
At this moment, in Gu Feng's eyes, the lord-level boss had already lost his interest.

Soon, after he casually threw a few elemental destruction balls, he easily killed through the tenth floor!


Gu Feng entered the eleventh floor, which was the first level of the epic level!

Outside the dungeon...

When Fast saw Gu Feng enter the 11th floor, he suddenly became nervous!

"Lone Wind...The Lord level is just a warm-up for all the members of the Elemental Guild."

"You must keep calm and don't be too arrogant like that damn Juventus!"

"However, the epic tier...I don't know how much strength you will burst out here!"

Fast stared at the ranking list. He was even more nervous than anyone else!

You know,

Juventus is a key figure that the five vice presidents are eyeing!

Even the five vice presidents want him to be their successor, so that he can become their trusted figure in the Element Guild!

But now Gu Feng's appearance.

Fast instantly felt that Juventus was not attractive.

And while the other vice presidents didn't pay too much attention to Gu Feng, he had to win over this genius!

And now...Let’s see how much strength he can unleash at the level that truly represents a test!


In the dungeon

, just as Gu Feng entered the 11th floor

【Crisis Sense] was triggered instantly!!

In an instant!

A dark green shadow instantly penetrated a distance of hundreds of meters and rushed towards Gu Feng!



At the moment when the crisis sense was triggered, Gu Feng instantly activated his movement speed of more than 30,000 points and dodged to the side!

The next moment.

The attack of the dark green shadow also landed on the ground in front of Gu Feng, blasting a huge deep pit!

Looking up.

A ghost-like monster at least three or four meters tall, with dark green ghost fire burning all over its body, appeared in front of him

【[Phantom Swordsman] (Warrior)

Rank: Epic BOSS

Level: 20

HP: 260 million

Attack: 132,000 (+200%)

Defense: 69,000 (+50%)

Speed: 11,000

Talents: Epic Phantom Swordsmanship, Heroic Attack Talent, Silver Defense Talent!

Skills: Sword Thrust, Sword Charge!

Description: The Phantom Swordsman who has mastered advanced swordsmanship has an extremely terrifying burst speed!


【[Phantom Swordsmanship]

Rank: Epic

Effect: With this talent, when you use Phantom Swordsmanship in actual combat, you will gain an additional 10% critical strike effect and 20% critical strike damage!


"This attribute..."

"Fortunately, it is still within my imagination."

After several rank-transition boss attribute increases, Gu Feng roughly guessed the attributes of the epic boss!

But even so.

Seeing the attributes of this ghost swordsman, Gu Feng couldn't help but frown!

This is much stronger than those peak lord-level bosses just now!


Gu Feng's brain worked frantically and calculated his own damage.

Now the magic dragon is entangled, with various bonuses, the second damage has reached more than 13 million!


He also has a special title of"Undead Terminator" that can

In other words, within 200 seconds, this skill of his can cause 2.6 billion damage!

No more, no less... exactly ten times the health of this Phantom Swordsman~

The only special talent is to increase the attributes of critical strike and burst damage!

Moreover, it does not have any resistance talent, and even if it does, it is of no use to Gu Feng now!

Under the blessing of the supreme element damage, as long as Gu Feng converts all the damage except the damage added by the"Eye of the Devil" into"Supreme Element" damage, it will still bear all the attacks! On the other hand, the Phantom Swordsman.

His amplified 260,000 attacks, even if Gu Feng fully bears it, will only be 190,000 in the end!

This little damage can't even break his current mana shield of 670,000 points!

Not to mention the damage to his real health!

"Epic BOSS..."

"It seems that it is nothing special."

Gu Feng immediately relaxed and activated his skills!

"Spirit Burning!"

Attack +2000!

Explosive Damage +20000!

"The dragon is entangled!"


Along with the blue magic flames on Gu Feng's body and two deafening roars, two huge magic dragons suddenly roared out from the top of Gu Feng's staff!

The next moment, a series of terrifying injuries suddenly emerged!

-306.4W (Real Damage!) (Magic Explosion)

-153.2W (Holy!) (Magic Explosion!)

-137.2W (Poison Dragon!) (Magic Explosion)

-68.6W (Holy!) (Magic Explosion!)

-306.4W (Real Damage!) (Magic Explosion)


Under the crazy attack of the dragon, this epic BOSS had no ability to resist at all!

Although he could rely on his"luck and position" to occasionally dodge the dragon's attack once or twice, but you have to know...What is the attack speed of this dragon?

Two times per second!

These attacks make people look more like the death struggle of a prisoner! Very quickly.

In less than half a minute, the ghost swordsman was strangled to death by two dragons!...

There was not even a moment of leisure to attack Gu Feng!

Eleventh Floor...

It took 21 seconds.



Outside the dungeon, the name of the Lone Adventurer has changed again!

【Level 20, Heroic rank·Gu Feng, 11th floor, 2 minutes and 1 second!】

"Too strong! I cleared the 11th floor in two minutes!"

"No...Not two minutes! Have you forgotten how long Gu Feng was at the lord level?"

"Oh My God...I did forget! But...Even two minutes is very fast. When Clayton was at the hero level, it took him more than five minutes to reach the 11th floor!"

"Wait a minute, if these 2 minutes and 1 second exclude the time for the lord level, doesn't it mean that this adventurer named Gu Feng only took 21 seconds to reach the 11th floor?"

"Oh my god! 21 seconds! This is an incredible result!"

"Look! He also passed the 12th level!"

"2 minutes and 50 seconds!"

"God of Magic, what kind of horrible monster is this! Two epic monsters on the 12th floor, and he defeated them in less than a minute?"

"13th floor...Passed the 13th floor too!"

"5 minutes and 2 seconds!"

"Oh my god, the increase in the number of floors will not only increase the number of monsters, but the strength of those monsters will also gradually increase!"

"It's so horrifying, this is truly a monster!"

"The hero's strength is to break through three epic levels in 3 minutes! I dare not dream of such a dream at night!"

"This is simply a monster..."


Countless people were shocked!

Even Fast was shocked and speechless....

After a few minutes of silence, they watched Gu Feng break through the 14th floor!

"The 14th floor!"

"13 minutes and 16 seconds!"


"It only took him more than 6 minutes to defeat 4 monsters of mid-level epic strength!"

"Oh my god...What kind of monster is this?" Fast was shocked and speechless after seeing this scene. This is simply the most powerful genius in the history of history....No, it should be called a monster, a demon!


Juventus, Clarendon are not worthy of being compared with Gu Feng!

Even the super demon Alos of the past thousand years would be eclipsed in front of Gu Feng now!

You know.

Forget about the 14th floor!

What was the result when Alos first broke through the 11th floor?

58 seconds?

Or 68 seconds?

Fast can't remember, it was too long ago!

Anyway, he is not as good as Gu Feng now!

21 seconds to break through the 11th floor...

This achievement.

It will be remembered by the presidents of the five major guilds!

At this moment, Fast suddenly woke up.

Lone Wind Warrior, this is not a genius that he can grasp.

I am afraid that with the appearance of his achievement, the presidents of the five major professional guilds will all take action!


You said that it is not a professional guild. Can Lone Wind, a mage, join other professions?

Don't be kidding!

In front of such a genius, once he grows up and is qualified to be his father, who cares what profession you are!

At that time, they are no longer looking for their successors, but looking for their future backers!

Sure enough.

Fast's prediction was correct.

Just after Lone Wind blew up 15 floors in 24 minutes, all members were shocked!

In turn.

Those members realized that they were witnessing the birth of such a great genius at this time!


Assassin's Guild!

"Get out of the way!"

"Let me see the deputy...No, I want to see the president, Lord Pura!"

"The Tower of Trials has changed! The strongest demon in a thousand years has been born!"


Holy Light Guild!

"Is President Amina here?!"

"The Tower of Trials has undergone a major transformation! A super genius who has surpassed the evildoer Alos has appeared!"


Knights Guild!

"Get out of here! I want to see Master Augustine! A super invincible genius has emerged from the Trial Tower!"

"What? Clarendon?"

"This guy doesn't even deserve to carry shoes with this genius!"


Ranger Guild!

"Damn it! Why did Lord Grings go to the ancient rift again to kill those foreign monsters!"

"If he didn't come back, he might have missed this great event!"

"What? You don't know what's going on?"

"Why don’t you go to the Trial Tower and take a look!"


The Elemental Guild!

"Lord Apros! Lord Apros!!"

"Get out of the way! I want to see Lord Apros!"

"Oh my god...Apros actually went traveling. This is simply the most painful thing I have heard this century!"

"Calm down? What are you asking me to calm down?! If I don't meet Lord Apros now, this genius might be snatched away by another guild!"

"Do you know what the consequences of this are?!"


At this moment, the entire courtyard area of Oracle City...There was chaos all of a sudden!

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