National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 436: Unscrupulous Willpower (Please Customize!)

In Su Chen's view, the matter about [Magic Cultivator] Xiao Fan is indeed just a small episode.

His current combat power and influence are beyond the calculation of those old monsters in the main world.

In the face of real power, everything is nothing but illusion.

Therefore, Su Chen directly dispatched Shang Wei to clean it up.

As for the so-called investigation... It's just a casual statement.

For a pure swordsman like Shang Wei, what can he find out? He didn't just draw his sword and kill him.

"My lord, the poison in this world is quite strong, I wonder if you can allow me to get rid of it completely.

A goddess in charge of the power of the moon appeared from the revived world of the gods and asked softly. Seeing her frown, she obviously felt a little uncomfortable with the current [mission world]

"Poisonous miasma?" Su Chen was slightly stunned, glanced at the foggy and extremely quiet city at the moment, nodded and said: "OK."

The world he chose to complete the breakthrough task this time is a [end of the world] that [strangely] came.

This [weird] has many similarities with the [weird story] in the [weird story] world.

They are all similar to some kind of [weird rules] product of 07.

But the difference is that they are easier to solve than [Guai Tan].

"According to the world background given by the great will, the advent of 'strangeness' is driven by the willpower of this world. Even if we abandon all the creatures that originally lived on the earth, we must continue... for the sake of 'Promoted'."

"It's just that there are times when things don't go well in this process. The human side keeps frustrating the key points in His plan... In the end, even if it is the price of depletion of the source, the willpower will turn into a 'weird' 'Go off in person, and this is the final winner..."

In Su Chen's breakthrough mission, it happened to be necessary to kill some willpower incarnations.

And in this world, the number of incarnations of willpower, no more, no less, was just enough to complete his task.

It is one of the most suitable for the purpose.

"Who would have thought that the willpower of a world would do such a cruel thing to the creatures it protects.

Seeing [Moon God] began to clean up the miasma below, the many new gods who came from the revived world of gods couldn't help but start talking.

"There is a way to reach a higher level, even if it is the existence of willpower, it is impossible to turn a blind eye... To be honest, after arriving in the main world, I have browsed through many worlds. As well as the performance on the road to promotion, I found that most of the willpower is still willing to give everything for the safety of the creatures in the world where they are, "even if you give up the road to promotion, you will not hesitate...

"That kind of willpower is truly worthy of being the patron saint of the creatures of the world. As for the willpower of this world... Humph, if you meet me later, don't fight with me, let me kill him first One knife! Let him understand again, what is the pain of cutting off the promotion path... Heh, such an existence is simply not worthy of willpower."

"Then what can we do? The birth of willpower is not what the creatures of the world and the world itself want. Some are willing to give up everything for the world, and some want to climb up. This is a matter of choice... I I am a little bit emotional, the existence of willpower that can be called the weaver of destiny, in the end there will be a sad person who is desperate and only wants to be promoted... He thinks that he has abandoned the world and creatures, You can go farther, if you don’t know it well, it’s just blocking your own way forward.”

"Yes, those so-called 'weird', I have a glimpse of their characteristics. Even if the willpower is produced through the condensing of the original source, after a long time, it will gradually become a brand new existence, and even lift it up. It is not impossible to attack the banner of willpower... After all, this kind of existence is originally the rule itself, and it is created by willpower. It is completely correct to say that they have the potential to become willpower ………Hehe, even if this world has not been accepted by the great will, this willpower can’t go far. Its fate has already been doomed when it chooses to abandon everything.

"Is this the 'cause and effect loop'? I think I have become a real winner and achieved my goal. In fact, I just speed up the speed of my annihilation... I have observed the power level of this world. If he can Step by step, let the world's creatures develop and be promoted steadily, but now, this approach... is really stupid.

Hearing the discussions of his subordinates beside him, Su Chen was not surprised at all.

After these newborn gods came to the main world, they absorbed all kinds of information like sponges absorbing water.

Everyone has their own opinions on things like willpower, higher levels, equipment, and skills.

Even Su Chen would take time out to listen to the discussions of these gods and occasionally participate in them.

After all, his experience, the sum of his past life and present life, is only a hundred years old.

The combat power has improved, but in some places, there is still something to learn.

"My lord, your mission goal is coming in thirty seconds. Do you want to take advantage of this gap to check whether there are any high-potential beings in this world?" A rather luxurious god wearing a magic robe asked. He took a step forward and said respectfully.

"Try it."

Su Chen promised that the human beings in this world can use their own strength to resist the disaster from 300 willpower, and there must be quite a lot of potential existence.

It is of course necessary to recruit a few to take back as subordinates.

It is worth mentioning that.

Regardless of high or low quality creatures, like hidden missions, whether in the world of conquest missions or in the world of these proving grounds, they all have the nature of [unique].

As long as a professional takes it away, that character will no longer appear in this world.

This can be regarded as another kind of convenience that Great Will gives to professionals.

"My lord, I have finished checking. There are eleven creatures in this world with the potential of [mythology], all of them are human beings, and there are hundreds of epic-level creatures remaining, and the number of human beings is too high."

The god who was in charge of detecting the potential of the living beings lowered his head and made a report, and then informed the companions beside him of the location of these living beings.

Without Su Chen needing to say anything, these gods disappeared in their original places, obviously intending to bring back all those creatures with potential.

For them.

Every time I follow Su Chen to a world, maximizing the gains from this trip is the biggest task.

Of course, the specifics still depend on Su Chen's voice.

It is impossible for them to make claims anyway. .

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