"Hahaha, brother, your information is wrong, right? Why do I hear that there are almost 300 heroes?"

"Oh? Really? Oh my god, it seems I was stupid, thanks for the reminder!"

"Holy shit, there are so many heroic warriors in our Dragon Country server?"

"Too awesome! It's worthy of our Dragon National Server!"


World Channel.

On the surface, those Dragon Country players were bragging endlessly, but in fact, there was a series of condolences in the Dragon Country chat channel.

"Wow, hasn't the Eastern Divine Sword boss advanced to the hero level yet?"

"The Forbidden King originally had great hope of advancing quickly, but now he has been beaten by the Lonely King Guild...."

"What about the leader of the Qinglong Guild, Di Qinglong? Has he become a hero now?"

"Everyone, don't panic! Now we have at least 5 hero-level masters in our Dragon National Server!"

At this time,

Dongfang Zhanlong came out and said:"I, Dongfang Zhanlong, have successfully advanced an hour ago! And my vice president, Dongfang Zhanlang!"

"It is said that now Di Qinglong, Longteng Aoshi and Longteng Tiandi have also become heroes!" As soon as this was said, everyone was excited!

"Wow! It turns out that our Dragon Country Server already has so many heroic masters!"

"Why didn’t you say it earlier!"

"etc....Brothers, even if we have five heroic warriors, we will not be able to rank among the world champions!"

"Yes, let alone the Korean version, even the Xiaozi version has more than 20 hero-level warriors!"

"Woohoo, big guys, hurry up! We don't want our attributes to be deducted, and we don't want our world resources to be reduced! This will make it even harder to upgrade!"

"So miserable!"


These people were excited for less than a minute before they suddenly became depressed again.

However, when the foreigners lurking in the Dragon Country Server saw this news, they immediately laughed their heads off!

"Hahaha, we are dying of laughter, oh my god, it turns out those sick men in Dragon Country Server were just bragging!"

"Qi Kexiu, please tell us how they brag?"

"Hey, take a look at the chat log I took a screenshot of. There are only five heroes among them. I am dying of laughter! /Screenshot"

"Oh my god, they are really making up stories. How could there be so many heroic warriors at this stage?"

"Hahaha, it seems that all the sick men in Dragon Country have gone crazy!"

"Bageyalu, stop talking, you are almost making me die of laughter! You can't even brag!"


Gu Feng sneered after seeing the news on the world channel.

These foreigners are really a bit arrogant!

Little did they know that the brothers in the Dragon Country server just now were not bragging at all.

I dare not say other guilds.

The Lone King Guild alone now has more than 500 hero-level...Uh, a hero-level player!

"Mad, this is so embarrassing...."

"They actually called a mere hero-level player a 'strong one'? Are these people sane?"

When he thought about those people in the world chat channel calling hero-level players"strong", he almost felt embarrassed!

You know, the hero level is just enough to be a errand boy in Oracle City!

How can you have the nerve to call a player of this level a"strong one"?

But no matter what, those Dragon Country players who just"bragged" in the world channel.

Not only did they not brag, but they said less!


Gu Feng no longer cares about this event.

First, the current Lone King Guild is already strong enough. Even if the Eastern Sword, Longteng Shengshi, and Qinglong Guilds stop moving forward, his Lone King Guild alone can hold up the banner of Dragon Country!

Secondly, it is because Gu Feng has vaguely seen through the essence of this"World Domination" event.

In other words,...

The essence of the Heroic World Domination...

In a corner of the West City District of Oracle City.

A sneaky figure sneered after seeing this prompt.

It was none other than the

Eternal World, who was beaten by the Eastern War Dragon two days ago and voluntarily admitted defeat and even disbanded the guild!


Eternal World was not killed, but was hiding and developing secretly.

At that time.

Eternal World was just afraid of being killed by the Eastern War Dragon in the game, so he hid quietly.

Just kidding.

After the world change, who dares to give up the extraordinary world easily?

Old men and old ladies have all gone up, and he is only 26 years old, how could he give up easily.

However, he was not so arrogant this time.

And now he has long lost his former glory. When others saw Eternal World, they thought it was a counterfeit imitated by some brain-dead middle school player.

There are many such counterfeits in the extraordinary world!

So now no one doubts it at all.

This downtrodden Eternal World is the president of the Eternal Guild, which was once prosperous and enough to compete with the strongest guild in Dragon Country, the Eastern Divine Sword, to gain an advantage at the beginning....

At this time, when he saw the announcement of the world hegemony, he couldn't help but smile coldly.

"World hegemony?"

"Heroic World Domination...It's just a survey of strength. The epic level is the real beginning!"

Eternal World has already seen clearly that the world hegemony at the heroic level is not worth mentioning at all, and the punishments and rewards are not too severe.

Not to mention that some people come with"birthmarks" and are born several levels higher than others, which is unfair in itself.

But, it's different at the epic level.


He is not in a hurry now!

Survive to the epic level, is the real kingly way!

You know, at the epic level.

When the player's speed is infinitely slowed down, the upgrade time of 20~30 levels is almost more than 10 times that of the heroic stage.

In other words, just upgrading takes at least���It takes a full month!

In such a long time, everyone will change from improving themselves to wanting to hinder the development of others....

Open and covert fighting, intrigue, and rebellion among the people...

In order to increase their own upgrade speed or interfere with the upgrade speed of other players, those dark-hearted players can do anything!...That is the real meaning of the competition!

Gu Feng felt that he had seen through this heroic world competition, and that was the reason!

So he didn't take the heroic world competition seriously at all.

Just let Qingyao and the others do it casually and get the rewards from the Dragon Country Server.

Of course.

Even if it's just"casually doing it", with such a solid foundation laid by Gu Feng, it's not too much to go out and get the first place for me, right?

But no matter what, he is no longer interested in the heroic world competition.


It's the beginning of the world competition, or everything!

At this time.

Along with the world channel, the event about the heroic world competition has just begun.

Along with those players, the crazy quarrel in the world channel.

Gu Feng also entered the Oracle City and went straight to the Elementalist Guild.

"Master Fast, I want to challenge the Trial Tower!" Gu Feng came to the Guild Hall and found the Vice President Fast Salin.

"You really come to challenge the Trial Tower!"

Seeing Gu Feng's figure, Fast stopped what he was doing, stood up and said:"If you don't come, I'm afraid I will go find you!"


"Is this Trial Tower important?"

Gu Feng asked in confusion.


Fast nodded:"This is the best place to prove your strength. Many members who are afraid of death and do not want to directly participate in the combat assessment will choose to participate in the Trial Tower."

""I see!"

Gu Feng nodded.

Fast continued:"However, since you came directly to me to challenge the Trial Tower, you must have heard this news from someone, right?"

"Yes, Commander Aichi has already told me the rules of the Trial Tower!"Gu Feng said


"Hahaha, it turned out to be that old guy Aichi...Speaking of which, I have to give him a big credit for recommending such a powerful genius to me!"

"You are even stronger than Juventus!"

Speaking of Aichi Boyan,

Fast suddenly smiled and said,"By the way, come with me, we can talk while walking if there is anything."


Following Fast,

Gu Feng suddenly felt as if he heard a familiar name, and asked subconsciously

"Yes...You must have heard of his name."

"Juventus is one of the talents that our Elemental Guild has always been proud of!"

"And he is already one of the top ten vice president candidates! And he is one of the five contemporary demon-level core members who are the strongest geniuses of the other four guilds!"

Fast explained, and then continued:"��However, although he has now reached the 39th floor of the Trial Tower with the strength of a peak legend, and always comes to challenge on time,...I am now looking forward to your results even more!"

"I will not disappoint President Fast's expectations."

Gu Feng said modestly.

Then, the two came to a towering building in the courtyard of Oracle City: the Trial Tower!

The entrance to the Trial Tower was right in front of Gu Feng!

Looking up from the entrance, he saw a light curtain in the style of a ranking list.

Gu Feng subconsciously looked at the top position.

"First place: Level 32, Legendary Aros...Cleared!"

Noticing Gu Feng's gaze,

Fast also looked at the distant name and said in a deep voice:"Alos...He was a rare genius! He had attracted the attention of President Apros at the epic level."

"Lord Apros not only treats him as his most beloved disciple, he even wants to train him directly to be the successor to the president!"

"You know, if you follow the normal circumstances and climb up step by step from a junior member, it will take at least a hundred years to reach my position, that is, vice president!"

"And he, Alos...At the age of 31, he had already won the honor of being the successor to the president!"

Listening to Fast's introduction,

Gu Feng's eyes moved slightly.

Then, he couldn't help asking:"Then...Where is he now?"

He was indeed a little curious!

Theoretically, for such a genius, the Elementalist Guild should have many legendary events about him.

But Gu Feng had been here for so long, and he had only heard of Juventus.


Fast sighed

"He, fell..."

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