National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 433: Moving Towards The Exceptional Level! (Please Customize)

Federation headquarters, proving ground.

An excited level 45 [Dragon Vein Warlock] professional came out of the world passage, opened the communication with great joy, and said to the friend on the other end: "Haha, the Great Will has issued a mission for me! This is already This is the third time, it is enough to show my potential!"

The latter was also a little surprised, and said: "I remember that your last mission was less than five days ago? So fast?"

"Then you don't need to ask, it must be because I performed well and let the great will remember."

The [Dragon Vein Warlock] smiled, noticing the envious eyes of some low-level professionals next to him, and felt very happy at the moment.

And just as he was walking towards the outside of the trial field.

Su Chen, who happened to come to the world passage and passed by, glanced at this professional who looked much older than himself.

"Conquest mission..."

He said to himself.

Ever since he swept away a bunch of powerful enemies at the exceptional level and stabilized the high-level worlds and space domains around the main world, the Great Will has not issued any more conquests or temporary missions to Su Chen.

Maybe it was because he knew he was busy forging? Or maybe it was some other reason.

All in all, during this period of time, Su Chen, who wanted to work hard to improve the skill level of his main job, considered 927 quite leisurely.

He no longer lacks combat power, and he no longer needs to do many things himself.

Of course, except for leveling.

Level up means that professionals can learn higher-quality skills and carry better equipment and props.

Even though Su Chen relies on high-quality equipment and skills now, he still needs higher-level equipment.

This is unavoidable.

Also, worth mentioning.

After unremitting forging, his main job skills finally improved again.

In addition, [Forging Divine Power] and the special effects of many forging tools.

Now Su Chen.

It has been able to forge [eternal] level items.

As a result, equipment, skills and even props have been completely updated.

Right now, he will come to [Trial Field] to continue the breakthrough mission.

For other professionals, if they want to pursue pure and simple upgrades, they have to consider the difficulty of monsters, the experience points given, and the various situations of team formation.

But as far as Su Chen is concerned, he only needs to complete breakthrough tasks to upgrade his level.

after all.

The vast amount of experience he gained from killing all kinds of extraordinary enemies from other worlds by leapfrogging is quite a lot.

Originally, these experience points decreased after Su Chen reached level 50.

However, after those gods paid the price of annihilation and sent various spoils of war.

His experience slot is not decreasing but increasing.

It has already reached an extremely terrifying number.

Su Chen even made an estimate on this.

If he completes the breakthrough task all the way, these experiences are enough for him to upgrade to the breakthrough above level 100.

As for how many levels can be reached in the end...

This can only depend on the final result.

But Su Chen thinks it will not be lower than 130.

This is enough.

Level 130 Eternal Gear Set

Even without relying on his subordinates and titles, Su Chen thinks that he has the power to instantly kill ordinary 220-level players!

"Thinking a little far."

Shaking his head, clearing out the many thoughts in his mind, Su Chen clicked on the screening page of the world, and began to look for the best place for him to complete the breakthrough task.

And behind him, group after group of high-ranking hidden guards quietly followed in with concealed aura.

These people were sent by the headquarters to solve some unsightly troubles for Su Chen.

Although they also take into account the responsibility of protecting Su Chen.


The latter's current level of combat power, plus that bunch of subordinates with exceptional strength...

You don't need them for protection at all!

Therefore, it has become the main responsibility to take care of one of the unremarkable jobs (ahdb) for Su Chen.

"Guess what level Su Chen will be when he enters the world passage and then comes out?"

A level 95 [Dark Guard] looked at Su Chen who seemed to be thinking carefully, and started a topic with several of his companions.

"I estimate at least level 80."

Another 【Rogue】quickly gave an answer.

Obviously, this answer is somewhat conservative.

"80? I feel that if he comes out this time, he's probably already at an exceptional level beyond level 100!" A 【Shadow Mage】immediately replied, "Do you know how many exceptional-level enemies he has killed by leapfrogging? I heard that since he became a professional, he was either killing monsters by leaps and bounds or on the way to kill monsters by leaps and bounds. The accumulated experience points may have become an astronomical figure...... To Su Chen, the huge amount of experience points for the veteran Xeons who have been promoted to the breakthrough level as soon as possible is probably nothing at all!"

"That's right, I've heard that Su Chen stayed at the [Elf Lord's] house and has been painstakingly improving his skills as a master... Now he's back to the proving ground to level up again. His skills have long been improved to a level that satisfies him...

"After all, he has extraordinary combat power but his actual level has not kept up. This time he came to the proving ground to increase his level. I have the same opinion as 'Forty One'. When Su Chen comes out, he will definitely be promoted to Breakthrough class!"

Another [Shadow Killer] said so.

The forty-one in his mouth is that 【Shadow Mage】.

This is the unique serial number of the dark guards. More numbers don't mean they are strong, and fewer numbers don't mean they are weak.

"Extraordinary level... When can we go to a higher level?"

A [Dark Guard] said quite yearningly.

This re-introduced topic naturally caused others to sigh.

"I heard that many dark guards were killed in the battle in the main world before, and even the commander of Luo Yan was injured....Nowadays, the main world is short of manpower everywhere, and the dark guards are everywhere. The time is already full, and now I have to continue...... Who among you understands my suffering? It's been hundreds of years, and I don't even have the leisure time to enjoy......."

"It can't be helped. I heard that if Su Chen hadn't sent his subordinates to scatter in various universes and high-level worlds, our main world might lose a large amount of resources, and there is no way to fight back... Now we can It is already very good to keep the chassis of a breakaway force, and even expand it. You can do things like leveling at any time. After this period of time, new professionals grow up, and everything will be in order It's..."

The 95th-level hidden guard who spoke first spoke, then glanced at Su Chen's surroundings, and suddenly froze!

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