National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 441: Covering The World Coordinates! (Please Customize!)

In the fantasy system universe named [Tianheng].

The terrifying Dao pattern and fairy storm spread and swept in all directions, and was finally wiped out by a big handprint.

The boundless killing intent slowly dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, a figure in a golden robe and jade crown stood slowly with his hands behind his back.

"Heh, what kind of people from the 'Upper Realm', who have never heard of it before, thought it was such a remarkable existence, and it was completely wiped out with a single palm. So, dare to say boldly that they want to take control of this universe?"

"Simply ridiculous!"

The voice of disdain spread throughout the vast starry sky, causing the panic of countless creatures in the world.

"Why do the real immortals get angry? We have dealt with such lifeless enemies from other worlds, and we should take it for granted now." Another huge figure appeared from the universe on the other side, watching the air around him With flickering and condensed evil spirits, one can know that this is a god who is in charge of the way of killing. I saw his body move slightly, and he said with his divine thoughts: "Just now, the Lord has sent the props through transmission 07. You and I It's better to use it as soon as possible, so as not to ruin his event."

"I've already used that prop just now." The existence known as the real fairy smiled, and also said with divine thoughts: "According to what the lord said, this 'Upper Realm' has a profound foundation, so it should not be taken lightly. Even he has to start preparing for the replacement of our equipment, skills and abilities... It's unbelievable that he actually has a quality above the myth. If he can wear a sword, I'm afraid that when the time comes, Just a single divine thought is enough to shatter countless stars, seas and vaults...not to mention these so-called "upper realm" people, huh, so what if they have the same power system? To be crazy in front of us is just courting death.

"I've never brought equipment of that quality, and I don't know its power, but I really yearn for it..." The god smiled lightly, and said with a hint of caution: "As for the 'Upper Realm', the true immortal , since the Lord has expressed that we should treat it with caution, we should be more careful... Speaking of which, these existences that also have a data-based power system may be quite tricky in some respects."

"Troublesome?" The real fairy seemed to have heard some joke, and said to himself: "Don't you mean that they also have some props with special effects? Ha, since I followed the Lord, I have never seen a hand-held The quality of props is higher than his existence, and even epics and myths are mostly leftovers, and he has climbed to the highest point of [eternity]."

"It's beyond the level of the mythical thing, and it will never be destroyed by external forces, a terrifying thing affected by cause and effect... Now, it is like an ordinary street goods, handed over by the Lord at will. You, me, and more companions... Do you think those people from the 'Upper Realm' can compare to us in terms of props?"

"Especially, when the coordinates have been covered up."

"Having said that, I have to guard against it." The god sighed softly, and said, "I'll just wait for the master to lead our counterattack later."

"Always in a passive state of being beaten, even if you can defeat the opponent every time, you really can't swallow your breath."

"Our lord is not a person who likes to suffer from being dumb." Zhenxian smiled, "Since he has already started to invest in the plan to improve his combat power, within half a month, he should lead us to attack the so-called ' "Upper Realm"...... I heard from several other true gods that the Lord seems to have found no other pursuits other than improving combat power recently... Now there is "Upper Realm" Such an enemy, if he has found his target, he should no longer be confused, "

The god smiled, and the divine mind that was about to pass on suddenly moved, and a pair of shining eyes narrowed slightly, looking somewhere outside the universe.

Then, he exchanged a glance with the real immortal who was also frowning beside him.

"A very powerful aura... According to the hint given by the great will, it is an existence of level 270." The god breathed out, with an unspeakable dignity and luck in his words, thanks to the Lord for giving it props, covering the coordinates, if not......."

He didn't go on, but the real fairy took over: "You and I will become the first unlucky one under the Lord's command to lose the territory of the Lord's World..."

The existence of 270 levels.

Even though they are now wearing mythical suits and have selected the best mythical qualities in terms of skills, if they really want to fight, they will still not be opponents!

It is a matter of instant and effortless for the other party to solve them!

main world.

Many powerhouses in small worlds and planes are discussing things about the "Upper Realm."【

For the split spirit that was abandoned by the great will, he was promoted one step ahead of him, and he had to turn his head to crush him with the [split spirit] personality.

Rao is the most powerful person who has experienced hundreds of thousands of years, and he also felt the long-lost shock.

"When exactly did this happen? The Great Will created [Spirituality], then abandoned some professionals to attract the attention of the enemy, and then led the world to run away? Doesn't this TM sound ridiculous?! That great will that seems to be omnipotent, there are times when it is so embarrassing?"

"My God, if I were that part of the professionals, I would have to hate the Great Will to death! It is not impossible to hate the main world together... It's numb.

It's all right now, the split spirit turned against Tiangang, and directly became a big boss who came to trouble us, I see, the former Thunder lord, I'm afraid he is also a person from the 'spirit split 900° force... ...I am afraid that this 'spirit division' has been laid out very early, and the purpose is to hollow out the talents of the main world!"

"Let's say that the other party is a split spirit. Look at the current power level of our main world, and then look at the other party. Who is the split spirit... In short, regardless of the origin of the matter, now We have to consider what kind of opponents we will face in the future... I heard from the group of [Divinators] just now that Yinchen's subordinates are guarding the universe and many high-level worlds. appear.......

"It's a level 270 existence. I heard that a ray of breath shattered many universes. Fortunately, Su Chen gave the props quickly. Once the coordinates are covered, it is equivalent to the world drifting in the infinite realm. Let alone Level 270, even if it is level 300, we can't find us... I used to complain about relying on Su Chen, but now, I'm really glad to have him...

The most powerful people are talking like this, but the expressions between each other are accompanied by the sudden appearance of the extraordinary breath in the perception, outside the world, and the heart trembles instantly.

"It's...level 300?!"

A stunned Xeon glanced at the source of the breath, aware of the evaluation given by the great will, and his throat was extremely dry.

The others also fell into silence!.

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