National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 137 This is the treasure house of your Prince's Gang? The traitor is me?!

【You have arrived: Holy Tree City!】

[Your current reputation in Holy Tree City is: -152 million (Blood Sea Vengeance)! 】

The gate of the Holy Tree City.

A message popped up.

good guy,

The elves deserve to be the most vengeful race. Last time they killed a holy tree priest and stole thousands of holy tree fruits, in exchange for a high-level blood feud!

Since there is a deep feud in the sea of ​​blood, it is necessary to sneak into the city.

【Spiritual Changes】!

【Magic Changes・Little Bee】!

next moment,

Su Yu transformed into a little bee, flapped its wings, and flew into the city with a swagger in front of the guards of the Holy Tree City.

At this time, the city was actively preparing for the battle, and the troops were fighting fiercely.

Soldiers were everywhere.

city ​​defense key,

It was the defense information of the city wall, the position of the dark post, Su Yu's first stop, also flapping his wings, searching on the city wall.

[Task reminder: The map drawer is started, and the map is being drawn automatically!]

while flying,

The map maker emits light waves around and draws a three-dimensional map of the city wall, which is a bit like scanning 3D modeling.

The city wall surrounds the entire Sacred Tree City, and it takes a long time to circle around, but Su Yu is not in a hurry.

Draw little by little.

[Task reminder: The city wall map is successfully drawn, and the task completion rate is 25%!]

After half a day.

The map of the city walls has been drawn.

The second stop,

It is the barracks where the elf soldiers live.

[Task reminder: The map of the Holy Tree City military camp is being drawn...]

[Task reminder: The military camp map is drawn successfully, and the task completion rate is 50%!]

[Task reminder: The map of the Armory of the Holy Tree City is being drawn...]

[Task reminder: The map of the Armory is drawn successfully, and the task completion rate is 75%! 】

[Task reminder: The street map of Holy Tree City is being drawn...]

[Task reminder: The street map is drawn successfully, and the task completion rate is 100%!]

Noon the next day.

Su Yu finally finished drawing the entire city defense.

busy all night,

Really tired.

"Go back and rest for a day, and then you can attack! 35

Su Yu thought and flew out of the city.


"People from the Prince's Gang? Go and have a look first! 99

Fly a few steps.

I saw a group of students from major colleges and universities in the imperial capital frequently appearing in a palace on the street. The students of the imperial capital are almost all members of the Prince's Gang.

This palace should also be a branch of the Prince's Gang.

a dive,

Su Yu flew towards the palace.

inside the palace.

People come and go, very lively.

Fly all the way.

Su Yu soon found a huge treasure trove in a deep room. The members of the Prince's Gang deposited gold coins into the treasure house one after another.

"I'm going to... the treasure house of the Prince's Help?"

Su Yu was instantly stunned.

From the chat, we learned that this treasure house is the treasure house for storing the gold coins and materials of the Prince's Gang. The financial resources of the Taizi Gang, God knows how many good goods are stored in the treasure house!!

On the door of the treasure house, there is a huge metal combination lock.

【To take out the item, you need: outbound password!】

[Storage items, you need: storage password! 】

glanced at,

Only then did Su Yu know that there are passwords for leaving the warehouse and passwords for entering the warehouse.

storage password,

Through the secret observation just now, Su Yu has already seen it clearly, as for the password for leaving the warehouse, he does not know.

"No outbound password!"

"I can't take a single piece of this treasure trove of supplies... It's uncomfortable!"

Su Yu's head hurts a bit.

Entering Debao Mountain and returning empty-handed, this is simply, don't be too uncomfortable!

Gotta find a way to get the password!

fly to the beams,

Su Yu was condescending, looking down,


After looking at it for a long time, all the members of the Prince's Gang stored things in the treasury, but they did not see the password for leaving the warehouse. Tomorrow will be the siege battle, and the Prince's Gang will definitely transfer all the finances in the treasure house to the real world.

By then, it will be too late!

clap clap clap...

Just when there was nothing to do, a small ant, pat pat pat, crawled by in front of him.

see little ants,

Su Yu's eyes lit up, and an idea came to him immediately.

"Brother Ant~~.

Su Yu shouted.

He has the [Animal Whisper] enchanted entry, and can chat with small animals and insects.

"A talking little bee?...Stay where it's cool, don't disturb Lao Tzu's work, Lao Tzu wants to work, and the meaning of life is to work!

The little ant said a little sideways.

Then ignored Su Yu and crawled all the way forward.

All right,

Being coldly ignored by an ant, Su Yu was not in a hurry, took out a candy cube from his backpack, and tossed it in the air.

"Huh, the smell of sugar? 99

The little ant immediately turned back and looked at the sugar cube with a greedy look on his face.

"Want it?"

Su Yu laughed.

"Think! 35

The little ant nodded obediently. Ants have no resistance to sugar.

"it is good."

"Then tell me what is the password to unlock the lock below. This piece of candy belongs to you."

Su Yu said.

If this little ant has been living nearby, he must have seen the password for the treasure house.

"Open password?"

"What is this... I only know that I once saw a human who pressed a series of numbers and opened the door to the treasure house."

"The numbers are: 51888-51888.

Ant said cutely.

It doesn't know the password of the warehouse, it only remembers a string of numbers.

"I want to send, I want to send..."


Su Yu threw the sugar cube to the little ant, and it was also laughing. Can this password for the Prince's Gang be a little more vulgar?

got the password.

wait quietly,

When there was no one in the hall, Su Yu dived, came to the combination lock, and transformed into a human form.

【Please enter the password: warehousing password/outbound password!】

A prompt appears.


Su Yu entered the password immediately.

【You have entered: outbound password!】

【You get the permission to leave the library, the door of the treasure house is about to open!】

After a row of information.

The huge metal gate opened slowly, Su Yu flapped his wings and rushed into the treasure house.


Inside the treasury, glittering and splendid...

Gold coins are piled up like mountains, all kinds of sapphires, rubies, emeralds... Countless.

There are also a variety of rare potions!

"The Prince's Gang really has something... but unfortunately, it's mine now!

Laugh out loud.

Su Yu immediately started picking things up.

【You get: gold coins x 100,000!】

【You get: gold coins x 100,000!】

【You get: gold coins x 100,000!】

【You get: gold coins x 100,000!】


One can be exchanged for 5000 real currency,

And now, Su Yu just picked up 100,000 gold coins, and the number of gold coins in his backpack is skyrocketing wildly!!

After a while.

Su Yu first picked up the gold coins in the treasury. Roughly calculated, there are about 4.5 million in total, which is about 22.5 billion in real money!

I accidentally picked up more than 20 billion, don't be too cool!

[You get: Flawless Sapphire x100!] (Embodied)

【You get: Flawless Emerald x100!】

【You get: Flawless Purple Gem x100!】

【You get: l

【You get: l

some search,

All kinds of flawless gemstones, a total of tens of thousands of them have been harvested. The value of each piece ranges from 10 to 1,000 gold coins, and this wave is another hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

[You get: "Blue Tornado Scroll" x1! 】

【You get: "Blue・Group Healing Scroll" x1!】

【You get: "Blue Earth Dragon Summoning Scroll" x1!】

[You get: "Revelation · Healing Potion" x15! 】

[You get: "Invincible Potion of Invincibility" x22! 】

【You get: "Exhibition·Magic Potion" x5!】

Various scrolls and potions have also gained a lot, all of which are of present quality and can be brought into the real world to make a fortune.

There are also 5 rare potions of magic power, which surprises Su Yu!

magic potion,

Each bottle can restore 100 points of divine power, which is definitely a turning point in boss battles.

【You get: (Blessed Roulette) x1!】

some search,

Finally found a roulette wheel.

Impressively, it is the [Blessing Roulette] that can give you an extra life. Due to the existence of "true death", this kind of life-saving tool should not be too precious.

Blessed roulette, generally has a price and no market, if you want to spend money to buy it, at least 11 digits!



scrolls, potions,

bless roulette,

Taken together, this wave is also profitable!

"The benefits are in hand, let's go!

After the sweep was completed, Su Yu changed into a little bee again, closed the gate, left the palace, and flew out of the city buzzing.

~ Principal Qin, please rest assured!

"All property has been stored in the warehouse, and members will be arranged uniformly and transported to the real world."


Huangcheng Baye came to the treasure house with a confident face, and reported his work to Qin Wentian, the principal of Jinghua through video chat.

"it is good!"

"Baye, you do things, I can rest assured. 35

On the other side of the video, Principal Qin Wentian nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you Principal for your love!"

"In this batch of supplies, there are several items that the students specially dedicated to you, the principal, including: 5 bottles of magic potion, 1 bless compass!"

Imperial City Hegemony said respectfully.

These things were also obtained by chance when the Prince Gang did a hidden mission.


Qin Wentian raised his brows, obviously interested.

Bless the compass, one more life, no one will hate it.

The potion of divine power, in the full-level awakening field, some big moves require divine power.

He was very satisfied with these two things.

"Principal! 35

"The students will arrange for someone to transfer them immediately!

Huangcheng Baye waved his hand, and hundreds of Prince Gang players who were in charge of transportation were also lined up on both sides of the gate, waiting for the goods to be transported.

Then come to the password lock and enter the outbound password.


The huge treasury door opened, and Huangcheng Baye looked into the treasury with a smile on his face...and then...then, the smile solidified on his face!

In the treasure house, it is empty at this time, and there is not even a speck of dust in it!!

Millions of gold coins are gone!

Tens of thousands of embodied gems are gone!

Countless scrolls and potions are gone!

Those 5 bottles of magic potion and 1 bless compass are also gone!!

Everything is gone!

How to fat four?

Imperial City Hegemony was stunned, and at the other end of the video, Qin Wentian was also stunned!!

I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air...!

"what happened?"

Qin Wentian (Zhao De's) snorted coldly.

"Students...Students don't even know what they want!

The imperial city hegemony was stunned.

The headquarters of the Prince's Gang is heavily guarded, and the password for leaving the warehouse is also known by both him and the principal, and it is impossible to leak it to the outside world!

"Check the background log. Year

"The old man should take a look, what the hell is going on?!

Qin Wentian slapped the table and shouted angrily.

5 bottles of magic potion and 1 bless compass were all gone, and the principal Qin lost his mind in anger.

"Students, take a look!"

Huangcheng Baye hurriedly stepped forward and retrieved the unlock record of the combination lock.

[16:49, the player (Iv24·Qianshan Muxue) successfully unlocked the lock using the (outbound password)! 】

"Thousands of Mountains Twilight Snow"

Seeing this id, Huangcheng Baye had the urge to vomit blood.

It's the ghost of Qianshan Muxue again,


Only he and the principal have always known the password for leaving the warehouse, so how did Mu Xue know the password for leaving the warehouse?!

This is too weird!!

Could it be that it was Principal Qin Wentian who leaked the password to Qianshan Muxue, is it impossible?

Or, could it be the password that he leaked to Qianshan Muxue?

must be so...

Naturally, Principal Qin will not reveal the password, then, there is only one possibility for the traitor who leaks the password... that is himself!!

some thoughtful thought,

Imperial City Hegemony suddenly discovered that the traitor was not someone else, but myself?!


"Listen to my explanation, this password is really not the cold that I leaked to Qianshan Muxue!"

"I'm not a traitor! 35

Looking at the video.

Principal Qin Wentian's man-eating gaze, the imperial city dominates, he wants to cry but has no tears, and hurriedly explained.

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