National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 125 It's so hard for me to ambush the blood alliance and be wanted again!

"Brother Meng."

"Get rid of the elf chasing soldiers, and we will be prosperous, wagh!"

in the valley,

The leading orc [Big Brother Lionel Ridge] waved his arms, and the orc players counterattacked like crazy.

As for the orcs, there is a big bronze boss to help out. Even if the boss is weak, the combat power is not comparable to that of ordinary units.

A hard fight.

The boss was rubbed off a grid of blood, thirty or forty orc players died, and the elves were wiped out!




The orc player roared happily.

This time, four of the five sisters in Sacred Tree City went out for a meeting, and one was killed by Qianshan Muxue, so they had a chance to rob an NPC in a secret prison.

This npc is not easy,

With a single strength, he reached the Bronze Boss level.

My father is the grand marshal of the demon army in the secret realm, one of the strongest in the secret realm, [King of Black Fire Tarot]!

After completing this task, the reward can be imagined!


It was also when the orc players such as [Lion Camel Ridge] were about to escort the boss away and head to the demon camp to receive the reward.

A pair of eyes stared here in the distance.

"A word for you. 55

"The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind!

Su Yu hehe smiled.

At present, his base range is 20 times, which is 1,000 yards, and the weapon [Giant Heavy Crossbow] has a range of 5,550 yards, and the total range is 6,550 yards.

Standing on a mountain peak six thousand yards away, raising your hand is an arrow.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

-7333! (Knockback)

-7555! (Knockback)

-7499! (Knockback)

-7571! (click "697" to retreat)

four arrows,

In an instant, it crossed a distance of 6,000 yards, all hits, and shot in the head of an orc, four damage numbers bounced out, and the total damage was less than 30,000!

[You killed the hostile player: (Iv25・The second child of Shi Tuoling)! 】

Killed a Tie Hanhan,

Keep attacking!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Another shot of three arrows exploded an orc shooter.

[You killed the hostile player: (lv25. Orc Saigao)! 】

Another Tie Hanhan was killed.

[You killed a hostile player: (lv25 · Shi Tuoling third child)! 】

[You killed the hostile player: (lv25 · Shi Tuoling fourth child)! 】

[You killed an enemy player: (lv25・Beast Blood)!]

【You killed...】

【You killed...】

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The rain of arrows whizzed past, and the lucky orc player suffered a disaster in an instant.

some three arrows,

some four arrows,

At most five or six arrows,

Su Yu can easily shoot an orc player. This kind of joy of ultra-long-range sniping, the feeling of instantly manipulating other people's life and death, is really enjoyable.

With a range of 6000+ and the effect of the anti-hidden [flare], the orc players in the valley are completely lambs to be slaughtered.

Massacre at will!

"Special code, who is attacking Lao Tzu, stand up for Lao Tzu!"

"I want to fight you one-on-one!

in the valley,

[Big Brother Shituoling], seeing his teammates being shot one by one, he was also instantly furious.

From the ballistic point of view,

The person who shot was hiding in the grass a few kilometers away. He couldn't see anyone, only arrows.

And the flat terrain in the canyon also makes the orcs have nowhere to hide, it is completely a target!


"We can't die, once we die, the boss escort mission will fail, what!

"Rush for Lao Tzu!"

[Big Brother Shituoling] My eyes are red, how can I plant the task that is about to be completed with great difficulty?




Just two steps away, a few arrows hit the forehead, and with a thud, [Big Brother Shi Tuoling] fell to the ground.

At the moment of becoming an orc, he will always be Su Yu's enemy,

Su Yu is not the Virgin and will not be merciful to the enemy!

And before dying,

Brother Shituoling also sent a message to the boss of the demon camp, [Black Wind Crazy Saber]: "Boss, we were killed by Qianshan Muxue, avenge me!!"

After the death of [Big Brother Shi Tuoling].

Orc players, dragons without a leader.

The rushing rush, the escaping escaping, making a mess, and were quickly shot and killed by the ultra-long-range arrow rain.

Killed the player.

Su Yu's eyes also fell on the boss.

[Flame Lord Talis, Bronze Lord boss, 7800 attack, 13 million blood, weak state (skills greatly weakened)]

good guy,

A weak boss with 13 million blood, and no one else.

Without further ado, let's go straight!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

-5888! (Knockback)

-5999! (Knockback)


even weak,

The body of the bronze lord is also hard enough, one arrow can only deal less than 6000 damage, and the output is greatly reduced.


【Flame Armor】!

[Description: Wearing a layer of flame armor, greatly increasing the status resistance, and dealing 10% fire damage]!

The shot back again and again,

The flame lord shouted, covering his body with a layer of fire armor, and in an instant, he was immune to the knockback effect of the heavy crossbow.




All right,

Every time an arrow is fired, it takes 10% of the damage, injuring 800 enemies, and 80% self-damage. In just a short while, the damage is less than 10,000 HP.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

As a huge flame giant, [Flame Lord Talis] was twenty or thirty meters high, and he took a dozen meters in one step, and ran several hundred steps in a blink of an eye, and he came to the vicinity of Su Yu.

【Fuel gas】!

【Fire Rain Blast】!

The flame lord raised his hand and spread a layer of hot fuel in the air, and immediately released a rain of fire, which fell on the fuel and exploded violently.

boom boom boom...

The entire mountain was suddenly attacked by modern fuel bombs.

"This boss has something.""

"Also know combo skills!"

Su Yu was a little interested, the bronze lord level boss, as long as he didn't go up like [Holy Tree Priest Aurora], his combat power would still be great.




In an indecision, flashing,

Su Yu flashed three times in a row, dodging the boss's wave of fuel bombs, and instantly appeared 3,000 yards away.

Without further ado, keep shooting!


-5670! (knockback resistance)–567! (return damage)

-5820! (knockback resistance) −582! (reverse damage)

Shooting constantly.

The boss's HP was worn down a little bit, and Su Yu was constantly taking fire damage.

After hitting seven or eight million output, the boss approached again.

At this time, the flash has not cooled down.

【Sacred Artifact・Angel Wings】!

The relic opens.

Su Yu flapped his wings, and with a tenfold movement speed blessing, like a white lightning, he pulled away from the boss again.

-35555! (600%)

-33719! (600% burst damage)

-33333! (600% burst damage)

flight status,

The group with high damage, the knife hit 6 times the crit, shot dozens of arrows in a row, and dealt more than one million damage.

The distance also widened to 6,000 yards again.

open the holy relic,

It is to continue to consume divine power. After pulling the distance, Su Yu retracted his wings and continued to stand.

And the boss flame lord.

Once again, it was extremely hard, and he ran over.

Facts have proved,

In the open terrain, the ultra-long range + ultra-high maneuverability is simply an invincible existence.

A dignified bronze lord boss,

from start to finish,

He was shot like a hedgehog, but he didn't even get a single shot from Su Yu,

long blood strips,

Hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands have been worn away, and finally, there are only 1 million left!

"The power of fire.

"Come and punish my enemies!"

[Flame Lord Talis] stopped the pursuit, shouted loudly, pointed to the sky, and the terrifying flame breath gathered in the sky, forming a huge flame vortex!

【Fire Eyes】!

[Description: Flame Eyes, randomly attack the bottom ten times, causing random damage between 100,000 and 1 million each time. 】


In the vortex, a pair of giant flame eyes suddenly opened, and the giant eyes stared at Su Yu below, and a giant flame ray burst down.

"Um, 100,000 to 1 million damage, who can withstand this.

Su Yu has a black line on his face,

Bad luck, one attack, you can lose yourself in seconds.

Moreover, the giant eye attacked ten times in total.


【Refrigerator Technique】!

The flame ray fell, Su Yu did not say a word, turned on the refrigerator technique, and resisted this ray attack.

【Your "Refrigerator Technique" resisted an attack!】

【Your "Refrigerator Technique" is affected by the laws of space and begins to disintegrate!】

After resisting the attack,

The "Refrigerator Technique", which can last indefinitely, actually shattered 0. . . .

Su Yu was also taken aback.

did not expect.

The ultimate big move of this boss actually contains the laws of space. The laws of space can change the structure of space and directly invalidate some skills, which is very abnormal.


At this time, the giant eye stared again, and the second flame ray slammed down!

【Sacred Artifact・Ghost Armor】!

crucial moment,

Su Yu opened the second holy artifact, whether it is dead or alive, it depends on 99.9% of the ghost armor's absolute miss, which is not enough.



When the word miss popped up, Su Yu let out a long breath.

Because the space law of the skill is weak, it is also unable to break open this sacred object. 99.9% of the absolute dodge state still exists.







Next, came the exciting moment of gambling.

Will the 0.1% probability of blocking happen?

The giant eyes in the sky blasted down eight giant flame rays in a row, without exception, they were all dodged by the [Sacred Artifact・Ghost Armor],

It seems that his face is not so dark.

"how is this possible?"

"The deity's big move was all hidden by you? 35

a series of misses,

The boss [Flame Lord · Talis] is a little scalp numb, and he wants to vomit blood, but his ultimate moves are all dodged, how can this be played?!

"It's my turn to fight back!"

Su Yu let out a sigh of relief and turned on the [Sacred Artifact・Angel Wings] again, 10 times the range, 3 times the attack speed, and 100% crit.

-34444! (600% burst damage)



In the form of an angel, the output exploded, and Talis's last one million HP did not last long before being completely shot and fell to the ground.


"I am the son of the Demon Marshal [King of Black Fire, Tarot], if you dare to kill me, you will be hunted down by the devil!"

[Flame Lord Talis] Unwilling.

How can the second generation of the dignified hell be so aggrieved and die in the hands of an unknown adventurer?!


"Your father is Tarot? Even if your father is Tarot!

Su Yu smiled.

Begging for mercy and begging so righteously, it is almost courting death, saying an arrow, and the life of this second generation of hell.

After killing the boss, level up smoothly.

A row of golden announcements was immediately swiped.

[Secret Realm Announcement: Player (Iv23 Qianshan Muxue), successfully killed the Hell camp, Bronze Lord boss, (Flame Lord · Talis)! 】

[Reward: "Scroll · Flame Eyes" x1!



The announcement is swiped 3 times in a row,

The entire sacred tree secret realm, players are also stunned...

Yesterday, I just killed an elf bronze lord, today, I killed another demon bronze lord,

When did the aloof bronze lord boss become a cabbage?!


The players haven't discussed it for a long time, and the entire secret realm is suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the gloomy wind bursts into darkness...


"Someone dares to kill the son of this commander, I will definitely let you suffer the wrath of the devil!

A thunderous voice echoed through the clouds.

The Bloody Announcement also came out!

[Secret Realm Announcement: Demon Marshal (King of the Black King · Tarot) Wanted Players (Iv23 Qianshan Muxue), Reward: Advanced Demon Blood x1 (You can get advanced Demon Bloodline after taking it)]

[From now on, every hour, the whereabouts of Qianshan Muxue will be located by a beam of light for players to track!]


【Announcement: l

see the announcement,

The players in the secret realm were even more lively. First, the elves wanted Qianshan Muxue, and now, the devil also wanted Qianshan Muxue.

to be publicly located,

Mu Xue Da, is it too miserable?!

some people are shocked,

some people regret,

Some people are slightly tempted, a piece of high-level demon blood is the best for orcs, and it is also an invaluable item for human beings!!

"I'm going~"

"Isn't it just killing one of your sons, as for being so angry, can't you afford it?

Su Yu couldn't help laughing.

He didn't care anymore, he put away the heavy crossbow, and hurried to the boss's corpse.

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