National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter Four Hundred And Twenty Seven: Things That Can't Be Feared (Please Customize!)

"Zhao Yan! You bastard with no eyes! You clearly said that this is just a low-level world that doesn't even break the rules!"

"What a frightening power! This blow actually wiped out all the 400 breakout ranks in my Supreme World..."

"How could my detection be wrong! I have seen it very clearly during the previous detection. It is obviously just a low-level world, but now there is such a tyrannical breakthrough existence...Obviously, there is a breakthrough level that is one step ahead of us. , took down this world..."

"Escape! The opponent is obviously not something we can fight against!"

"No, the surrounding void has been shattered, and even the time has begun to be reversed and disordered... There is no escape!!"

Above the vast sea of ​​stars, the endless void shattered and moved, except for a group of creatures from other worlds who were struggling and trying to escape, only unknown divine power was left to make everything tumbling.

"This is too scary. At least it must be a powerful shot above the seventh realm of breaking the rules. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the surrounding time and void by the rest of the force!" The wolf-head clan in the living space was terrified: "The seventh level of breaking the rules is enough to be the founder of the supreme world!"

"According to our high luck, how can we meet such a character?!"

"Instead of talking in vain there, why don't you come here and help us set up a guard formation! Only in this way can we gain a little more life! How long can you last with your secret treasures?!"

"I'm really unwilling. I've never been disadvantaged all the way from the Supreme Great World, only failure, and now I'm crushed in front of such a small world...Even, even I have never even seen the true face of the enemy who made the attack. ......... Is the power of breaking the seven realms so great?! If the elders of my family show up, they will transform into realms with a snap of their fingers!"

"Idiot, do you still want to use your words?! The seventh realm of breaking the rules is just a minimum estimate. Look at the chaos of the star sea and the turmoil in the void around here. This power is comparable to the nine realms of breaking the rules! The elder of your family , at best, just reached the eighth realm, how capable is it to destroy such existences.||!"

Roaring and roaring unwillingly, they were trapped in the original place together with these spirit-boiling alien beings, surrounded by countless Taoist music.

And the giant hand protruded by the god of mountains and seas stopped in place after the blow.

Just when many otherworldly beings thought they might have a chance.

This terrifying hand that distorted the star sea and shattered the void fell again!

Its momentum is very light.

But it reveals a tyrannical power that is difficult for creatures from other worlds to resist!

"My lord, fortunately I didn't disgrace my life." The god revived the world, withdrew his hands, and saluted Su Chen solemnly: "The enemy has already defeated ten people."

"Good job." Su Chen nodded, and as soon as the power of the Lord of this world was mobilized, he took all the fallen objects scattered outside the world, the endless sea of ​​stars, and time into his hands, "Well... .....there are more epic items and less mythical ones, but there are also twenty-one items..."

The drop rate of these alien enemies who have taken the liberty to attack the world revived by the gods seems to be quite good?

Epic level items, on Su Chen's side, through the [Hundredfold Amplification], it is tantamount to a certain myth.

"Although all but a few of these items will be used as forging materials in the end, it is always better to have more..."

With this in mind, Su Chen slowly walked into the void he created, preparing to forge the items he wanted, and at the same time earnestly improved his ten forging skills.

Regarding the matter of the revival of the world by the gods, he has temporarily handed it over to Jiang Yuechan, Texiuweier and Huangliu.

I believe that these three subordinates can do a good job.

And it is true.

After getting his mission, Huangliu bowed his hands to Jiang Yuechan and Texiuweier very politely, and then led a group of newly born gods to plant the seeds of gods in various places according to their priesthood, so that later After they leave, there will be new gods born and in charge of the priesthood in this world.

It is worth mentioning that.

This is what Huang Liu did before leaving this world.

And his descendant who inherited the priesthood of the God of Mountains and Seas must do the same now.

"Senior, I don't know why you are so polite to those two..." After sowing the seeds of divine power representing his priesthood, the current God of Mountains and Seas looked at the wasteland beside him, hesitated for a moment, or passed his divine thoughts Instead, he initiated a communication: "Your power level, plus, the lord's regard for you..."

"They are different from me." Huang Liu smiled, and said pointedly: "There are not many subordinates who like the Lord, and they are also one of them."

"You mean that the two of them may be with the lord in the future..." The current god of mountains and seas finally woke up, and secretly scolded himself for being stupid, competing in inexplicable places.

He was originally a little displeased with the lowered attitude of this senior towards those two beings whose strength is not as strong as his, but now he is mentioned a little bit by the other party... Good guy, it is very likely that he will become the future When dealing with the presence of the mistress, it is absolutely right to be cautious!

"Okay, don't think too much about it, our goal is to complete all the tasks assigned by the Lord as much as possible, and we don't need to think too much about other things.

Huang Liu lightly mentioned something, and glanced at the many gods behind him: "You, the same is true.

The main world, inside the federal headquarters.

Aiming at the almost uninterrupted descending speed of the Shenxiang Sea World Passage, and the extraordinary forces and enemies that have to be faced up to now.

All the professionals in the headquarters expressed that they were overwhelmed.

"We really can't find enough manpower here. Outside the Starry Sky Gate, it's not enough to allocate the strongest to those small worlds that cannot be taken care of by the extraordinary creatures, let alone send reinforcements... (Li Le it is good)..."

"Commander Luo, tell us honestly, is there someone hiding something good in the Shenxiang Sea? That place is obviously so desolate, and there is no strong person there to put or build a small world. Is it so attractive to those enemies from other worlds?"

"I think it's best to investigate this matter carefully... If it is said that the descending world passages are all exceptional forces, then in the long run, it will be difficult for us to resist the pressure from the Shenxiang Sea Territory... Of course, if you want to rely on Su Chen to make a move, then ignore me."

Looking at the many professionals in front of them who are talking non-stop.

Luo Yan, who was regarded as the backbone, frowned.

Did not speak.

What is hidden in the Shenxiang sea area?

Of course it is... hidden.

But that is definitely not very attractive to the enemy of the alien world.

Rather, it is something they are too afraid of....

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