
【[Silver Flame Gauntlets]

Rank: Epic

Level: 25

Occupation: Mage

Reputation: 30

HP: 17000

Magic: 21000

Defense: 846

Attack: 1300

Intelligence: 485

Constitution: 400


Gu Feng took a look at the only gauntlet equipment!

The total attribute of the epic gauntlet can increase 2270 attack points!

This attribute is already quite powerful!

Before, his heroic-level Night Gauntlet only increased about 800 points, which is equivalent to a direct three-fold increase!

No more words.

Wear it directly!

Finally, there is the epic first kill treasure chest reward!

【Ding, you opened the epic first kill treasure chest, obtained the epic equipment selection treasure chest, and obtained rare rewards: necklace·Gale Blue Chain, ring·Gale Blue Ring!】

【[Gale Blue Chain] (Set)

Rank: Epic

Reputation: 1000 Physical

Attack: 5000

Magic Attack: 5000

Defense: 5000

Movement Speed: 5000

Special Effect: Increases your basic attack by 10%! (2/2)


【[Gale Blue Ring] (Set)

Rank: Epic

Reputation: 1000

Physical Attack: 5000

Magic Attack: 5000

Defense: 5000

Movement Speed: 5000

Special Effect: Increases your basic attack by 10%! (2/2)



It appeared again!

The jewelry set!

And this time, it was epic!

The three-dimensional basic attributes were simply and crudely increased by 10,000 points!

Moreover, although the two pieces of equipment together had a maximum reputation value limit of 2,000 points, it was not worth mentioning to Gu Feng at the moment!

He put it on directly!

In an instant,

Gu Feng's three basic attributes of attack, defense and speed became...


Attack: 45515 (+1000%)(+10%)

Defense: 19197 (+1000%)

Movement speed: 18979 (+1000%)



After the addition, it has 550,000 attack, 190,000 defense, and nearly 190,000 movement speed!

This abnormal attribute is not much different from those epic BOSS!

The most important thing is that this set of jewelry has a special effect that can increase the basic attack power by a percentage! It must be said that the increase in the set of jewelry is something that Gu Feng never expected!

You know, this percentage bonus effect is almost a special effect exclusive to talents!

Although it only has a 10% bonus like the bronze-level talent, but after wearing it this time, it also brought Gu Feng a terrifying bonus of 50,000 attack power!

You know, at this stage, it is hard to say whether the total attack of ordinary players has 50,000 points!

"It is indeed a rare reward!"

Gu Feng nodded with satisfaction.

With such explosive attributes, he even wanted to challenge the legendary BOSS directly!

"Oh, right, there is also an epic equipment treasure chest!"

Gu Feng suddenly remembered that there was also an equipment self-selected treasure chest in the first kill treasure chest.

It was just right.

He directly chose a crown position and gathered a complete set of epic equipment!

【Ding, you opened the epic · Equipment Selection Treasure Box and obtained the epic · Wind-Grabbing and Moon-Seizing Crown!】

【[Wind-Grabbing Moon Crown]

Rank: Epic

Level: 25

Occupation: Mage

Reputation: 30

HP: 14400

Magic: 16800

Defense: 1400

Attack: 1170

Constitution: 350

Intelligence: 280


The last piece of epic equipment!!

Gu Feng took a look at the attributes and put it on!

Then, a long-awaited system prompt appeared!

【Ding, you have successfully worn all epic equipment and successfully updated the Mage Equipment Halo!】


【Mage Equipment Aura]

Rank: Epic

Effect: Increase your own attack power by (level x 500) points!


When the epic equipment aura is triggered, Gu Feng's attack power will be increased explosively!

At this point, the epic first kill reward is completely over!

"but...I always feel like something is missing"

"But I don't know what it is."

Gu Feng looked at his backpack and felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, not far away, a treasure chest emitting a light blue light appeared in his sight!

"I see!"

"I was wondering why I felt like something was missing. It turned out to be an epic lost treasure chest!"

After several first kills,

Gu Feng found a little bit of pattern.

Although these lost treasure chests are scattered in various random locations in the extraordinary continent, you can find them if you are lucky.

However, if you get a first kill every time, it seems that you can find a lost treasure chest nearby!

Seeing the light blue treasure chest,

Gu Feng took two steps at a time and went straight there!


【Lost Treasure Chest]

Rank: Epic

Description: After opening it, you can get rich rewards!



It is indeed an epic lost treasure chest!

Open it directly!

【Ding, you got intelligence fruit x50!】

【Ding, you got the Lunar Eclipse Curse!】

【Ding, you have obtained rare rewards: White Tiger·Source Soul Power: Demon Spider·Soul-Splitting Fang!】



"50 intelligence fruits actually bloomed!"

"This is comfortable!"

The last time, Gu Feng opened a most useless power fruit from the heroic lost treasure chest.

There were 20 power fruits, and if he used them himself, he could only increase his life by 100 points, which was really ineffective.

So he bought 2,000 gold coins at a unit price of 100 gold coins.

Now that he has opened 50 intelligence fruits, he must use them himself!

【Ding, you used 50 intelligence fruits, your intelligence attribute increased by 500 points, and your spell attack increased by 5000 points! 】

The use of a wave of intelligence fruits once again increased Gu Fengbao's attack by 6000 points!

It was so cool!

"This epic lost treasure chest is so comfortable!"

"Once the intelligence fruit is opened, it will be an explosive improvement in minutes!"

Gu Feng couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, after this wave of epic first kills, his attack power directly increased from 31,000 points to 63,000!

More than doubled!

Moreover, a White Tiger Source Soul Power was exploded!


【[Demon Spider·Soul-Splitting Fang]

Category: White Tiger·Source Soul Power

Rank: Epic

Occupation: Origin Occupation

Reputation: 1000

Basics: Each point of intelligence and strength attribute can increase its own 1000 points of critical damage!

Current: Critical damage +759W (Strength 2165, Intelligence 5433)

Passive·Death Fang: After each attack hits, reduce the enemy's attack power by (level x100) points, lasting 10 seconds and refresh the duration after each attack hits, up to 10 layers!


"This source soul..."It's so strong!"

Seeing the soul effect of the Demon Spider Soul-Splitting Fang, Gu Feng was immediately delighted! Now the strength and intelligence attributes have a total of more than 7,000 attribute points, which directly increases Gu Feng's critical damage by more than 7 million!...

Who wouldn't like the abnormal effect of the source soul power?

You know, now it's hard to say that the damage of many of Gu Feng's skills can reach 7.59 million.

Of course.

This is also because his two attributes are very high.

But even for ordinary players at this stage, the sum of these two attributes is at least close to 2,000!

In other words, even ordinary players, once wearing the source soul of the Demon Spider Soul-Splitting Fang, can instantly increase the critical damage by more than 2 million points!

At that time.

These players are likely to see a picture is...

The normal damage to itself may only be 50,000 or 80,000....

Instantly, it was a seven-digit explosion damage!

That was simply awesome!

The emergence of a source soul power could even directly change a player's attribute development for a long period of time in the future!


Gu Feng currently only had two source soul powers!

And the extremely high reputation limit...Even if ordinary players get it, it is probably difficult to wear it!

It takes 1000 epic reputation points.

At least dozens of epic bosses must be killed....

Just thinking about it makes me tired!

And there are equipment and skills!

These all require a lot of money and reputation points to open the slots!

Not to mention anything else.

Gu Fengguang learned the third epic skill, Earth Spring.

It cost him 100,000 gold coins and 100 epic reputation points to open the third epic skill slot!

Now there are skill slots No. 4 and No. 5!

In total, Gu Feng needs at least 700,000 gold coins to fill them all!

As for the epic soul slot, it is much cheaper.

It only requires 100 reputation points and 100 gold coins.

Without hesitation,

Gu Feng opened the slot directly and equipped the Demon Spider Soul-Splitting Fang!

"Now I feel comfortable!"

At this time,

Gu Feng has transformed into the"Complete Epic" level!

If he faces an epic BOSS again, he will be killed in seconds in front of him!

"Let's go!"

Gu Feng patted Dongfang Muqing's shoulder.


"Where are you going?"

Dongfang Muqing was stunned and asked curiously.

"Of course I'm going back."

Gu Feng looked at him like he was a fool,"Now that we've already got the first kill of the epic BSOS, why are you still staying here?"

"oh oh..."

"That's right."

Dongfang Muqing finally realized it.

It's not her fault....

Gu Feng shocked her so much along the way, wave after wave!

From the attacks that the epic BOSS could not break through, to the instant kill of the epic BOSS!

There was also the abnormal skill of the God's power descending from the sky, and the water flow skill that Gu Feng released casually....

If I'm not mistaken, it should be called Diyongtianquan, right


These scenes.

Not to mention ordinary people, even Dongfang Muqing felt that she was a little overwhelmed by the shock.

However, at this time.

Dongfang Muqing received a private message.

Dongfang Zhanlong:"Muqing, how is the situation over there? The court just approved 10 billion funds for me!"

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