National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 114 The Prince's Gang is in action, the legendary black elf clan, the dark spider clan!

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

Walking on the road, the [communicator] kept ringing, and after opening it, rows of friend messages poured in.

"Senior, I'm so worried about you!" - Liu Junyao.

"Student Mu Xue, find a way to hide, survive half a month, and leave the sacred tree secret realm immediately... This is an order!" - Principal Situ Yu.

"Uuuuu, scumbag, I was scolded by the principal, when will I come back?" - Teacher Xiao Chen.

"Xue Da, idol!" - classmate Zheng Xiang.

"Xue Da, all the classmates are worried about you, consider whether or not to form a group to the sacred tree secret realm to save you." ——~ Classmate Li Meimei.


The product of "World of the Gods" has many functions and can receive signals from the real world.

School girls, principals, teachers, and classmates all sent messages - and they were very worried about themselves.

However, they should be worried about the Prince's Gang, right?

Simple message back.

Su Yu turned on the traffic switch of [Communicator], clicked on the built-in browser, and started browsing the official website of "Gods".

Traffic is expensive, but affordable.

"The Fall of the Legendary Clan - The Rise and Fall of the Dark Elf and Dark Spider Clan!"

Do some searching.

A post about the Dark Spider clan caught Su Yu's eyes.

You guessed right, this Heilina Mistress is really not simple. The "Dark Spider Clan" she was in charge of was once the most powerful black elf clan in the sacred tree secret realm, and once unified the black elves of the Frost Snow Mountains.

The Dark Spider Clan, known as the Legendary Clan.

At its peak, the Dark Spider Clan, who had once invaded the Holy Tree City, fought the high elves to shrink the city, and it was in jeopardy.

But this time,

The devil has invaded the sacred tree secret realm!

The dark spider clan agreed to the peace of the high elves, and the two elves fought against the invasion of the devil together. During the war, the demons were repelled, but the Dark Spider clan was bizarrely wiped out, leaving only the old, the weak and the sick.

Without the leadership of the dark spider clan, the black elves are nothing but scattered sand. The high elves tore up the "Peace Treaty" and once again expelled the black elves to the bitter and cold Frost and Snow Mountains.

High elves have the last laugh!


"This dark spider clan is very powerful, but it's just that its brain is not easy to use~"

After reading the post.

Su Yu couldn't help but smile.

The high elves, known as the strongest race in the world, were beaten by the dark spider clan and could not find the north. The combat power of the Dark Spider clan can be imagined!

However, it was calculated by the high elves and acted as a tool to defend against demons.

miserable, miserable, miserable...

【You found it: Dark Spider Clan Camp!】

【Experience +500!】

after one day.

At the foot of a leeward mountain, Su Yu found a green hole. Several black elf girls with pointed ears, long eyebrows, thin waists and long legs, and full of exotic customs, were guarding the door.

Dark spider camp, finally found!

at the same time.

At the entrance of the camp, Su Yu saw the figures of several players. The leader was a knight in a diamond outfit with the id [Imperial City Domination].

There are several other people from Imperial College, including 【Two Butterflies】.

"The people from the Prince's Gang have also found this place?"

Su Yu was a little puzzled.

The imperial city dominates, but in the secret realm of the sacred tree, the head of the Prince's Gang, he has traveled thousands of miles to the Dark Spider Clan. Could it be that there is no big plan?

The Prince's Gang's plan, I have to talk about it in high-definition!

Also went to the cave.

the other side.

Huangcheng Baye and others were about to enter the cave when they suddenly noticed Su Yu who appeared behind.

"Thousand Mountains Twilight Snow?"

"How did he find out here? 39

Seeing Su Yu, Huangcheng Baye's eyelids jumped, and there was a bad feeling.

Since this person came to the secret realm of the sacred tree, the Emperor Extermination Works University, robbed the airdrop, robbed the secret realm, and made the secret realm a mess, and now he ran to the dark spider camp!

What is this guy doing?

"This kid is a bit wicked, how did he find this place in such a big snow-capped mountain?! 35 The two butterflies murmured, but they couldn't figure it out.

"There must be something strange about this!"

"Ordinarily, the dark spider camp is very secretive, and ordinary players can't find it at all!""

"This thousand mountains and twilight snow, won't threaten our big plan?

"Boss, do you want to kill this person?"

The people of the Prince's Gang were discussing for a while.

Raiding the Dark Spider Camp, the highest order from Principal Qin, is currently the biggest plan of the Prince's Gang, and no one is allowed to interfere!

"It's okay!

"The plan is important, there is no need to have an accident, the most important thing is to meet Yingyue first and present the treasure given by Principal Qin.

"As for Mu Xue, he doesn't have enough reputation to threaten his plans for the time being."

some thought,

Imperial City Hegemony said cautiously.

The black elf camp is not something you can enter if you want to. It requires at least 10,000 reputation. For this 10,000 reputation, the prince helped to do a task for a month or two.

It's all tears~

Qianshan Muxue, a newcomer, did not earn 10,000 reputation, and could not enter the gate of the black elf at all, so naturally it would not threaten the plan.

After all,

The people from the Prince's Gang filed in and entered the cave.

"Human, please stay!"

Cave door.

When Su Yu stepped forward, a black elf girl with a slender waist and long legs and pointed ears immediately stopped in front of her.


"I came to see Miss Moon Shadow on the order of Mistress Helena."

Su Yu also said.

The black elves have always been suspicious and hostile to other races, so it is not surprising that they were stopped outside the cave.

"Humans are as eloquent as high-fidelity, you can't believe it, we don't believe your words. 99

"Besides, Mistress Helena has already fallen!

0.... ask for flowers...

The black elf girl looked vigilant.

"I can prove it.

Without saying a word, Su Yu took out the [Soul Chandelier], ready to let Helena squeak, so that she could enter the cave.

However, the geese, perhaps this group of soul bodies, have already been dying, and there is no response at all!


It's a fool, I can't enter the cave now, the task is stuck here!


"The cold winter is shrouded in this land. Our clansmen are short of clothes to keep out the cold. Looking for 10,000 fresh bear skins, you will gain a trace of trust from the Dark Spider Clan."

The black elf girl continued.

[Hint: You get the quest "Winter Skins", the quest reward, and 10 points of prestige with the Dark Spider Clan! 】

A prompt appears.

This is the quest released by the Dark Spider Clan, but the reward is only 10 reputation points, is it too sloppy?

"Then ask.

"How much prestige do you need to enter the cave and meet Miss Shadowmoon?"

Su Yu pointed it out directly.


"Only those who have gained the trust of the clan are eligible to enter the camp, and this requires 10,000 reputation points!"

The black elf girl explained.

1 mission for 10 reputation.

To enter, you need 10,000 reputation.

He vomited blood, Su Yu vomited blood directly.

good guy,

I am afraid that it is not a thousand tasks to enter the dark spider camp. This is a special meow, and it simply treats the players as coolies.

Are you the Blackheart clan?

Finish the task.

Su Yu knocked on the head, it's a little big!

Dark Spider Camp.

There is an enchantment, and you cannot forcibly break in. You can only earn 10,000 reputation before you can enter the camp and start the next stage of the mission "Road to Redemption".

It's embarrassing now,

Do you really want to work for the black elves and do 1000 tasks?


It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life.

The big deal is to give up the mission "Road to Redemption"!

has supernatural talent,

You can fly anywhere, right?

click, click...

Su Yu was walking in the snow, thinking about countermeasures, at this time, a small frost spider with shiny ice crystals was foraging in the snow.

The mountains are covered by heavy snow, and food is hard to find.

This little spider, while walking, complained: "What the hell is the weather, Miss Ben is going out of shape with hunger, where can there be fragrant bird eggs to eat, I am so greedy!"

Because of the enchanted entry (animal speechless).

Su Yu could hear the little spider's complaints.


Su Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, he crouched down, looked at Little Spider, and said, "Brother Spider, no, Miss Spider, can I ask you something?"

ps, thank you Yang Guangbing for your reward! Chuan.

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