Not only Eternal World. In fact, many large guilds have obtained the information in Gu

Feng's games.

"I didn't expect that he had so many powerful talents!"

"Moreover, this true damage talent has actually reached the sanctuary level! It can convert 100% of the damage into true damage!"

"No wonder he took out the fire element crystal essence to sell"

"Now he no longer needs this talent!"


Although the damage of the fire element can restrain some special monsters.

But compared with this, it is better to sell it at a high price at this stage in exchange for his stronger strength at this stage!

You know, it has only been more than three hours since the auction!

In such a short time.

The flame element crystal essence has doubled from the reserve price of 100 gold coins to more than 5,000 gold coins!

The bidder is the Eternal World who is determined to win this flame crystal essence!

With this money.

The God of Gufeng can completely re-arm himself and reach a more terrifying level of strength!

Not only that.

These more than 5,000 gold coins are not the final price of the flame crystal essence.

There are still 7 hours left in the auction!

The price of this flame crystal essence is still rising!

"Alas, I can’t envy you enough!"

"This flame crystal essence seems to be worth at least tens of thousands of gold coins, which is hundreds of millions of dragon coins!"

"At this stage, even if we can take out these dragon coins, we can't take out so many gold coins!"


Qingyao wanted to fight for it.

But she only had 6,000 gold coins, which she collected from the gold-making studios after the server was launched.

She couldn't afford to empty herself just for a flame crystal essence! It was incomparable to the Eternal World!

The Eternal Guild had its own gold-making department and purchasing department!

The speed of collecting gold coins was beyond the imagination of ordinary people!


This......This is the consistent style of Eternal World!

In addition, there is the Longteng Guild, which is mainly domineering and tyrannical, the Forbidden Dynasty Guild, which is known as the economic center of online games, and a recently emerging large guild with a very mysterious origin but a very gentle style: the Eastern Sword Guild.

After seeing Gu Feng's game information, they were all shocked!

However, at this time, a full-server announcement attracted the attention of many online game bosses, and Gu Feng had already noticed it to some extent.

Because when he was bored on the road, he would also go to the Super Forum when he had nothing to do.

【One man slaughtered hundreds! The secrets of mages in the extraordinary world that you don't know?!】

【Watch the top player Gu Feng fight against the entire guild alone!】

【Goodbye Gu Feng takes action! The first kill of the Silver Level BOSS!】

【Real photos from the Lone Wind game, take a look before they are deleted!】

【A huge reward! Who is Gu Feng?】

【Earn tens of millions a day! The terrifying money-making ability of the extraordinary world!】


Gu Feng had seen countless posts about himself.

Click on the comment area


"Holy shit, a level 2 mage can kill hundreds of people? Is this a joke? Are mages in the extraordinary world so abnormal?"

"Don't mention the people above. I'm a mage. I said I could kill so many people at level one. Now I've been playing for half an hour and I can't even kill a level 1 monster alone. I died several times. What a rubbish profession!"

"Brother, you have to admit that you are bad! Why can others kill hundreds of players, but you can't even beat a level 1 monster?"


"Damn, now someone has actually gotten the first kill of the Silver level! Why the hell can't I even beat a monster of the same level now?"

"I was lucky enough to see a bronze level BOSS...Damn, with over 20,000 HP, he was killed instantly when he met the boss, and it was a tanky boss! I really don't understand how Gu Feng got the first kill in the silver rank!"

"To be honest, I really don't understand..."


"Shit, he could make over 10 million just by selling equipment on the first day of the server opening? He must be getting rich!"

"I'm so envious. While I have to be careful with my money when taking drugs, others have already made fortunes by using the extraordinary world!"

"It's Gu Feng again! Is he the best in the supernatural world?"


Envy! Admiration! Jealousy! Resentment!

In the posts about himself, countless emotions erupted from ordinary players.

There was nothing he could do.

This was due to strength!

Although some strength was gained through luck, since ancient times, wasn't luck also a part of strength?

And Gu Feng, who knew the darkness of the online gaming world in his previous life, how could he not feel what those big guilds hiding in the dark thought of him!

However, he was too lazy to think so much.

At the moment when the gold-level BOSS Demon King Gus was killed by Gu Feng, a prompt appeared directly on his system panel.

【Ding, you have killed the ultimate BOSS of the Demon Palace and the Final Realm. Now you can choose to exit the instance directly or force exit the instance after 1 hour.】

【Instance countdown: 59:59...58...57...】

The countdown panel keeps ticking.

There are only 52 minutes left.

"That is to say, even if I kill the gold-level BOSS, if I can't find the village chief's daughter Lilith within this hour, I may not be able to complete the task!"

Gu Feng calmed down and immediately analyzed the current situation!

No longer hesitating.

After collecting all the rewards that exploded on the ground, he began to look for Lilith's figure in the entire second floor of the Demon Palace!

"Lilith, are you there?...Are you there?...Are you there?"

"Your father, the village chief of Silena, asked me to rescue you....Let me save you...Saved you...!"

"Come out now, don't hide anymore....Hidden....!"


Gu Feng shouted as he searched.

The second floor of the Demon Palace was really big, and his voice echoed throughout the second floor of the Demon Palace.

Soon, after searching for about ten minutes, a timid voice came out from the corner.

"you...Are you really here to save me?"

As soon as he finished speaking,

Gu Feng saw a cute little head poking out cautiously from behind a tattered gray-green sofa.


Seeing this little girl, Gu Feng was immediately surprised,"You must be Lilith, your father Silena asked me to save you!"

"We can go out now!"

Gu Feng slowly walked to the side of the little girl, Lilith.

She was wearing a cute white dress, but in this shabby second floor of the Demon Palace, her clothes had already become dirty.

"Woo woo woo!"

"finally...Finally someone came to rescue me!"

"I'm so scared...Big brother, I'm really scared!!"


As if she felt the long-lost tenderness, Lilith's emotions suddenly became uncontrollable, and she hugged Gu Feng in pain.

"Okay, Lilith, be good.~"

"Don't cry yet"

"What's most important for us now is to leave here immediately!"

Gu Feng held Lilith in his arms.

Although her clothes were dirty, her petite body seemed to have a special body fragrance that could not be concealed, which made Gu Feng feel very comfortable when he held her.

After a few words of comfort, the two stood up together.

"Big brother, I will listen to you!"

Lilith wiped her tears with her arm and suddenly became strong!


Gu Feng nodded.

However, now that he had found Lilith, he suddenly didn't want to leave here in a hurry.

There were nearly 40 minutes left in the dungeon.

Such a huge magic palace, and it was a magic palace inhabited by gold-level monsters. Gu Feng didn't believe that this place was really a ruin!

He wanted to search it thoroughly!

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