliance of Traversers], is the same as the recently appeared [Gods of the People] [Sword of the Supernatural] [Greedy Dungeon] [Final Fortress]... and other hostile extraordinary forces, all of which are the main forces of the main world. The brand-new enemies we face are even more difficult than these... If all professionals find the existence of the [Traveler Alliance] forces in the expedition mission or the world of the trial field, and those who are capable of defeating them, kill them , if you are not capable of fighting, then quickly flee back to the main world..."

Alliance of Travelers?

Su Chen, who was forging a prop, narrowed his eyes slightly.

That's kind of interesting.

The professionals led by the Great Will could have been regarded as traversers who took into account another power system, and now there is a [Traveler Alliance], which is still hostile to the professionals......

"Shouldn't this be a force formed by ordinary people who have traveled through the main world to obtain a power system?"

Such a conjecture popped up in his mind, and he continued to forge while listening to the reply below the message.

"Hey, the Alliance of Travelers has come out. I remember that when our main world only had the highest level of combat power, Xeon, there are also records. It is said that some seniors have encountered a few scattered Travelers? Those guys are at most It's only level 30-40, even the boss is not as good as it is, and it was easily eliminated. I really didn't think there was any difficulty. I didn't expect that after breaking the chance to advance to the upper limit of the breakthrough level, I would actually meet a boss with the main world. The force of the time-travelers just facing the front... This is a bit interesting, has the headquarters investigated clearly, which world are the time-travelers?"

"It's numb, I remember that according to the ideas in various works, this type of time traveler will most likely have a very powerful portable gold finger, and the protagonist's standard equipment is different from other people's power talent props and the like... ...If there are 277 existences like this in the alliance of traversers, then my suggestion is that it is best not to fight against each other... It's not that I don't have confidence in the powerhouses of our main world, it's really' The existence of "time traveler" is really scary..."

"I'm afraid that you have read too many ancient novels and animations upstairs? To be honest, we professionals are also time travelers. Why don't all of them bring their own cheats or super talent for props? Let's talk about it elsewhere. Go ahead...I want to fight these so-called traversers right now, and I don't know what level of combat power they have compared with ordinary enemies from other worlds."

"It must be an exception level. It's still a question. Now, the only ones that can be seriously regarded by our main world are the exception level forces? Think about fighting with a group of Xeon forces every day before, I still have a headache about those endlessly emerging power systems... Now, everyone is not at the same level, and when I think of this, I suddenly feel better."

"I suggest that you take a good look at the content of this message. The Traversing Alliance is more difficult than other extraordinary forces... Sigh, it feels like there is another rival force that will have to compete frequently in the future. This kind of It feels like when I know those gravekeepers and the awakening of past lives and other opponent forces....".

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