National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter Four Hundred And Thirtieth One: The Position Of The Great Commander? I'll Talk About It

*【Eternal Hourglass】.......

"It sounds like the name is an item related to 'time'..."

Scanning the treasure map in his hand, Su Chen couldn't help being a little interested.

There are indeed quite a few items that have time effects that have been forged by him.

But most of them are similar to immunity to time imprisonment, refreshing suits, cooling down skill effects and increasing power, etc., which are not too eye-catching.

Of course, there are also props that can rewind all time in a certain range.

Just not much.

Moreover, it is rarely used.

After all, the strength of Su Chen and his subordinates lies here.

When encountering a large number of tyrannical enemies, just push them directly, without using any other props at all.

"My lord, the high-level world accounts for nearly half of the trophies obtained this time. We have already explored some of them, and the remaining creatures have excellent potential. The previous willpower seems to have exhausted the family, but it still remains. a lot......

Allotos' words sounded in his mind, Su Chen nodded slightly, and said: "Make a detailed list of the creatures worth cultivating, and besides... the harvest of various materials is also So, especially low quality."

He now has countless high-quality materials on hand, but the low-quality materials that can be used are consumed extremely quickly because they are constantly used for forging. It is naturally good to replenish more.

Originally, Su Chen wanted to supplement in the main world.


He has already swept through the low-quality but eye-catching materials on the market in the main world several times. Now, let alone lack of them, even if there are, they are very few.

"Collection of materials......... Can you consider obtaining some from other worlds later?"

With so many high-level worlds, Su Chen hasn't really deliberately harvested the materials that can be used in them.

Now, it's an opportunity.

"In addition, there seems to be some disputes between the professionals sent from the main world federation headquarters and the professionals who were rescued by us just now." Allotos continued, with a very flat expression: "I From what they said, it seems that there are some special things hidden under this sea area called 'God Sound', which is why it attracts many passages from other worlds, and enemies from other worlds come here."

"Something special?" Su Chen frowned, and looked seriously at the calm sea surface in his vision.

He did have speculations in this regard.

After what Allotos said, it was preliminarily confirmed that there was indeed something hidden here in the Shenxiang Sea Territory.

"Just ask Luo Yan."

Su Chen thought silently, and opened the communication directly.

According to his current combat strength and achievements, it is not difficult at all to know the truth of certain things from Luo Yan himself.

"It's Su Chen, have you returned from the other small world?" Luo Yan on the other side quickly picked up the communication, with a very happy expression on his face: "Thanks to your help for the incident in the Shenxiang Sea Territory just now." , otherwise you will have to fight to the death of some of the most powerful... Your reward..."

As he spoke, he inevitably had a wry smile: "I can only replenish it later, the resources in the treasury are not very sufficient now..."

"Commander Luo, I didn't come here for those rewards." Su Chen opened his mouth and asked directly, "I want to know what is hidden under the Sea of ​​God's Sound."

The tone is very calm and indifferent.

Hearing this, Luo Yan restrained his smile, frowned slightly distressed, and sighed: "I knew that you would ask about this matter like everyone else... Actually, it doesn't hurt to tell you "

"Under the Sea Territory of God's Resounding, hides the final countermeasures of the great will against the creatures from other worlds, which appeared in the main world in the past several life-and-death junctures... I don't know exactly how, I only know The enemies of the world absolutely hate and fear the last trump card of great will."

"Disgust, fear..." Su Chen thought for a while, and asked, "Do the coming world passages and enemies from other worlds know the existence of this trump card?"

"I asked Great Will, and the answer he gave was that the enemies from the other world and the willpower behind the world channel will be involuntarily attracted by the last hole card..." Luo Yan said, and then Sighing, he said a little annoyed: "I didn't wait until long before this matter. If it weren't for this, I would have sent more people to the Shenxiang Sea Territory. It's a pity that you have seen the situation in the main world now." ..."

"I understand." Su Chen stopped the other party's next words with one sentence, "I still have some manpower here, and I will send some of them to station in the Shenxiang sea area first. But it won't be deliberately put on the bright side..."


Luo Yan's expression on the other end was shocked, and he just felt that this handsome young man in front of him was really... very good at being a man!

After all, he is a rising star who came out of our main world. In order to avoid his embarrassment, he directly arranged everything in place!

It would be great if such a junior appeared a few years earlier, so that I would be less tired for a few years...

But then again.

If there are his people everywhere in the main world.

Then what is the difference between him and the Grand Commander?

After all, only the great commander at the headquarters will send his own people everywhere to secretly protect...

"Su Chen, if you are interested in being a commander in chief, I will step aside immediately." With a light cough, Luo Yan sent out the invitation again, "Your current strength and power completely meet or even exceed the standards of a commander in chief. I have discussed with the professionals here at the headquarters many times, and I agree that only you can lead the main world to a higher level, so please don't refuse..."

"Let's talk about this matter later." Su Chen shook his head, "I'm still not in a particularly safe position, and it's not suitable for me to go straight to the bright side..."

After a while, I entered level 100, and I also had eternal suits and props.

He will take the initiative to walk to the stage of the main world.

As for now...even if he doesn't have the title of Grand Commander, it is already a firm fact that he is the number one person in the main world.

"Okay! It doesn't matter how long you wait!"

After Luo Yan heard the sound, he was overjoyed.

He originally thought that Su Chen would decline a few more times, and he had already made corresponding preparations in his heart.

But looking at it now, it is obvious that the other party has no intention of refusing or even accepting it! One thing to say, this is really... great!

After all, as the main world of the extraordinary power, there must be a super powerful leader of the extraordinary.

He, Luo Yan, thinks that he also has exceptional strength, but he absolutely cannot maintain that sweeping posture among many exceptional forces.

After all, Xeon and Breakthrough are still two completely different levels in the true sense. .

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